Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 28 year old

Date single boy from Alaska, United States. Born and raised in Alaska. I'm kind of the typical Alaskan with a lifted truck (Chevy '08 3/4 ton) so that I can pull my toys. I like to enjoy the outdoors whether it be hiking, biking, rock climbing, deep sea fishing, camping, rafting, 4-wheeling or snowmachining and I enjoy it all. I also like to just relax at home, watching a movie or playing games. I enjoy playing sports and also watching them, especially NFL (Green Bay Packers!!!). I like to going out with friends, I like to dance (Swing dance style mostly), but I don't need to go out, just to go out. I like to smile, I like to make people laugh. I enjoy cooking, though I don't seem to do it as often as I would like.
As far as dating goes I'd like to think I'm semi old school in some areas, such as getting doors and paying the bill. I like relaxing and just getting to know someone. If something clicks great, if not, maybe just a start of a good friendship and if non-of-the-above, lets at least hope we ate some good food, haha.
What am I looking for? I don't really know, I'm hoping that this site will help me to narrow it down a little and figure that out. I guess I am just looking for someone who is interested in similar stuff. I'm not really a huge fan of a lot of drama.
I work 2 weeks on/off so it would be nice to find someone with a flexible schedule so we could go on trips and spend time off together.

Meet a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Random facts:
Just moved to Anchorage leaving behind all I know in South Cali and loving it (minus the gloomy weather lately)!
Love yoga!
Definitely want to live in the Arctic borough for a stint.
I would like someone that would be willing to go out for dinner, drinks, tea, or a movie on any given random day.
I am very active so maybe a walk, run or hike. Snowboarding for the winter season or the beach in the summer would be awesome.
It would be great if this person was well mannered and has a charming personality.
I consider myself to be intelligent and a class act.
Even though I'm a gentleman I still feel like douche bag when I approach women for the first time and it really bugs me.
Girls say I'm intimidating or unapproachable because my face has a serious expression.
I do not believe that chivalry is dead and shame on those who believe that.
My pet peeve is hearing women swear in public like they were an old sailor in their previous life. Let's keep it classy.
I also cannot stand bad hygiene and uncleanliness.
I rather cook for myself than eat food that tastes bad.
Then again I would rather starve than eat something that tastes bad ^^
If I cook, then I do not do dishes.
I take a lot of risks.
I'll jump out of a plane, jump off a cliff, or jump off a bridge, but still have a hard time squashing a spider.
I'm spiritual and still finding myself. Looking for meaning of life.
I think children and puppies are pretty alike in many ways.
I'm not afraid to look stupid in front of others.
In a group I'll be the first to volunteer and take one for the team.
I like to run until I feel like passing out or sit around all day and read a book until my brain and eyes hurt.
If the mood is right I'll indulge myself. Kind of on the hedonistic plane.
My encounters with death have left me with a passion for life.
I can go days without talking and I'm fine with that (only child syndrome).
I love romantic literature. If you misinterpret that, then we might not get along.
I do not take vacations since I make time for one every day of the week.
Match needs to add Korean as a language.
I recently flew a kite and I'm kind of digging it.
I fought the law and the law won...seriously don't fight the law.
Adversity is life's worst adversary. HA! In the face of adversity.
When I feel down and out I turn on the TV and watch feed the children for 30 min.
I do not condone violence, but find it necessary since humans are not irrational beings capable of peace and reason.
Is it just me or is war not necessary?
I think capitalism is going to destroy the world.

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. Hardworking, reliable, honest, are probably the biggest 3 words you can use to describe me!
I like to workout daily, spend as much time as possible outside whether working or just enjoying the outdoors.I love to read, hike, fish, hunt, shoot, and ski. I am into wildlife photography as well. I'm an avid runner , I've always wanted to run a marathon and I've registered for a half marathon in August. I'm with the Air National Guard and just transferred to the AK Air National Guard from the NY Air National Guard so I'm looking for someone to travel around and explore Alaska with and to see where it goes from there. I know there are a lot of stereotypes about men in the military, I hope to prove them all wrong!
I like to think I am a positive influence on people. I am self motivating and I like to motivate others as well. I'll help anyone at the drop of a hat. I have a pretty good sense of humor but it is usually sarcastic. I'm not one to sugar coat things I tell it as it is! I like to surround myself with people with positive attitudes as well! No negativity please! I try everyday to make myself better, whether its mentally or physically, I'm always looking for a way to push myself! Just started a cross fit regime and I'm thoroughly enjoying it which I guess makes me a little crazy!
I'm looking for a nice girl who likes to do some of the same things as I do. Someone who can carry on an intelligent conversation and is not afraid to be silly at times. Someone who would want to hike and travel around with me. Throughout my career I've been able to see some amazing places including Antarctica! I love country music and I can 2 step, so I'm looking for someone to practice with!
Any questions let me know I believe in honesty so I will answer them 100% truthfully

Meet a boy from Alaska, United States. I love to travel and see new places. I usually find myself wandering into unique places, but the places that you never expect to end up can be the most fun. I have traveled to some unusual places such as Armenia or Mongolia and would love to visit some more countries. I studied history in college and have a passion for it. People always say that I am curious and learning history lets me learn a little bit about everything. I am working for the government currently, but am also continuing my education and I eventually want to pursue a masters.
When I am sitting around bored I find myself opening up a book and enjoy reading about almost anything, but mostly non-fiction. I love the outdoors in Alaska, especially in the summer. In the summer I often go tramping around in the hills after work. In the winter I try to get out and do some skiing. Mostly downhill, but I have been trying to do some cross country skiing since moving to Alaska. I also love backpacking, camping and I try to do some photography when I have the chance.
I would probably describe myself as laid back and easy going, open-minded, introspective, and always willing to try new things.

Date a guy from Alaska, United States. I'm just doing this to explore my options and see what's out there. I'm a very quiet and shy individual at first but I do open up easily. I used to be a really big guy (279lbs back in November 2010) but have dropped 80lbs since then, and still going for more. I'd prefer someone who enjoys getting out and exploring like me, but has no problems settling down and watching movies for a quiet night at home from time to time. I have a 5 year old son who I have a few days a week. His mom and I are apart (she's now married) and we have a civil relationship so there will be no stress/drama from that. I love working on cars and going for random drives. Not really sure what else to put, if you wanna know more just drop me a line!

Meet single boy from Anchorage, United States. Well I'm from Minnesota lived in Alaska for 8 years now it's amazing how time flys.I enjoy spending time outdoors would like to meet a girl that would enjoy it with me.I also dont mind snuggling up and watching a movie. I'm looking for a girl that is close to family .One that has a good sense of humor, My favorite comedy is Dumb And Dumber if that gives you any idea.

Date a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. All the time in the world. Yet not enough to live.
Laid back, honest, decent cook, easy to talk to, sucessful and all-around good decent guy. Anymore and I would feel kinda pompous.
A minimum of 200 characters is kinda a weird thing to have manditory. Maybe I don't feel obligated to write my life story and feel/look like a complete self absorbed online lunatic.Geesh.There's my 200 characters Match.

Meet someone special from Anchorage, United States. Well they would say he's one of a kind and that you would never meet anyone like him at all. I'm told by everyone that I'm always smilying and I say yes sir thats would be. I just want to meet someone who is just them self and got there head on their shoulders. Really thats what I want from a girl. I'm a vary cool person to be with and around so if you want to get to know me contact me and we can figure it out.

Date a boy from Anchorage, United States. Loving life, enjoying summer. Ive worked on barges through the summers and falls, and going to school for the spring semesters. I had been separating time between Idaho and Alaska but have recently decided to stay here.

Meet a guy from Anchorage, United States. Recently moved to Alaska. Thought it'd be nice to find someone to spend some time with after being on my own for a while. Never found her and it's been a year, time to be proactive! I'm an active, fun-loving, romantic foodie looking for someone similar but not necessary. Looking for friendship with possibilities of more than that down the road with the right girl. Loyalty and honesty are both a must.

Date single boy from United States. I'm looking for a respectful, kind woman that I connect with. I'm an entertainer (merchandising's my full time day job) and I'm into a lot of different things, always open minded and interested in trying new experiences. I've played piano for 20 years and entertained live audiences for about 15 years. It's my number one passion in life and I just recently joined a blues band so I should be getting back into playing shows very soon!
I love Alaska, wouldn't want to live anywhere else right now, although I do love to travel around the country and the world. I was born and raised in New York City. I guess the tag-line is pretty self-explanitory. I'm a big fan of the cuddle!
A woman who sparks my interest would have to be very real, confident, strong, smart, and above all caring.
Someone I'm NOT looking for is game players, people who are overly materialistic, people who yell, etc.
I'm looking for someone to have fun with, someone I can learn from and who can learn from me. Someone who doesn't move too fast but at the same time, is passionate.
I just recently moved back here maybe 6 months ago, but I lived here 3.5 years perviously so I am very familiar with Anchorage. I like going out or staying in, pretty much comfortable in a variety of situations. I don't own a car, this is by choice. What that means is a) I get to keep much more of the money I work hard to earn. and b) My legs and butt are in really great shape. Hee hee. I don't try and 'use women as a taxi' so don't worry about that.
I'm looking to go do some fishing this year, maybe travel around the state a little more (I've already been as far north as Nome and as far south as Petersburg for work), record some new songs and publish some new stories, go to some baseball games, enjoy some great beer and food, hike, mabye climb one of the local peaks, and just have a fun, fun time! I haven't been out on a traditional 'date' in a very long time (I was in two long term relationships most of the past 5 years), so it would be wonderful to get out there again, meet a nice lady or two, have a good time, maybe get that old butterfly feeling going and who knows, maybe eventally, eventually, if the heavens shine down, find something strong that will last...

Meet a soulmate from United States. I like a good set of insoles or running shoes, the sound of crashing waves on a beach, good rainfall hitting my window prior to going to bed, and the smell of buttered bread among many other things. Having a legit counterpart (Female type) to complement my very often goofy demeanor would be pretty cool. That being said, please ignore me if you often take life too seriously because it should most def be fun while the ride lasts.
No Finkle and Einhorn.... Only Laces Out!!!!!! :-0 ;-0 :-% :-#