Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 37 year old

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. I cant respond to emails yet. However if you continue reading you will find mine, that's if you have an investigative mind :)
Hola, Privet, Greetings, etc.-My background is Jamaican- a mixture of Black(West African), White(English,German, Irish, Scott, Jewish,French)and East Indian(N.India) - I am Mulatto/ Creole. Have recently moved back to Alaska. I am currently a Real Estate investor. Researching different states/ countries,areas for a possible permanent local to plant some roots, or may just stay in Alaska if everything goes as it should.
My taste in music is very eclectic as I love most types such as 80's and 90's, 2000's classical,reggae,salsa, heavy metal (old school). On I go: I try not to be a judgmental person, I am laid back person.My views are moderate; God is not political correct!.I am still considerate and respectful of others feeling and enjoy a dialectic conversation. I like to travel when I can. Lately been to Europe and the Caribbean. My personality profile is estj. I will answer this now: I dont smoke weed, I dont Bob Sled, never had dread locks and yes Jamaica is very diverse racially-Black, Brown(mixed) East Indian, White, Chinese and other. Oh almost forgot. our official language is ENGLISH!
Rolyan Anyway, I believe you should treat a person how you would like to be treated, respect, communication and trust is vital AND I believe that one should NOT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER, GET TO KNOW A PERSON FIRST! I cant really respect a woman that swears constantly like its a 2nd language.
77 I am looking for a LTR, seeing where it goes; a traditional, educated woman that can be feminine, communicative, monogamous, affectionate , however, not extremely needy Just a balanced person. I am seeking a confident woman who is out of her princess phase and a bit open minded, not a total, right or left wing zealot.
gee Dont contact me if you are loud, total introvert, a commitment-phoebe, a poor communicator, a NARCISSIST, a pathological liar or mail,cheater. Oh if you have any stds dont contact either. I dont think its being picky to request that!!!
If you are a traditional educated woman from: Ukrainian, Eastern or Western European, White, Middle Eastern,any Asian, East African(Ethiopian, Eritrean) Latina, West Indian-mixed-,Native American or White American drop me a line. I have noticed that I get along great with Europeans , Russians, Pacific NW women(Seattle, Portland) more, I guess most are more open minded and less hypocritical than White Americans when it comes to acceptance of color,etc., Exception- Americans that have traveled, educated and have minorities as friends. What, too much?! :)That said good luck to all in finding your partner in life, whether its me or someone else.God Bless!

Meet a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. Looking someone who is not afraid to let her hair down. Must be able to cook but I'm willing to teach as long as she is patient and not someone who give's up easily. I love someone who is willing to take chances and take trips on no giving notices. She must love animals and be kind, gentle and able to stand on her on two feet, in other words strong hearty.

Date a man from Anchorage, United States. I'm Driven & out going My Family & friends & My Three Cats The Two Accomplishments I'm Most Proud Of Winning The National Wrestling Alliance Pacfic Northwest Tag Titles With A.J Styles & Being Part Owner Of The Alaska Wrestling Federation The Wrestling Commuinity & My Best Friends Jackson & Alissa One Name Jeff Dunham I Volinteer @ The Animal Sheler Trainnimg The Felines Animal Rights Organuzations

Meet single man from Anchorage, United States. My friends would describe me as funny, honest and one of the few REAL people they know in the lives. I believe I fit that description. I like to have fun, doing and seeing new things. I am loyal to a fault, and I expect the same.
I am proud of my flaws, and I would be proud of yours as well... because they are what make us all individually wonderful people in our own way. Those things define us. I am also proud I am getting an education, and my family and friends for being supportive of me.
I would like to attract someone who has similar interests in life. Direction, which could be very laid back, or some one highly motivated. I tend to to be pretty intense some times, and lazy at really varies on the day, so I guess I would call myself average in that respect.
My social life is pretty limited right now. I'm in school and trying to earn my degree, so I focus a lot of time on my education. I do enjoy the company of friends, and meeting new people. Visiting new places and staying home are both good, in the right company.
I laugh out loud at myself sometimes, and at life in general when it warrants a good laugh. It never happens as much as it could, but that could be a good thing. Funny jokes and posts on face book are notorious for being a good laugh.
I'm looking for a relationship be cause I want a true friend, who is more than just a friend. I want an woman who knows what she doesn't want in life and see me as the polar opposite in life. She needs to be real. She needs to know how to be a lady when she should, and how to be free. I believe the freedom shared between two people is their true ticket to happiness. I want to share a deeper kind of love with this woman, the deepest.
I am most passionate about being myself, and trying to make myself the best man I can be in my mind, body and soul.

Date someone special from United States. My closest friends would discribe me as funny & driven inmy chosen career field my family & friends & my three cats make me smile the two accomplishments I'm most proud of are winning the National Wrestling Alliance Pacfic Northwest Tag Team Titles With My friend A.J Styles & being part owner Of The Alaska Wrestling Fedration. I'm Greatful for my Life Liberty & Happyness Someone who Loves Me For Me sitting somewhere and just relasxing One person Jeff Dunham.A caring & loving Person who will let me kiss her hand and cuddle with her I'm Passionate About Animal Right Issues

Meet a soulmate from United States. I love and appreciate life. Laughing and enjoying people. Some weekends I like to get out go for a hike and others I like to chill and enjoy a good movie. I am in the army so my hours can be crazy. I love my crazy kids! I have a big heart, and I am not the most subtle person. I certainly put an effort into being subtle or using a "filter" which normally fails horribly which translates into a good laugh, or a running joke. I enjoy meeting new people.
I am pretty new to the area, but I have enjoyed what it has to offer, learned how to snowboard, and went fishing during the late part of summer. Like to go out every now and again with my friends downtown....A few weekends ago I watched some female roller derby, it was wild and really fun to watch.
Looking to meet fun people, don't have a lot of expectations, but looking forward to see where this goes :)

Date a man from United States. I live in Anchorage and I want to explore the state the hit the Southwest. I'm athletic and would like someone that at least has a passing interest in sports. I'm 37 but have dated younger and older.
I have kids who split split time with my ex wife. 10 and 16.
I like to go out every once and a while but I. Comfortable just staying home. Pretty out going and comfortable in crowds.
I dig foreign films just as much as a badass action movie.
I have a soft spot for Wes Anderson films. One in particular will make me pretend there's dust in my eye that I have to wipe with my Steve Zissou cap.
On a whim? Let's do it. Passport, canoe, and shovel are standing by.

Meet single man from United States. I'm a divorced, single dad. I love my son and have him often. I love the outdoors and all the activities and scenery that Alaska has to offer and would like very much to find somebody to spend the summer with. If you'd like to try camping, fishing, hiking, back packing or road trips, please let me know, Thanks

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. Hello I'm a thirty five year old male I live in Anchorage ak with my sixteen year old daughter. I love to spend time with her and stay active fishing hiking and running our whippet dog. I would like to meet a woman that is fun caring energetic good with children and open about the beautiful world around us. MY ideal match is some one that I can relate with and have some common iterest together. I believe that it's ok to disagree and that a real good relationship is one that the two people can learn to accept the other ones faults and not look at them as a negative part of the relationship. I love the world around me and I love to show it to my daughter so any one that I would be with would have to enjoy and be good with children or the ability and drive to learn how.

Meet a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Never been much of a salesman. But I'll give it a shot.
I like to laugh and have a good time. But I have a serious side to me too. I am fiercely loyal to my family and friends and I'm not afraid to challenge anyone who threatens to hurt the people I care about. I can be tough but I'm a softy deep down. I'll stop and help a stranger in need and would do any and everything within my power to help a family member who needs it. I remember what manners are and expect the people around the woman I'm with to use them when it comes to how they treat her - I'm big on respect. I can be a romantic but I prefer to come up with original ideas rather than the typical champage and strawberries. I like the the outdoors - hiking, camping etc. I also like going out for a fun night on the town. I love trying new things and going on "off the beaten path" adventures especially when I'm in a new place. I tend to make friends easily and like to find out what interests those around me and why. The list goes on but I'll stop there.
There's one catch......
I work on the north slope. Working 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. Although this can be a 'negative' in some ways, there is also a positive side to it in that when I'm around I am all yours - this can translate to mean that I am a very attentive.
Anything else you want to know, just ask.
I'm looking for a woman who is down to earth, loves to laugh, and will always be real with me. I'm NOT into games. Let's be honest and see where it takes us.

Date a man from Alaska, United States. Hi there! I'm on this site to meet someone whom I might otherwise not during the course of life;) I'm looking for a fun loving, adventurous, creative girl who has passion for life and love! I am a proud father to my son born on 2010, He is learning so much every day and a constant source of happieness for me. Lately, I'm feeling more and more like I'm ready to make the next move in my life and meet that someone who wants to share and work together to make the best out of life we possibly can

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. I'll be posting some pictures soon.
I enjoy traveling and thought for years that the only way to do it was by myself. I recently found out I was wrong about this and would like to find someone who likes to travel and explore new places. I don't always have an exact plan when I head out for a day or even multiple days adventure. As Yogi Berra said, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it". This I have done on numerous occasions and didn't regret it once. These are sometimes the best adventures of all. Not knowing where exactly you're going, but having one heck of a time getting there.
I'm quite new to Anchorage and know a very limited number of people here. I have been spending pretty much all of my free time hiking different trails(Bird Ridge was a bugger), mountain biking, camping and sightseeing. I am hoping to find someone who is as adventurous or more adventurous than I am. Come and explore with me. I can't guarantee anything but a laugh or two. I am full of humor, wit, sarcasm & sass and I like to share it with anyone who is nearby, as I am not a selfish person. I was taught to treat people with respect, hold doors open for others, especially ladies, and mind my manners.
You: Must be smart, funny, a beautiful person and not be afraid to show some affection in public.
To be able to spend 12hrs together and have it seem like only minutes went by.

One of my favorite quotes:
“You Know You're in Love When You Can't Fall Asleep Because Reality Is Finally Better than Your Dreams.” Dr. Seuss
This is what I would hope to find eventually.