Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 24 year old

Date single boy from Alaska, United States. I am a 23 year old army vet who just recently moved back to Alaska. I am looking for a relationship with a girl who loves the outdoors and being spontaneous as much as I do and would eventually like to travel. I like to play video games and card games, but I really prefer activities that keep me active.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. my closest friends would describe me as a funny,outgoing, fun person to be around also they would say im a loyal,trustwortly, great listener a great since of humor all around good person to get to know

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. So here's the deal; I'm in college down here, having a blast. I'm a pilot and I love flying and traveling. Besides flying my big thing is music. Dave Matthews Band is my favorite but I'm very open minded when it comes to music. I hate being bored with a passion, I have to be around people. I'm probably the most spontanious and random person out there. I have one of those basic memberships so I can't get or send emails.  Oh and remember: eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.

Meet a boy from Alaska, United States. Someone who sees the world for what it really is. Can hold a conversation, and likes film. Someone who can be outside all day and inside all night. No mind games, weird perks. Just non-crazy and a somewhat outgoing personality.

Date a guy from Alaska, United States. Hmmmm, let's see... I moved to anchorage about 4 years ago from Florida where I was born and raised. I love love love the ocean and all of its beaches! I come from a Hispanic background and was raised in a small country town that was well know for its breeding and raising of horses. I'm into anything with wheels and a motor, the bigger the better. I'm kind of a sports nut, not a bad one but I'm into them. As far as the ones i play, well I'll play them all but I'm definetly a better soccer player then anything else. If I were to describe myself I'd say I'm a smart, witty, funny, motivated, handsome, romantic, one of a kind kinda guy... I'm serious!!! Traveling is something that I flat out NEED to do. Anywhere with beaches is a must but I'm good with inland travels too. I think my life is pretty well adjusted. I've worked very hard for the things I have. For anyone who's curious, yes I have good credit... I bought my home alittle over two years ago and plan on getting Into more real estate ventures. I'm normally a very happy and upbeat kinda person but if I'm ever down I have a special someone that makes me the happiest man in the world, my daughter! She turns 3 a few days after my B-day and she's awesome! Unfortunatly she lives out of state but I travel to florida as often as i can to visit her. I'm great for conversation and have much more to say so if your interested let me know, just gimmie a wink ;-)

Meet single boy from United States. i really like girls im grateful for god my closest friend makes me feel happy verryday i really want to go back to schoool and think that children would be grateful whnever i really like children and then think that theybwould be sexy

Date someone special from United States. I enjoy keeping busy. Whether it is cooking dinner, camping, hiking, basketball, biking, fishing, dog walking, tinkering, or just going out to dinner. I'm very competitive and enjoy watching and playing sports. Although I enjoy being on the go, it is also nice to just relax at home with a movie. I would like to meet someone with long term goals, tomorrow will take care of itself. I would like to hang out occasionally at first and see how things go. If this interests you, hit me up. I'd like to hear from you.

Meet a soulmate from United States. So, I am using this site hopefully to find someone willing to wait on me to come back to the U.S. I am currently deployed in Afghanistan and will be returning in a couple of months.
I am a pretty laid back guy. I enjoy life to the fullest. I am a little extreme at times and love to be active. I like skydiving, riding motorcycles, hiking, and of course partying and hanging out with friends. But I also like to be alone at times with just that one person. I strive to be the best at everything I do. I don't like losing but im not a sore loser. I find humor in almost everything I see, hear, or do. I can't help but laugh at almost anything. But I can be serious when its time to be serious. I am a pretty outgoing guy once you get to know me but some people might say that im kinda shy at first. I love what I do in the Army. My job is Field Artillery but I am deployed as Infantry right now. Me joining the Army is one of my greatest accomplishments in life because I have always wanted to serve my country and I am proud to serve my country.
I have lived in Tennessee my whole life until I joined the Army. I got stationed in Alaska and will be living there for another 2 years once i return. I am looking for someone who loves to travel, who enjoys life and loves to have fun, who is athletic, smart, and beautiful inside and out that I can have fun with, laugh, and find random things to do in Alaska.
If this description fits you in anyway or if we have anything in commom or you have questions send a message my way.

Date a boy from United States. im cool and gentle in all my ways. i love to respect girls and i love my self.i like to sing sitting somewhere lonely when i miss someone special.
i like to meet someone who will love me and will be willing to give a shoulder because of love.

Meet a guy from United States. I'm a laid back guy who loves to go out and have a great time with my friends. I have a close group of friends that are basically my family and I value them greatly. I graduated from The Ohio State University and have been living in Alaska for the past few months, after previously working in Brazil the year before. I'm very active with working out and/or playing sports daily. I played hockey and lacrosse in high school but love playing all sports and trying new activities. I'd love to find an adventurous, fun girl who likes to go out and dance at the bar or go to a game together, but can also relax at home with some carryout and movie on a Sunday night.

Date single boy from Anchorage, United States. I'm usually always willing to try something new and have fun. I'm very career-orientated freelancer which a lot of times interferes with my life. During times of working (70 hours/week), I find that my social life crashes all around myself except for those who are willing to make it work. On my days off however, I would love nothing more but to get out, be social, and have fun!
When it comes to dating, I must be honest and say I'm not the biggest expert. I never dated in high school and I was cheated on in a two-year relationship in college. I'm not particularly looking to get married soon, but I don't want to grow old alone either. The hardest part of dating for me right now is my life's unpredictability. I may not find myself in the same spot a year from now... let alone a month.

Meet someone special from Anchorage, United States. Im a very nice gentleman with a big heart. I love the outdoors and like to enjoy life. In short, I'm looking for a wonderful woman to settle down with. Im looking for a woman that can except my kindness.