Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 60 year old

Date a man from Anchorage, United States. I like to enjoy life and all it has to offer, even the simple pleasures like taking a walk or watching the birds at my feeder. I love the outdoors -- hiking, golf, cycling, fishing. I enjoy excursions, whether it is Halibut Cove, Denali National park, tropical vacations or even Vegas. Roadtrips can be fun with the right person ---Nothing like a little windshield time together. Much like life -- the journey can be as great as the destination.
I think anyone who knows me will say that I have a good sense of humor - to some it might be a little over the top. I love comedies. A sense of humor will get a person through most anything. There's a saying in my family that "if it's worth doin' then it's worth overdoin".
I have two great kids-- one that just graduated from college and the other temporarily living with me this semester.I come from a large Catholic family and the ties remain forever strong. My kids and my family are important to me as are my friends. I have a number of friends who are just like family. I spend a fair amount of time in Washington as I have family there.
Financially secure but a regular guy to most who know me. I am pretty comfortable in any venue -- a gourmet restaurant or a pizza joint; museum or a garden; a walk or a hike. Occasionally I like a beer after work but can enjoy a good Pinot or Cabernet. I can build a good campfire but can enjoy the amenities of a nice hotel. The college of hard work and hard knocks was a greater learning experience than my graduate degree. I have been a merchant mariner, carpenter, waiter and bell boy. I am pretty gregarious but I like the quiet times as well. My travels include Vietnam in the worst of times, the Mayan pyramids at sunrise, Koh Samui, the World Series of Poker, and the Smithsonian. A great trip can be a deluxe cruise with a lanai, a bungalow on a secluded beach or a fly-in fishing trip --- a lot of it depends upon who you are with and recognizing that their comfort level is a part of the mix.
A lot of folks believe that anyone of age has "baggage" --- I look at it a bit different --- the older we are the more experiences we have and the more people we have met (good and bad) ---- but it is all a learning, growing experience that makes us who we are. And if you think of it as baggage, don't worry, I won't expect you to carry it --- Communication is the key -- honest and open. Feelings should be honored. Listening is as important as speaking.
I start this journey with no expectation. This Match thing is all new to me but I am willing to give a go and see where it leads. We all want a friend, a lover and a partner rolled into one. There are a lot of us out there who deserve the happiness they seek. I am looking forward to meeting someone, having fun and meeting some interesting people. If you find me of any interest, give a shout. Let's see what we have in common and if we feel any magic. If friendship is all there is -- well that's not too bad either.

Meet single man from Anchorage, United States. CA born & raised, been livin in Anchorage for 20 yrs. Winters have started to run long so I'm thinking about shifting to a bouncing lifestyle to somewhere warm with surf & beach VB. Having buddies & a place in CA and HI means it could be in Manhattan Beach or Kailua. I'm even up for "bi-coastal" (AK to FL? humm!) - depending on season, whim & my partners' wishes. Tell me, are you flexible, open to exploring and adventurous? If so, you get BONUS pts!
I believe "Life is to do good" & we should enjoy the process. My strong work ethic is tempered by a need to play hard(er); serious fun &/or relaxation is mandatory. The work: I’m a marine biologist w/ field experiences all over the Pacific & Arctic. Good with computers & connect with folks of diverse cultural backgrounds (plays well w/others). As a side business I do remodels & rentals (plays well w/tools). Play: travel, surfing, theater, skiing (downhill, cross country & water), cycling class, SCUBA, a good novel, dancing, campfires, beach VB, live music, tennis (I stink), photography, entertaining interesting & diverse people, quiet conversations over a sunset (anywhere). I cook tasty & healthy (chocolate = health food) & am on an endless quest for the rarest of finds - an inexpensive but hi-quality red wine or that perfectly cold crisp beer served in the best Mexican hole-in-the-wall, this side of Xtapa (show me yours?). I'm very active and fit (I'm told) & younger at heart than my "yrs" - started doing Triathlons 4 years ago & (surprise!) found it fun to give those in younger age groups something to think about (LOL!). Just completed my first full Iron Man. I am a nature lover, a "ponderer," a good dad to 2 grown & wonderful girls (big grin), listen well, am compassionate, dependable, (try to be) romantic, & well mannered - I want to know what makes you happiest. If you'll support me, I will always be there for you. I believe in laughter, love & commitment; mental & physical passion is living; jealousy, possessiveness & dogma is not. And did I mention- being in the ocean & mountains brings peace & contentment?
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”
“I may be getting older but I refuse to grow up.”
“We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old when we stop playing” (or substitute "learning" for "playing" here).
I'm looking for a Sparkling woman whose eyes radiate your zest for life tempered w/ kindness. You strive for professional & personal growth, are physically fit (I mean this!), seek a partnership defined by sharing daily tasks, emotional caring, & doing little things for e/o. We show appreciation w/words. Do you take responsibility? Is doing the right thing, sharing love & daily laughter more important than thingz or $ncome? When you’ve worked hard to achieve your goal, are you proud you’ve contributed to a better world? Does the salty taste of lightly sunburned skin light a fire in your heart as the sun goes down on a perfect day? Do you believe panting & sweating is a good thing? Are you interested in trying new activities & places? Do you believe independence & commitment are mutually supportive, not exclusive? Does knowing who "we are" bring confidence to our relationship? When we are apart is it an opportunity for "self" tempered with a continued mental & electronic connection? P.S. BONUS points given (tell ME what you’ll redeem thess for? LOL) for matching my “about my date criteria,” an ability to go from cut-offs to "snazzy”” in 30 min or less, daily cuddles, & morning pillow fights w/giggles.
Are you ready to explore? To take the first step on what might be a life long adventure of the heart? Then write to say Hi! and, if comfy, tell me a "little sumthin" that is not in your profile?

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. Im retired now and have been divorce for 14 yrs now It would be nice to find a nice women to spend my time with I love old car flying fishing going on walks Take road trips working around the home Or just relaxing at home

Meet a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. I am looking for an attractive and intelligent woman for a friend and possible partner. I am outgoing, active, attractive, generous, honest and always a gentleman. I enjoy a glass of good wine and like to travel.

Date a man from Alaska, United States. Let's see.... most people think I'm WAY younger (excercise and good genes). I also try to attend dance classes once a week (that keeps you young if you can smile at yourself). I have a close relationship with God, and am constantly involved in my personal growth. At one time I was a carpenter so I can build/repair most anything, thus I prefer to "do it myself" when time allows. I'm a Professional Outside Salesman, with an entrepreneurial spirit and multiple 'passive' income streams (rentals) . I smile at grandbabies, puppies, and Disney Movies. I've pretty much gotten hunting and fishing out of my system, but I'll still fish occassionally if the weather cooperates. Camping is ok if a comfortable bed is part of it. I love exploring new places, especially if they are warm and involve a beach, but just a road trip can be fun too.
I am looking for a woman who enjoys a tactile man, and an odd sense of humor. This lady has to have a strong relationship with God also, so we can be equally yoked. She will be a wise best friend/ co-conspirator/ partner/ lover/ and counselor ... mutual respect and trust are critical. She is intelligent, and pretty (beautiful isn't necessary, but "plain" isn't acceptable either). Someone to share everyday life and goals/dreams for the future would be wonderful.

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. I'm 6" tall and athletic. I have a variety of interests ranging from sports to cultural events. I enjoy good conversation, laughter and intelligent active people. My ideal match would be someone who enjoys a variety of activities, can make me laugh, is attractive and keeps herself in good shape. Hopefully she would enjoy sports, travel and quiet times at home.

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. I am a kind person who cares about others and their feelings. I'm somewhat quiet and a bit shy initially. I'm looking for somewone who communicates through actions as much as through words. I am very active and would want somene who is in good health and active as well.

Meet a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Grateful for good health and hoping to find a great
Lady. Love to work hard and kick back with that special girl. Cooking that special meat while drinking a tasteful wine and listening to old school

Date a man from United States. My friends would descibe me as always happy and engaginig, and an organizer. Life makes me smile. I am grateful for family, friends and my community. I love to meet people like myself, with diversity and adventure added. I have a very full social life; love the arts, stage, dinners with friends. I have too many passions to describe in 3652 words.

Meet single man from United States. Don't be fooled by my "handle". I'm not some egoistic chauvinist. My kids friends gave me that name in reverence and I'm proud of it.
I tend to take the road less traveled. Music is a passion, dancing is fun. I pick friends with a great sense of humor. Mine is not bad either. I like the wilderness. I've always had a cabin of some kind in the woods. I'm very fond of running the rivers and sleeping on sand bars. I try to be healthy. I like to play music with my band. Love guitar and singing with my daughter but she's doing her own thing now, (as it should be). I'm on a spiritual quest but not into dogmatic religions. I meditate most mornings and do a little Pilates and Yoga. I don't get overly serious or fanatical about anything (except love). Money means less and time means more. I'm moving into a low over head lifestyle these days looking for freedom to travel and explore. I was a champion xc ski racer and runner in a previous life. Love to meet someone up for adventure, who doesn't plan everything, then get upset when it doesn't work out that way. It's really not an adventure if everything goes as planned. It's hard to make me upset. I don't have much attention to detail. This can be frustrating for my friends, clients and lovers. Just like life, ya gotta take the rain if ya want the rainbow. I don't drink much. I'm a jack of all trades master of only a few. From cooking thru welding, and everything inbetween. I'm a handy guy to have around. I appreciate a woman's company. Like to snuggle. I like to be around children and I'm especially great with young kids. I find many women my age are not young at heart and they are thinking inside a box. If I'm in a box, it's a big one. I like to create living spaces. Especially small houses and remodeling cottages. I'm looking for someone to adore who will reciprocate. Hopefully you're into travel and adventure. You like intimacy and stimulating conversation.. and you seek spiritual ascension and higher vibrations. I know you're out there...
when the time is right.

Date someone special from United States. I am divorced and looking for someone who enjoys getting out and doing fun things. I have many interests and would like to share them with someone who enjoys dolng new things. I have three great children, all grown up and doing great things of their own. I listen well and am open to trying new things myself. I'm interesting in sharing your dreams and mine for the future. The everyday things in life are important also. I like going to the movies and dining out and would enjoy someone to do those things with. Just want to find that special person that I look forward to seeing, or talking with everyday.

Meet a soulmate from United States. An old timer that enjoys alaska.Enjoys the out doors and indoors.Looking for the same kind of lady that still has some loven .Im still heathy and would like to meet the same. Someone that still enjoys sex or just like to hold hands and cuddle