Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 45 year old

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. I'll work on this more later, I have to go to work now, but want to at least get this online. I'm excited to actually meet someone in person for a short activity to see if we are attracted to each other.

Meet a man from Anchorage, United States. 1967 make/model; low mileage, high performance; bumped a few times but never wrecked. Proven ability to hug the road and not wander off course. Exterior in mint condition, solid chassis; warm sentimental interior -- never soiled. Factory-equipped entertainment package includes integrity, imagination, sense of humor, and intelligence. Radio picks up most frequencies. Runs on high-octane fun and wanderlust -- lifetime supply included. All the best rolled into this vehicle: German engineering, Italian styling, Japanese ingenuity, and American attitude. Available for inspection by female drivers looking to upgrade to a more reliable, durable, and efficient vehicle.
In all seriousness, I am new back to the world of dating, and this a first for me. I am fun loving and outgoing, looking for a woman that wants to be treated like a lady. I am passionate, caring for my family and friends to a fault, loving, supportive, selfless, giving, strong and independent! I was raised in a family where my mom was taken care of and she did the same for my dad at home. Love being active and outside and need someone that enjoys the same. Looking for someone that can enjoy quiet times or a fun time going out.There is a lot to know about me and I am sure there is much more to learn about you. The journey is what makes the destination worth while

Date a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. A little about me... I can tell you why airplanes stay in the air, but I have developed enough sense not to volunteer the explanation at social gatherings (anymore). I am musically inclined - I tend to wind down at night with a glass of red wine and my guitar in my lap. My dog either sings along happily or cries in misery - I really can't tell. I've also dabbled in watercolors, but so far nothing I've painted is truly wall-worthy. I often attend theater and symphony performances, but I also think South Park is endlessly hilarious. I tend to be quiet, but enjoy team sports for the social aspects. I wear glasses, though after another broken pair from playing shortstop Lasik surgery is sounding better and better. I am VERY athletic, though I don't really look it. A more accurate physical description of me is "Athletic and Toned Under a Few Extra Pounds". I've been told I have very kind eyes. Thanks to my Italian dad, I tan nicely and talk more with my hands than my voice. Thanks to my white-bread mom I get white as a ghost in the winter and know "The Sound of Music" by heart.
I tend to be attracted to women who are honest, and show an interest in learning new things. I am attracted to physically active women - not necessarily physically FIT. I am attracted to curves and bumps at first site, but it's really all what's inside. Still, if you think you need to drop 20 lbs, I'm your huckleberry! Mark Twain said that it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt, yet I wax on in the shallow end of the pool here... The most important characteristics I want in a partner are for someone who is inquisitive, very honest, has integrity, is kind and sweet, and is someone I can be totally open with about anything. I want someone who I know would do anything for me because she knows I would do anything for her. Someone who appreciates a dozen little gestures of affection rather than one big presentation. Finally, she must acknowledge that there just ARE certain occasions when the use of a Klingon exclamation IS necessary. If you like what you've read, send me an email!

Meet single man from Anchorage, United States. I'm sweet, romantic, lovely, and will give you lots and lots of love. I will treat you the way you like to be treated and will love you. I would like to meet someone that has a good sence of humor and likes me the way i am.

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. ... let's be honest; if I didn't have a zest for life, and didn't want to share life, with all its ups and downs, I wouldn't be here. And, I'd like to believe, neither would you.
My friends tell me I'm fun, funny (, energetic, outgoing, adventurous. I'm newly single again, and I've had guy and gal friends tell me "I know this great gal you should meet... "... and while I'm honored that good people think enough of me to look out for me, that only goes so far.
I have friends in Alaska, and elsewhere. Some of those friends are guys, and some are gals, and I'm grateful for each and every one. While friendship is good and necessary, companionship on a deeper level is what I want.
If you're happy and content to watch a great sunset, or great movie, or cook supper, or walk in the rain, or catch a live band, we could become friends, or more. There's one way to find out...

Meet a man from Alaska, United States. Hello and thanks for taking the time to read about me. This feels like I am making a resume' So let have some fun with this.
PROFESSIONAL PROFILE - Dynamic professional with years of proven achievement and accomplishments. (I have a job that I enjoy and I also own my own business)
AREA OF EXPERTISE - I am a jack of all trades, I love animals and I do a lot of training with my 5 month old German Shepard puppy, I open doors for people and never forget to put down the tiolet seat.
Okay - I can't keep doing my resume LOL. But I will say that I am a very mellow and fun loving guy. I'm one of those people that would get up in the middle of the night to pick up cough drops for a friend if they were in need.
I enjoy doing things with my dog, fishing, camping (in an RV since I hate waking up with a stick or rock in my back now days), I also like going to the PAC to see a show. I love the Bear Tooth for movies. I enjoy dancing but would warn you to wear steal toed shoes

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I'm very simple with little needs, looing for the same friend. Time spent between two peoplre is more important than material items. Family must be the most important focus. Children always come first then the relationship.

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. So hard to describe myself and yet not. I love music second to my boys. I am a Union Carpenter, I am an avid musician, a campfire is my best friend and music lover, I have a million aquaintances, however, I am looking for the woman who can live the fire, children, life and love and fun of the adventure
This is me, and my buddys would say, oh, I dont know, that they want to dance with you, and have your at their BBQ the next day. Wanna go to the BBQ, concert, Aces game, Fair, fishing, camping or just to lunch? I do. I will let you meet my buddies, camp with my friends and my children or just meet you for a quick sack lunch at the library. Your call. I wanna meet a great gal. so please respond and I will call right away. (wont tell my buddies til you are on my arm). lets have fun! I am a gentleman.
Interested in a woman who loves music of all genre. Our children camp with us, play guitar or something like it, fight and wrestle all of us do and lets smile. If this fits your lifestyle, please respond. P.S. I am not in a relationship

Date someone special from United States. my friends and family would tell you i am loyal, honest. I have some chivalry in me that surprises most ladies..I have 2 grown boys and 4 grand children. i have 8 or nine friends that have been friends for almost 30 years true friends. I am blessed for my friends and family. I love to ride motorcycles and be outdoors in general.. I am looking for someone that has direction in her life with morals and self respect.

Meet a man from United States. My friends would describe me as a loyal person who will always be there if you need me. . I really like being out in the yard planting flowers or just chilling by the fire. I love to cook especially with someone who you have a connection with. Teamwork in the home is a must. I'm most grateful for the relationships that have taught me how to be a better person. I'm looking for someone who is spunky but under control. Someone who can treat my kids as their own. Someone that won't run away when the going gets tough. .Once I get home I enjoy fishing, camping, movies, snuggle time, flowers ,candles ,soft things and a comfortable king size bed to crash in.. . I'm looking for a woman who can balance work and home life.I love to talk about issues and like to clear the air before drama starts. I am most passionate about honesty and being trustworthy! Friends don't treat each other with disrespect . I'm not very good at bragging about myself...

Date a soulmate from United States. I am fun loving,easy going,adorable,ambitious,honest,trustworthy,faithf
ul,strongwilled. I am always up for an adventure.I love the outdoors,I enjoy hiking,biking,4 wheelers,snowmobiles,camping,fishing,traveling and working out. I also enjoy nights in or a night on the town or trying a new restaurant ect.. Life is a journey, but it is even better if it can be shared with someone special.
I am looking for that someone special to enjoy all that life has to offer. Someone who likes to have fun and takes the good with the bad. Someone who is petite, athletic, toned, non smoker and who likes to stay in shape as I am an exercise minded person. I am looking for someone to have fun with and enjoy life.

Meet single man from United States. I like to travel and play outdoors.I live for adventure and like to make memories. I'm looking for a woman with which to share the fun times as well as the day to day. Life is best when shared. For fun closer to home, I play pool, enjoy dining out, or watching movie at home or the theater. In a relationship, its essential to have trust. I am 100% loyal to my partner and accept nothing less in return. My job keeps me busy and I occasionaly have to travel. I have an active sense of humor and like to share, humorous banter, texts, & emails. I've expanded my search to more than local. I was inspired by the success of friends. they met online and were in Alaska and Oklahoma. They've been living together for 2 years. Don't hesitate to email me. My attitude is that I'll get to know anyone. I have friends from all walks of life, ethnicities, religions etc. I'm very open to different points of view and enjoy learning about different cultures.