Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 18 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Ima cool laid back kinda person i like to go out nd hav fun i enjoy playing sports and listening to music im looking for someone who has somthing going for themselves and is gonna be real with me and not play games

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. Hey im scott I live in anchorage and Im looking for a girl to hang out with and do stuff with like bikeing skiing driveing basicly anything active but i also like to just stay inside and hang out if the weather is bad.

Date single boy from Alaska, United States. I am proud of the GPA I been keep up I have a 3.5 I am good at making Cofflies My closest friend would say I can come up with crazy ideas I think I guess you can Say Dirty I write kinda I read I go on walk to the store My social life well I have had A lot of friends most of which I have know since Grade School I going to High School I only have one more year left I luagh from well something funny I would t really know how to typle it I say Telling a funny story joke or something like that I hoping to attract a Girl around my age likes the things I am into I might let her make the fiest move cuase I dated in the past and its Either my timing too soon or too later not really ever been just right And if the Girl would be wounder what I do for a first date I take them to the movies or I attampt to make them dinner I let them choose if they wanted I looking for A Girl who would understand or try to understand who I am I am HalfBlind I alright know what your think how am I typling this well I am albe to see just only out of One Eye I have a Fake eye

Meet a boy from Alaska, United States. im lazy right now and dont want to fill this out haha i am a load of fun and i like to be spontanious
the only reason im doing this is i got nothing to do at my place and i cant spend the rest of my days in my room playing games

Date a guy from Alaska, United States. I just want a nice relationship and find the one thatll love me through the good and bad. I am into settling down already haha but my friends always tell me I'm the one they can all talk to. I'm grateful to have my family who have been there for me since day one

Meet a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. I'm single and interested on meeting new people.. I'm looking forward on finding new friends from Alaska, maybe out states that would be nice... I like listening to music, going biking, riding around town, working out, and much more...

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. i am currently going to job corp for culinary arts. I love cooking. Been doing it for a long time. Been told i would make an amazing husband because i know how to cook. Clean. Iron. Do laundry and so much more. I am in the marines. I leave for basic after i am done with my job training skills in palmer

Meet single boy from Anchorage, United States. I love my life and want to live it to the fullest.
I try my hardest in everything I do, no matter what. I always focus on the better, because life is what you make it. I try to to appreciate the little things in life, because the little things are what matters most.
People who know me say Im funny, kind, caring, polite, shy, and outgoing. I love hanging out and laughing with my friends in my free time.
I happily own a 1997 f150.
Born and raised in anchorage alaska, and I plan on staying here for a while.
Im looking for a girl who is fun to be around, kind, caring, loves to laugh, someone who loves their life as much as I love mine.

Date a boy from Anchorage, United States. I myself am the kind of person who wont stand by and let others suffer. If i see something go wrong ill act. that being said im a slightly shy person. sometimes i might get nervous, but overall i dont mind socialization. i just like to talk to people ive gotten to know.

Meet a guy from Anchorage, United States. I'm just looking for a woman I can relax around and talk about anything with. Someone I can trust and that can make me laugh. If you would like to know more, contact me and we'll talk and see where it goes.

Date a soulmate from United States. My name is Bryan.... I play basketball and some football. I enjoy sports. I also enjoy time with beautiful women. I do my best to comfort them and make it a fun time. I love hanging out with people. I also like meeting new people. And I live in Anchorge Alaska

Meet someone special from United States. I am tattood love to be outside I am very laydback I'm looking for a legit girl that will always be there I like to have a good time with every thing I am a praticle joker its always nice to laugh I will always be a fun guy I'm looking for a person that likes to enjoy life and have good times I'm not picky just want a girl that loves to laugh