Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 56 year old

Date single man from Anchorage, United States. i am self employed and am blessed with a successful business. i enjoy working out on my treadmill every day. i am not a very good cook so i often eat out [no fast food]. i am greatful for my salvation, my health, my family, my friends, my home, and my business.
i don't drink or go to bars. i don't mind if she does,
its just not for me. she must be a Christian. she must have a sense of humor- no drama.

Meet a man from Anchorage, United States. The qualities I value most in myself and in others are strong spirituality, honesty, loyalty and kindness. Intelligence and a love for the outdoors are also high on the list. In relationships, I am affectionate, caring and devoted, and am looking for someone with the same qualities. I am a one-woman man, and can't handle lying. I love to learn new things. I work at home when I'm not traveling. That allows me to put in plenty of time for my work and allows plenty of time for family as well. I listen to classical music more than anything else, but I also like Indian music, folk and classic rock.My future partner will be honest, kind and intelligent and will want me to be devoted to her. She will not lie or cheat. She'll enjoy learning new things. We'll do little things for each other out of politeness and kindness even after we've been together for a long time.
Politially, I'm a registered member of the Green Party and have been since it was first recognized as a party in Alaska back in about '92. I am very careful to buy organic foods, not use much plastic, always vote in favor of long-term thinking and have been a visible, nearly full-time activist on environmental issues in the past. If anything, my views on social, environmental, and humanitarian issues are getting stronger. I'm opposed to abortion (except in the case of rape, or when the mother's life is in danger) for the exact same reason that I'm opposed to the death penalty.
I'm definitely a Christian, but I also believe that the Buddha really was an enlightened being and that the Dali Lama is continuously reincarnated. I am interested in learning more about Hindusim as well. I believe that there is one God, and that most people in the world worship the same God but using different names in different cultures. It may be that Indra is another word for the Christian God and that Krishna and the other Hindu Gods are what we would call angels or saints.

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. I am retired marine I am attending university to finish up my masters upon completion I am returning back to government employment My major field of work has all been medical, but after several years of it , it was time to change, so i took a leave of abscence and decided to complete the remaining credits i needed to finish my education

Meet a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. I am a gifted / flawed, confident / sensitive, bold / shy, lover of life and hater of evil, who wrestles daily with God, "the way things are" and my internal contradictions, striving always to do better and make a difference, both for this world as it is and being mindful of the one to come.
Like Bono, I believe in a future where the colors bleed into one, and redemption is achieved through the Man who was betrayed by a kiss, but I still haven't found what I'm looking for -- at least not all of it. I treasure above all my children, but they do not live with me full-time anymore, so I am in search of connections, community and ultimately a permanent companion, so that I can fulfill my potential as a child of God, father, colleague, friend and citizen.
You are not scared by authenticity, complexity and challenges; you're nobody's fool but you also believe it is better to have been hurt than never to have trusted at all; you are firm in your principles but open to what you don't know, rejecting reflexive ideologies in social conventions, fashion and politics; and you believe in getting to the point and expressing yourself carefully but concisely.
You and I mean what we say and say what we mean, within our capacities as human beings; we believe in a holistic concept of beauty that integrates the mind, body and spirit, with no "letting ourselves go" in any area; we want intelligent conversation, deep feeling and a full expression of the physical gifts of life, including sex. We have value honesty and sincerity most, and prefer a struggle to complacency and boredom.

Date single man from Alaska, United States. I like to travel ..have a house in arizona which I go to when ever I can ..Enjoy the sunshine and swimming in my pool..I work alot , have two jobs, one with the airlines which allows me to travel and one that pays better!!!..looking for a women who is self assured and likes to smile at a silver haired 56 yr old guy...ME!!! PS I love baseball and going to Mariners games in Seattle, taking in pike place market and all that the area has to offer for the day and fly home that night or not....

Meet a man from Alaska, United States. I am a calm easy going person who hates people with bad or fast tempers. I am looking for a friend that would like to enjoy life without all the crap. I love traveling and have been to more than 20 countries on 6 continents.

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. Handsome gentleman looking to have some fun, travel and a companion that is compasionate, kind, considerate, generous and expects the same from me. Expect life to be relaxed and wonderful with minimum drama andhope to find someone who is relaxed and wants the same.

Meet a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Life is pre-destined and trying to change the outcome is fruitless. be yourself and you will never be confused. Looking for a friend and once this is established then whatever happens is a bonus. passionate about music and family.

Date single man from United States. ideal match is an exotic beauty, not too intense, enjoys all aspects of life, cultured and refined, sense of humor, sexy and straight forward about sex, wants to please and be pleased. willing and able to meet the relationship at least halfway, someone to not only talk to but actually relate with

Meet a man from United States. I have hair... and...
I also have a job and all that other normal stuff... But here, I want to talk about how I am different...
I am looking for an intelligent, fit woman who loves outdoor excursions. I like to hike, backpack, cross country ski, and go bicycle touring. I want a woman who will appreciate a guy who loves her and wants her be a partner when he does the things he loves. Therefore you must be fit, able, and willing. I don't really do things that normal people can't do... Its just that I actually DO them, and I do them frequently.
I'm not a racer... I just get in a comfortable pace and keep it going. I'm not much for working out, really. I just like to go somewhere on a bike, or get to the top of a mountain, and let the exercise take care of itself in the process. The world is my gym!
I prefer using muscles to using motors. Bicycle touring is my favorite way to travel. I try (usually successfully) to climb Flattop through the winter, and I've love to take you with me (at least some of the time...).
I am a competent Ballroom dancer, but my skills have slipped over the last few years, and I would like to get back into it. I am a voracious reader and can intelligently discuss almost anything with you, especially history and the sciences.
I'm very passionate, and therefore not very cool. I'm not good at acting like I don't care about things. If I like you, you will know it...again, and again. For that reason I am looking for someone who sees a lot of love and attention as a bonus, not a burden. If you haven't gotten enough in the past... you will with me.
I need a confident woman who is strong enough to tell me if I am doing something wrong. I can take criticism, but I must know I am being criticized. Please be straightforward to me.
I am most comfortable with women in the age range of 44-54, though I am not hard and fast on the ages . What matters is that if I see the two of us in a mirror, it has to look 'right'. What does that mean? I don't know... But I do know it when I see it.
I am 5'9"; (actual, not exaggerated) and 175 pounds. (not 125 or 225) My head is fully covered with thick, soft, brown hair. I can comb it in any direction, and I still have hair. If I am wearing a baseball cap it is because the sun was in my eyes.
I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs.
My heart is too big for my own good.
You will recognize me from my pictures.
I play guitar and sing,,,
As to my pictures, the oldest one was taken in Dec, 2009, and my main profile picture was taken July 2011. I still look the same. Further details can be found by emailing me. One last bonus; I am very funny, and even more funny in person! Use that big brain of yours and contact me now!! The successful applicant will be well, and frequently, rewarded.
And I have hair!!

Date someone special from United States. independant, hard working, enjoy life, enjoy other people, enjoy going out, washing the car, watching the birds, plane rides to anywhere, watching the stars, someone that can do all that, with a smile

Meet a soulmate from United States. Friendly, honest and very active. Looking for someone to share the good times and hopefully not many bad times. I like to travel around our beautiful stste and would love some company. If this appeals to you, drop me a line.