Date men from United States / Alaska / Adak, 29 year old

Date a boy from Adak, United States. haha. Wellll I recently moved here from Colorado and im still adjusting to southern Maryland. I'm a pretty adventurous outdoorsy guy so therefor I love fishing, camping, hiking, exploring, snowboarding, traveling, and open to anything new and exciting. I'm known to be sarcastic, fun, genuine, and laid back yet very driven. I enjoy my free time having plans to not have plans, life is more interesting and fulfilling that way. I'm really looking forward to spring/summer so I can check out the water around here. It really seems that's about the only thing there is to do "down" here so a kayak or boat might be in store soon. Not really sure what to expect from "Internet dating" but I thought it might be worth a shot;)

Meet a guy from Adak, United States. love changes from generation to generation, the meaning anyway. trust and loyalty is no longer part of an relation ship. but if you find the guys that have been brought up old school or belive in old school ways you will find a great relationship and happiness.