Date women from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 29 year old

Date a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. I love to laugh and make others laugh I love to work and share with my loved ones and much more go dancing and shopping share a lot especially with my friends go to places and could not know I like going to the movies

Meet a girl from Anchorage, United States. Well I don't want to give too much away on here... then what would we talk about in our initial emails? :-P Suffice it to say that I would like to make a connection. Too vague? It's so hard to say exactly what I'm "looking for," and maybe I don't even know what that is. I do know that I would love to settle down and have kids someday... that being said, this is just the first baby step into some simple, hopeful dating.
Phew, ok, hard part over... here's some basic info on me: I'm 29 (old enough to know myself, but not yet embittered by dating mishaps), I'm a nurse (which means I'm caring and hardworking), I have no kids (baggage free, start fresh with me, hahaha), I live with my best friend and our three dogs (you don't need to be married to have a full home life), and I'm really excited about getting back into dating. I've never liked mystery in my mate, nor am I mysterious at all myself (all of my cards are always on the table), So, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Date single girl from Anchorage, United States. So you want to know more about me huh? Well this is the one time in my life I wish I had decided to major in autobiographical writing. I'll give this my best shot.
About me: I enjoy every minute of my life, this is not to say that I don't have rough moments, I do, but I try to always keep a positive outlook. I am very laid back and rarely get stressed or upset. I am pretty independent, but I like to know that their are people out there that want to know about my life. I consider myself the girl next door, I have great values and goals and I enjoy the little gestures in life. I am not at all what one would consider gorgeous, my personality is what I consider my best quality. If you really think about it looks can change/fade, but personality is forever. I love to laugh and have fun, I am a great listener and I am always there if needed. Family is important to me and I am very close with mine. I own a house and a car, both of which I bought myself, so I am more than capable of taking care of myself. I am not a "gold digger" I am looking for something real!
About him: This is hard, I don't exactly have a type. I like to watch sports so that would be a plus. I also love everything Alaskan, especially outdoor adventures. I am looking for a guy that shares these interest. Someone who hunts would be great! Being trustworthy is a hugely important quality. Understanding sarcasm and being able to take a joke are also a "requirement".
If you are interested in knowing more please send me a message. I make it a point to respond to all messages, since someone took the time to write them.

Meet someone special from Anchorage, United States. Hi!
I'm Stephanie. I'm smart, sophisticated and goofy (in no particular order) looking for a fun, smart, respectable man. I come from a family rooted in faith and friendship, and when I start a family, I want to provide that for my children. I think that having a strong and solid foundation from your family and community sets you up for tools for success in life's trials and tribulations. I want to meet someone who will help me grow, challenge me and be my partner in crime for those few time when you need to let loose ;). I am pretty laid back, respectful and loving of all people and as long as I get the same in return...I'm content and happy.
I love to laugh (who doesn't), I love to connect with people and I love to be challenged intellectually and I love to just be, live in the moment and enjoy those and that around me. I made a list once of all the qualities I am looking for in my soul mate but in a nutshell I just ask that you just be you, your genuine self...and we will get along just fine. I will never judge, or ridicule you or be negative about you....just not what I spend my time thinking about.
I need to take things a little slow at first. It takes me a while to fall for someone, and when I do, I will let you know. I never do anything I don't want to do (comes with being a strong, independent woman *Thanks Grandmas and Mom!*). I come from a huge family....and I mean huge. I have something like 56 first cousins, countless second and third cousins and a very strong connection to all my family back home. They are loud, boisterous, adventurous and their own party in a bundle!! I love each and every one of them and they are a true source of joy in my life. For you, I expect that you value your family or the idea of family, and are willing to be put through the ringer of my family, with the promise that if you make get to be part of the crew rustling the next newest member in the future (all in good fun).
I am extremely loyal, I believe in the concept of commitment and I take it seriously. I am giving and kindhearted and I love spending time with my significant other. I love camping. I love cuddling, I love watching movies, exploring and traveling. I love deep conversations and warm heartedness and a good laugh.

Date a soulmate from United States. About me... hmmm... well I have my career of my dreams. I love going to work everyday. I love to make others laugh... I'm a bit of a goof. Independent... i'm really happy in where my life is going. I'm not into playing games and drama. It is so not worth my time. We have just one life to live right? I do have a son and he is my world. Great kid. Not looking for a daddy here just some friends. Maybe it'll bloom into something later.
I love being outdoors, hiking, fishing and camping in the summer and snowboarding in the winter.
What am I looking for.... some friends. I want to meet people outside my great friends I already have. I enjoy meeting and getting to know ppl. I haven't met my match yet but every great relationship starts as friends right?

Meet a girl from United States. I am a divorced mother of two who works hard and loves to get out and have fun as well as sit back and relax. Im looking for someone honest, mature and well established who would like to spend time with me AND my kids when the time is right. I'm not really the serious type very often, and I'm pretty sarcastic, but I can laugh at my self too. A sence of humor is pretty important to me. I like to think I'm adventurous and as spontaneous as a single mom can be : )

Looking for that someone that will sweep me off my feet and treat me right. I am NOT looking for a booty call or friends with benefits type of thing so if that is what you want please keep looking. I am also not looking to be a Mommy so please have your together. I am looking for a guy that has grown up and is done with partying and has his priorities straight.
I am a strong woman at times even stubborn but you can't fault a girl for knowing what she wants and doesn't want. I am actually a very easy going laid back person with a big heart. I am a bit of an antisocial homebody at times so I am also looking for new activity partner since I would love to get out more. Dream r of all y-ahoo maybe we can chat sometime

Meet someone special from United States. Im a fun loving girl who seems to have bad luck with the whole dating scene. Maybe I just attract the wrong kind of guys! I am seeking someone who will be loyal, fun and always out to have a good time. Maybe do a little bit of traveling would be nice.

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I'm on here trying something new. Just taking a chance at this. I'm looking to find new friends. Maybe date if it happens. I'm looking for a new adventure and to have some fun. Just looking to open my horizons to whats new. I enjoy music, dancing, movies. I do enjoy nights at home as well as going out occasionally.

Meet a girl from Alaska, United States. My friends say I'm really sweet and a good listener(:
My ideal match should be tall handsome kind sweet and someone who isn't a cheater and will stay with me(:
Some things I'm looking for in a relationship are being able to talk every day and I wouldnt ever try and hurt my love in any way(:
I'm grateful for the things I have in life, my friends family younger siblings and for all that god gives me in life
Accomplishments in most proud of is getting my associates degree (:
Some things that make me smile or laugh is funny movies, I enjoy a movie every once in a while, a comedy one preferred I like being called beautiful instead of hot or sexy that shows the guy has respect and I enjoy a joke or something every once in a while.

Date single girl from Alaska, United States. I am new to this site, looking for new things to see. Im a intelligent, young beautiful, hard working woman with lo of goals in life and very ambitious. I'm a go getter and will not stop until I am satisfied with what I have accomplish. I am a kind person and warm hearted as well.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. I'm a laid back Alaska girl who finds enjoyment in many different activities. I tend to be a workaholic but still find time for fun. In the winter you may find me at an ACES game or at a local concert. The summer I like to spend outdoors camping and hiking. I love garlic chicken with rice, and despise lima beans. On a rainy day you may find me holed up inside watching the Godfather trilogy or reading an good book. I make delicious chocolate chip/peanut butter cookies. I've always wanted to learn how to play the piano and every so often you can catch me singing background for a local rock band.