Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 29 year old - page 5

Date a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. I'm a fun loving guy that likes to laugh at just about anything and everything, but I'm a little reserved when it comes to meeting new people so this is a big step for me. Once I get to know someone though it takes a lot for me to shut up. Figured I would give this internet dating thing a shot in the dark. Love to play pool, ski, softball, random hikes and adventures with my two huskies, random creative cooking, and more random activities. I have a close group of friends that are up here and one in particular that i moved up here with and wouldn't trade that for anything at this point because i think it keeps me sane when I'm home from work. I'm looking for that laid back girl that doesn't mind staying in as much as going out, laughs at the little things in life, doesn't mind being reminded that shes special to people, and is just generally a good person. Honesty and being able to speak ones mind is tops on the priority list, as I'm one to speak my mind. I want to be able to talk to someone on a personal level about the daily things that happen and not just random stuff, I like to be involved and be there to listen if my partner needs a shoulder or just needs to vent. One thing that has to be accepted is my job, which at this point is more of a career now, seeing as I've been with the same company now six years and still running strong. If there's anything else you want to know email me and ill gladly respond.

Meet someone special from Anchorage, United States. I'm lighthearted and optimistic, yet persistently cynical (usually in a humorous way). I smile at just about everything and my sense of humor is quite dynamic, a blend between witty and nitty-gritty. Life is too short for maturity. Joker, smoker, and midnight toker, some might say.
I'm a former Marine, but not the traditional brainwashed jarhead type. I'm also an Eagle Scout, and I enjoy spending time outdoors. I'm an East Coaster relocated here most recently after a short stint in Oklahoma, but born in NYC and raised on a lake in the Pocono's (PA). As a Marine, I lived a few years in North Carolina, and also a year or so in Japan. I love traveling, and plan on traveling a lot more, until I can travel no more. Other countries visited and loved: France, Spain, Australia, Korea, and Canada. Still have yet to do a full European tour, and I'd love to visit India and China at some point. I’ve also visited Guam and Hawaii and most of the lower 48 states except for a handful out west. Not an immense fan of hot humid places, but island vacations are nice no matter where they are!
I moved to Alaska for a job transfer that would allow me to get plenty of time in the field. I’m a Petroleum Engineer who does Inspection and Enforcement of all oil companies on all federal public lands in Alaska. Much of my time is still spent being a desk jockey in Anchorage but I am able to get out of the office quite often to appreciate the pristine wilderness of this amazing state.
I love my two cats, so I must insist you enjoy the presence of kitties as well. Not a big fan of the dependency issues of dogs, or the destruction they create, but a well-trained dog with the right personality can be a great pet as well. I'm a cuddly guy, so the cuddly pets are my favorites.
My ideal girl has a stunning set of eyes and a smile that begs to be kissed. I’m looking for a woman with compassion for others, as well as herself, and who wants to be an equal in a relationship. Continual drama and dependency issues can be a bit too exhausting. I want a partner, not a housekeeper or chef. (Although, the saying that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach is more than 50% true.) I enjoy cooking and love it a lot more when I have someone to cook for, it would also be cool to date a woman who can show me a thing or two around the kitchen.
Interesting conversation is a must, as I enjoy a good debate, so having an opinion is a turn-on. Fitness is preferred but not a deal breaker, but no lazy couch potatoes need respond. I love a weekend cuddled up on the couch, watching movies just like anyone else, but not to the point that I become the couch. I'd love a racquetball partner capable of keeping up with me, or someone to accompany me on a bike ride or hike, or show me where the best places for kayaking are around here! Enough about me, looking forward to hearing about you.

Date a guy from Anchorage, United States. Ha funny thing about this I had to call my friend Jake while he was at work to answer this and heres what he said: Well to be truthful I really can't explain you. You're pretty much everything is all I can say. Jake has always put a smile on my face, he's like a brother to me...

Meet single boy from Anchorage, United States. Im an Alaskan that likes to have fun all around our great state. I like to fish , go kayaking ( of which i have two , hint hint) , build fires on the beach and pretty much everywhere else too. Im an apprentice electrition and working to become a journeyman. Im looking for a girl that is down to earth , cute , and knows what she want in life.

Date a boy from Anchorage, United States. My friends would describe me as giving, kind and chearfull and I am. I can not stand emotional manipulation or bullies in any form, physical or mental.
I am not great at spelling but this not indicative of lack of inteligence on my part, I just never realy learned, too focused on other things like art and nature.
As of right now I am not by any means wealthy, but do not plan to stay this way. I have kept my self from a "real job" intentionaly to work more on my art. This is something you should be ok with if you want to go further with a relationship.
That being said I am actualy a talented artist. I am not some emo kid who smears a wall with paint and calls it "ART", nor am I a brooding greasy haired, long nailed guy who mumbles about "art is art man, it can't just IS man". I respect those points of view and all.....but that just isn't me.
The good thing about this is I am already selling paintings, and have a few shows a year, I am working on my art as much as I can and will someday be suported by that alone. In fact I plan to be within 2 years.
In a relationship I am looking for a partner. Someone who I can give to, and yet someone who is willing to give to me as well.
I want someone gentle and honest who still has a sence of wonder. Not someone totaly jaded and cinical. For instance, do you ever just sit and stare at nature? The wonder of a sunset, the soft glow of a human face in the pre-dawn gloom? The way the light hits the mountains befor it hits the valley floor, early in the fall just as the leaves begin to change?
You do?
Where have you been all my life?

Meet a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I work a lot and any free time is spent exploring the wild places in Alaska. This is the reason I moved here and Alaska has definitely sunk her teeth in me. I haven't really had much luck meeting women who are into the same things though. No luck in bars and my adventure friends are usually dudes or involved women. I have been involved in outstanding relationships and I really enjoy having someone to share this bizarre set of coincidences we call life. I have never tried online dating, or any sort of social networking for that matter, but will give most anything a shot once. Let's see what happens...

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. I am a easy going 29 male. I currently live in Alaska. I work construction on the military bases up here. I love the outdoors and sports. I also love to travel. I am looking to meet a women that is down to earth and is drama free. She should be loving and honest. I don't play games and expect that you wouldn't either. I am not geting any younger and am looking to find a women to settle down with and spend the rest of my life with.

Meet a guy from Alaska, United States. I am a quiet person, funny and sometime sarcastic just to put a smile on someones face. I like outdoor activities such as camping and fishing. I also like to go on a drive to see where a road takes me. I work full time and go to school full time working on my Associates Degree.
I am looking for someone to have and share life experience with. To get the boredom out.

Date single boy from Alaska, United States. Carefree, open minded, down to try new things. Communication is important as is a sense of humor. Be down to earth and easy to talk to. Spontaneity is fun but mind games aren't. No one can read minds so be willing to talk about it.

Meet a boy from Alaska, United States. Im very laid back but I work hard. I mostly keep things to myself. I love to make people laugh, its my favorite thing to do. Im just looking for someone fun to hangout with. I work lots and dont really have time to do the social thing so I decided to check it out on here. Hope to here from you.

Date a soulmate from United States. Hi My name is Chris. I love the outdoors and love to travel. I like to fish, hunt, camping and anything else in the great outdoors. I like to try new things and will always try something at least once. I have a big sense of humor and am very open and very blunt. I am very comfertable with my self and most people can tell by my confidence but im not really cocky. I have a hard side and a soft side and that comes into play with my job.
I want a women who I can go on an adventure with, travel, enjoy the outdoors with or just chill at home watching tv. I would like a women who knows who she is and what she wants out of life and goes for it. Someone who is comfertable with her self and call me on my bs. I want someone who can be my best friend and lover at the same time.

Meet someone special from United States. I am looking for honest and kind lady who doesn't mind a southern gentleman. I am outgoing romantic funny and enjoy doing positive things. I am not picky but very considerate towards how a lady feels and her emotions. If you are looking for a nice and intellegent person to talk to and hang out with everynow and then, you have found your match!!