Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 29 year old - page 3

Date a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. Disclaimer: I snowboard and fish. A lot. I disappear in the woods, mountains, or out of town for days and weeks at a time. I take my fun very seriously. We’re on the planet a short time so I try to make the most of it. I’m also NOT career oriented. More of a work to live kind of guy. You’ve been warned.
But wait.. there’s more! I love hammocks, juggling, unicycling, fist pumps, randomly helping others, and escaping to a simple place. The more simple life is, the happier I am. I think mathematics is rad, I like snugs, and I’m the fastest shoe lace tier in the world. I also love drinking cheap beer with good friends. I am appreciative of my friends, but family trumps both friends and fun every time. You may want to know that I'm good with my hands, I know how to open a door for a lady, and can interchange between Carhartt's and button ups. One day I will meet someone who'll make me less selfish with my time.

Meet a boy from Anchorage, United States. I'm from Vermont originally, went to college in new York where I studied mechanical engineering and then did a masters in business right afterwards. I lived and worked in Denver for a year after college, and then decided to join the army. I've had a great time in the army and returned from Afghanistan in march 2011. I fell in love with Alaska, so I decided to stay here instead of staying in the army.
I like being active, but I'm just as comfortable lounging on a couch. In the summer I like riding four wheelers or riding bikes through kincade. In the winter I'm at Alyeska almost every weekend snowboarding. I can ski but it's just not as fun for me, I'd be up for cross country though.
I like going out on the weekends, could just be dinner, or out to a bar. I love live music and I've been know to attempt dancing. I haven't been to all the restaurants and bars around anchorage, and I'm always willing to try new ones.

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. I would like to have the normal life I keep seeing on tv, 2.5 kids and the nicely groomed yard that all my neighbors compete with. I have just recently retired from construction and I am so loving all the free time I have now. This is the first time I've ever worked a standard 40 hour week so I find myself looking for things to keep me occupied. I love fishing, I usually wont miss a weekend in the summer. I try to go camping as much as possible, its amazing to wake up and grill bacon and eggs over an open fire. I think I want to try golfing this year also, the scenery looks so awesome on hdtv. I just need to get some plaid pants and I'll be ready to go.
I will insist on opening doors for you, I will be very uncomfortable if you try to pay for dinner. I will be completely honest with you all the time and I expect the same in return, I just dont see the point in lying. Cheating is the absolute most terrible act that can ever be commited in a relationship and should never be tolerated in any circumstance. I cant promise to be a perfect person all the time but that is one thing I will never do, it feels unbelievably horrible to be cheated on and I will never be responsible for making someone else feel that way.
I do hang out with my brothers more than most people I know, we all like to do the same things and I know without a doubt that I can always trust them. My dog is always close to me and he will probably jump on you the first time you meet him, or if he hasnt seen you in a while. Some times even when you just walk to the mail box and back. Now that I think about it he is a real asshole.
I can't exactly say what my ideal match would be like since I havent met her yet, I think any two people can be each others "one" if they are compatible and are dedicated to each other.
Some things I should warn you about are: I drink beer, good beer and not out of a can. Not a whole hell of a lot but its one of lifes pleasures that I'm not willing to give up. I am a man, therefore sometimes I will do things that seem stupid or unecessary, to me these things are learning experiences and very necessary so please just accept me for who I am. I bring my dog everywhere with me so it will occasionally smell like wet dog, even thouhg he gets the pampered treatment at petsmart every time I can smell him. You should love kids, not because I have them(I dont have any) but because I will act like one sometimes, plus I would like to have a couple of my own.
If you decied to message me just know before hand that my date idea is just an outlandish idea I had and I have not the connections to actually get us onboard a real fighter jet. I hope you aren't dissapointed by this news and still want to go out with me.

Meet single boy from Anchorage, United States. I would be described as an easy going guy, hard working, but also like to have fun. Looking for someone who is honest, upbeat and shares the same values as I do. Most people would describe me as a homebody, though I certainly love to get outside the house and do things. I have been out of the dating scene for a while and admittingly, I'm a little nervous about it, but also I'm excited about meeting that special someone.

Date a guy from Anchorage, United States. I'm in no way perfect. I am slightly overweight, although by no means obese. I'm a writer, as probably stated somewhere else in the morass I went through to create this profile, so I can be very creative. I'm a very physically and emotionally affectionate type of person. I won't say I'm laid back, because to survive in modern society, you do have to be somewhat driven. I do like to do my best to relax sometimes, whether it be with a book, a movie, or that special someone.
My perfect match. I hate the way that is worded. There is no such thing as a perfect match. The person I would want to be with, would have to be intelligent, as well as somewhat attractive. While not perfect, appearances do matter a little bit, as without physical attraction, the emotional attraction is much harder to come by. It's the simple truth, and I'd rather not lie. Someone who can keep up with me in a conversation is definitely a big preference of mine, as my conversations can turn bit to the wild tangent side. Someone who can laugh, as well as be serious when the time is needed. These are all things that any person can look for, I know, but there is always that special something about that one particular person, and who knows, maybe I will find that through here.

Meet a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I'm outgoing and like to meet new people. I don't like doing things repeatively and would rather try out other ways to achieve a certain thing. I stay active throughout the year. If your looking for someone who is funny, outgoing and care free to some extent, I might be the one.

Date a boy from Alaska, United States. I'd like to be friends first and see where that goes. Maybe meet up for coffee or something laid back like that.
I live an active lifestyle and have a professional job, I dont have a lot of time to date but I can make it point to make time for someone special to me. I'm looking for an independent woman who knows what she wants. I am not looking for anyone who is co-dependent.
I'm really easy going and have an ear for listening. I'm down to earth and hard working and I appreciate those types of qualities in people, its often hard to come by.
I love being outside and get out every chance I can; bike rides,hiking,camping,long drives,fishing,new foods at new places, always like to do something new when there is time for it or enjoy the good old places I like to go back to. I love being on the river or on the ocean and running around in a boat. Some of my favorite places are Kenai, Seward and Whittier.
I like to keep myself fit but I'm not a gym junkie or a jock type. I'm a driven type of person who is always active a seldom sedentary.
I can sometimes be the shy one but once people get to know me they are always glad they did. I believe in keeping strong relationships with family, friends and others I care about.
I have a silly sense of humor and love slapstick ridiculousness.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. Don't know what I'm looking for til it comes my way but friends are a start. My ideal match should be very goal and family oriented person. Someone fun and funny is must. Staying in and going out is a must. Humor, sarcasm, intelligence, beauty, and compassion for others is perfect. Cheaters or liars need not inquire within.
The name's Adam born and raised in Central Kentucky. Currently I'm enlisted in the active duty military and loving it. I'd describe myself for you, however to know more inquire within?

Date single boy from Alaska, United States. I am on this site to find the girl I want to share my life experiences with. I don't want a one nighter, a fling, or just a friend. I am here to find a serious relation with a girl who wants to be treated with respect. That said, I moved up to Alaska in 2006, have enjoyed being up here and love to call this place my home. I am basically laid back, I enjoy cooking and learning how to make just about anything. I enjoy spending time with my friends who I call family since I have little that live in Alaska. I enjoy camping, fishing, and playing sports whether I am good at them or not. I love to go hiking all across Alaska with my chow-rot, out on walks, and working outdoors. I work hard and play harder, if my nails are not dirty at the end of the day I was to lazy.
I am looking for a woman who loves animals, hiking, sports, being outside and exploring new places. She should enjoy spending a night on the town though sometimes would enjoy to just watch a good movie. She should enjoy outdoor activities from the simple walk around the block to camping 50 miles from any road.
If your interested email me. I will not respond to winks.

Meet a guy from Alaska, United States. First try at this...and not sure how to begin. My sister is currently engaged to somebody she met from this site so why not give it a try right?
I would describe myself as a super chill, adventurous, great sense of humor. I know when to be serious but I am often a complete goofball. I love to push the limits and try new things. Life is to crazy to be serious all the time you just have to have fun with it!
For the past two years I have just been travelling, currently on a motorcycle trip down to argentina. Split my time mainly between alaska and Nicaragua where life on the beach cannot be beat. A perfect day for me is getting up early, jumping in my truck, and driving out for a day of surfing. Followed by a nap in the hammock, a beer, and going out with friends.
I dont have a cookie cutter perfect match. I guess if I had to describe "the perfect" she would be #1 FUNNY! She has got to be able to laugh at herself. Somebody who is adventurous and has the means to travel. Somebody who is loyal, laid back, and who is just plain fun to be around.

Date a soulmate from United States. Well I'm a military man looking for someone to share fun times, special moments etc... You know that thing everyone wants!! I say I'm a romantic person I love to show it too. I'm not afraid of commitment like most guys. Just not right away. I like to get to know that person and see what happens down the road! There's a lot more about me but you'll have to ask to know!!

Meet a boy from United States. Am dark and tall good looking, I have hair also love things around me, have brow eye dark hair charming lips, easy going person, I love with all my heart and ready to settle down for marriage, am from a familly 5, 4 boy and girl, am last born off my mum, I lost my mum march 25