Date men from United States / Arizona / Scottsdale, 34 year old

Date single man from Scottsdale, United States. As a busy professional, I'm passionate about work and play and am drawn to similar types. While my career and business are important to me, so is a life of balance outside of the office through travel, seeing and experiencing the World, great friends, an amazing family (parents married nearly 40 years), and my many indoor and outdoor pursuits--whether diving a new wreck in the Bahamas, descending fresh powder in Park City, fishing for blues off the coast of Mexico, or just catching a live game, attending a new art exhibit, cooking with or entertaining friends closer to home.

Meet a man from Scottsdale, United States. My friends say I am very fun and keep you interested and engaged. I don't think it's a token Asian thing but I definitely am the one you want to hang out with regardless of event.
I'm fairly ambitious, have a good career, I am somewhat of a foodie (coming from NYC how can you not?), I like to travel and love listening to music. I can be adventurous and am known to go international on my own.
About you: extremely high maintenance and a complete pain in the

Date someone special from Scottsdale, United States. Read the profile, then if you want to know more, how about we chat through e-mail? This seems awfully repetitive. Although, I'd say I'm a pretty good guy, so you should e-mail me, lol. All in all, I'm a busy person looking for something solid. I don't have time to meet people outside of work really, so I resorted to this.

Meet a soulmate from Scottsdale, United States. I grew up in Minnesota and eventually landed in AZ for the weather. I work hard for my quest of an early retirement but I like to think that I balance life well enough to make plenty of time for fun and excitement.
I'm a firm believer that getting together with friends and enjoying great fun and laughter with good people around you is an important factor of life. Having that in my life keeps me stress free.
I think I have a pretty good idea of what I want out of life and love, but I keep the door open for nice surprises. I don't put big expectations on things I can't control the outcome of; but I'm the first one to jump in and see what I can make of it.
I take on life with a smile and tend to bring humor to most situations and at the same time hold a serious side for when it's needed most.
I'm not going to try to pinpoint what I'm looking for in a woman but I will say that what ultimately makes the biggest impact on me is finding that connection that proves to me over and over again that she is just as much into me as I am into her.
I'll leave the rest for actual conversation...

Date single man from Arizona, United States. Yah I live in Scottsdale but I'm not a fisting pumping DB lol...
My viewpoint on the world can be summerized in 4 words: Love life Live True :)
So the quick and easy is that I love to enjoy various experiences. I'm sarcastic, honest, and I am always cracking jokes. During the week I'm a business proffesional and when I'm not working I'm enjoying the night life. I'm not really a stay at home type of guy, but that doesn't mean that I'm not capable of slowing down the pace and sharing a home cooked dinner and watching a flick.
I love boxing at my local gym, working out, MMA, dressing up, dressing down, Going out/staying in,cooking(sorta), nightlife(the 30 version of it). Spending time with great friends and laughing till my cheeks hurt.
I do have a serious side were it's not all about jokes and childish humor. There's a time and place for everything. Family and friends mean the world to me. If you're wondering about my ethnicity I'm filipino. I'm a fan of dinners with wine and light conversation that include subtle gestures of affection. Looking at you all fancied up and sexy like you're the only beautiful women in the room. I don't really have a dating preference but it's pretty much been a tie between blonds and brunettes.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I have not found the woman of my dreams hanging out in the produce section of the grocery store waiting to strike up a conversation about hello Match:) I think its best to meet people through friends or organically, but Match may help introduce someone that I would not have met otherwise.
A little about me. I am originally from MN, but lived in the Valley for over 30 years. I am a very lucky guy with great close family who lives in town, wonderful kids and friends, and a successful career. It will be great to share it with to the right person. My friends would describe me as: knowing how to have a good time, funny, adventurous, smart, genuine, an old soul, among many other things. I am an entrepreneur by nature and have been told I live life to the fullest, work hard play hard. I have a variety of interests and hopefully you do too.....I like doing fun stuff with the kids, yoga, boating, biking on beach cruisers, wakeboarding at Saguaro Lake, hiking, cycling, golf, traveling, good food and wine, cooking...and lots more. I am a good cook (not like Iron Chef good though:). I would say there is nothing typical about me, and I am looking for that dynamic person in my life that has width and depth...and knows how to have fun at the same time.
Kiddos. I have four wonderful and healthy kids, I am very lucky here. (Yes it was with one woman, no I’m not Mormon...those are the top 2 questions:) If you have kids it's a plus, as mine are such a big part of my life and who I am. If you don't have kids, you must love kids. Btw- My kiddos are really easy to love:)
A little about you. Smart, honest, genuine, self aware, adventurous, funny, stable, classy but with a little edge, take good care of yourself, and know how to live. Chemistry and physical attraction a must. I like people that are originals, and not afraid to be themselves (which describes me at the same time, ha:) I appreciate maturity, whether its in years or mindset. I am patient in finding the right woman that has her stuff together. I know your out there! I could keeping going, but would prefer to meet if you think there is a fit.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. Lets everyone else I'm here to see what happens and whats out there. Im open to meeting anyone that isn't a liar. Been in the valley for 4 years. Not gonna put all my info on blast otherwise we won't have anything to talk about. If your interested shoot me a line and we can talk.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. A couple of my friends have met really cool people on this website so I figured I would give it a go. I am always interested in meeting people that can benefit my life in some sort of way. The last few years I have let work over take my life and I'm ready to find balance again. I love travelling which can be a good thing or a bad thing. My friends live all over the place but it makes it tough to see everyone enough.

Date single man from United States. Hi, my name is Russ and here is an extremely condensed version of who I am. I grew up in southern Oregon, and that's it in a nutshell. Not really, there is more, but that comes out in volume two, which unfortunately is caught up in litigation with the publisher over the rights, don't get me started. I can be sarcastic some of the time, or maybe that's most of the time. When I was in fourth grade I had quite the dilemma, you see what happened was I had a surplus of quarters to play video games with, and as most would know it was still cool to wear sweat pants out in public when in the fourth grade. The dilemma was these particular sweats didn't come from the factory with any pockets, so quick thinking on my part led me to believe my mouth would be an excellent storage device for my spare change, wrong. Two-thousand dollars and eight hours later, the great folks at the hospital sent the claw in to retrieve that one quarter that got away and decided to lodge itself smack dab in the middle of my throat. Note to self, don't use your mouth as a piggy bank, it's to big of a money pit.
About six months ago I up-rooted everything and everyone I knew and moved to Scottsdale to take a job flying for a private aviation company. Before becoming a pilot I spent most of my twenties working for the Forest Service on a Hotshot crew fighting wildland fires. In my opionion this can be some of the most exciting work or the most miserable. Don't get me wrong, not showering for weeks on end, working with some of the coolest people you'll ever meet, seeing areas of the United States where very few ever will, and sleeping under the stars all summer can't be beat, I decided to take up the dream of flying which I've wanted to do since I was a little kid.
I've have the same group of friends since school, a younger sister who just popped out kid number two last week, can listen to country music all day, do a standing back flip (most of the time), bowled 275 once, haven't met a dog I don't like, and the only drama I like comes from books or the televsion, and if you don't like Top Gun, wait a minute, lets not go there ;)
I'm looking for a cool girl who is genuine, intelligent, attractive, funny, athletic, adventourous, and smells great.

Meet a man from United States. Hi there,... i'm Tarek about myself..lets see..i'm straight forward, passionate, driven..I love to laugh and enjoy life, i am pretty confident but i'm not stuck up, i think its good to be humble. i pride myself on being a gentleman...I love to learn about new things, and meet new people.
I am mostly looking for someone i can connect with, i like women who are fashionable, funny *thats a must* honest, CLASSY,educated, humble, independent,ELEGANT, someone who is real and genuine! being witty is a plus ;) on here to hopefully meet a few cool people, and see where it goes from there....
Travel, Adventure, being Spontaneous & saying lets go on a road trip or international travel is what i'd love to do with my scene is lame, so hopefully can meet someone like minded & compatible here!!!!
not into clubbing or partying anymore, pretty much am more relaxed,i enjoy nice dinners, sushi, nice music, lounges, or even a nice night at home cooking and watching a movie.
I love to Travel, my favorite spots are around the Mediterranean sea, its where i'm originally from! i usually spend at least 1-2 months overseas yearly!
Music wise, i listen to all depending on the mood, i'm a big fan of Frank Sinatra, Sade, Notorious BIG, Nas, Jay-z Cold Play, Mark Farina, Tiesto, Thievery Corp, Elvis, Michael Jackson, flamenco music, etc.
p.s.: I'm not into "ghetto" or "thuggish" girls whatsoever, i also am not into Hunting & lifted trucks and all that goes along with that!!!

Date someone special from United States. I am a great guy from the south. I was born in Memphis TN and raised around the area. My mother taught me to cook and my grandma taught me to treat a lady with respect. My father showed me that hard work and respect will get you farther in life then being rude and lazy. I'll open your door, and buy you flowers for no reason. I know how to cook and wish I had someone to cook with, cooking is always so much more fun when you get to share it with someone else.
I love the outdoors and would like to see what Arizona has to offer as far as camping goes. I love animals and I have a greyhound named Tymer. He is the coolest dog ever.
I love to Bar-B-Que and hang out with my friends at the pool. I hope to find someone that likes to relax and just enjoy time together.
I really stink at this online dating thing. I have know idea if I should send an email or a wink. And to top it all off I have dyslexia so my spelling can really stink sometimes. So if you are reading this and I have sent you a wink or an email, give a guy a chance.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Hey, I moved here from England for school (U of A and UCLA for a minute). Stayed on to work after graduation. Usually keep it pretty low key during the week and meet up with friends and grab a few drinks on the weekend. Go out of town a bit too - VegasL.A.San Diego etc. It would be nice to find someone cool to do stuff with on the weekends - check out new restaurants, concerts, pool etc. So send me a message if you have any questions. Thanks!