Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 70 year old

Date a man from United States. Alaska is my first love in life. I have traveled the world and have found no replacement. How ever, I hope to check out Siberia next year. Bound to be something to like in 10 time zones. Guess I got some wonder lust looking into Russia from 15,000 ft from the most western tip of Alaska at Cape Prince of wales and from the Diomede islands between US and Russia. I plan to SCUBA up that way this summer. Want to check out the ocean bottom at some old Eskimo sites. I have wanted to do that since I was a bush pilot there many years ago.
Right now I wouldn't mind having a dance partner to practice with. Im working on the west coast swing. My east coast swing keeps tripping me up. Been doing it for 45 years. Any ways....more later. right now just trying to get the old message off this screen...It's 8 months old...later.

Meet someone special from United States. Like 60 degree weather and sports. Appreciate someone that depands a clean and tidy home and yard. Enjoy watching sports of all kinds especially football, basketball, softball and wrestling. Exercise together and more often -- biking, walking and light weights. Travel in Alaska and Midwest. Like kids that are smart, clean, sports minded, and disciplined. Team oriented in all endeavors.

Date a soulmate from United States. i like my outdoor life boating beachcombing fishing and camping from time to time but when at home i like to kick back watch tv or just listen to music every once in awhile i like to cook and bake love the great smells it gives off.

Meet single man from United States. Im curious,nervous,dubious of this whole app. However; I would enjoy meeting someone who would accept me for who I am. I would do the same for her. I have always been taught, from A very young age,to be humble. Consequently, I find it cumbersome to pontificate about myself. In fact, I am doing just exactly that in trying to meet my minimum number of characters. Im itching to get out and load my 57 chev in its trailer for A car show in the Valley.

Date a man from Anchorage, United States. positive and look to the future not the past. like to travel and take road to be out in the ocean on my boat, fishing, siteseeing. looking for a friend and lover. she has her own place and job

Meet someone special from Anchorage, United States. I don't want anyone who does drugs, and who have friends who do drugs, or is a dirty person, and lets the house go with dirt , I am not a clean freak, but, I do keep things clean.
I don't do a Lot of Bar Hopping, or going out with friends to Bars,