Date men from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 29 year old

Date a guy from Fairbanks, United States. I am a very hard working, driven, compassionate and energetic person.
I love nature and spend a lot of time outdoors.
I am told that I am funny, I am somewhat outspoken, and I like to joke around.
I grow on people.
I am a worker bee, I am always out doing something and have lots of energy!
I am looking for someone who wants to make the best of life, someone that is easy to peel away from the TV set and is genuinely interested in getting out and exploring.
I have many interests that include arts (painting/photography), sports (playing not watching), aviation, wildlife, rocks, backpacking, and
a hundred other things.

Meet single boy from Fairbanks, United States. If you want to know something just ask. I will reply. I like to try most things at least once. I do things that I do not want to because they need to be done or would make someone else happy. I enjoy doing a lot or a little. I can be indoors and I can be outdoors. I enjoy being flexible when it comes to doing things because it is easier to make the best out of a poor situation. I am looking for a friend that I enjoy being around and someone who interests me. I am slightly old fashioned, but that is a good thing. I do not like lying. That also means that if you ask me how something looks I am going to tell you. So please, do not ask if you do not want to hear the answer. If you appreciate it, I will open doors for you and pull out your chairs. I work long hours, so if I do not have work I try not to worry about it. I also try to better myself through education, both formal and informal.
Age, mistakes and experience have taught me a great deal about what I want. I want someone who does things because they want to do them. This means doing something not because you feel obligated, but because you want to. I do not like to do most housework, but I do love a clean house and work should be shared. I enjoy someone who can hold a good conversation. This also means that I like a good argument (not a fight). I have a great deal of acquaintances, but few friends. A friend accepts you for your faults and cares about you no matter what. I keep friends and family close. I want someone who can also be my friend. People fall in and out of love all the time. Actual love is something that is unconditional. It is caring and patience in the face of aggravation. I am not sure what else to say but if you have a question just ask.

Date a boy from Fairbanks, United States. Born n raised in Fairbanks alaska. Work construction/maintenance. I have a beautifu,l smart son who was born in December of 2007. He is with me 50%. Like to get out n about and travel. Ski/ snowboard. Ride quads. Play hockey ride snowmobiles n dirt bikes. Guess u could say I'm an adrenaline junkie. I would love to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Have any more ?'s feel free to ask. The truth hurts but less than being lied to or ignored. Food for thought.
Thanks for reading.

Meet someone special from Fairbanks, United States. It's tuff to describe perfections, jk
I'm the nice guy to a fault, but i'm willing to fight for my friends and the people i love. Everyone who gets to know me loves me. I don't hate because it's a waist of time.
I'm looking for a girl who loves to laugh and enjoys just hanging out, also a girl who either enjoys the nerd life, or has an open mind about it.
My favorite thing is watching a movie or tv show and just talking about it afterwards.
It's really hard to talk about yourself when no one is asking you questions.

Date a soulmate from Fairbanks, United States. Just checking this not expecting much. There probably isnt many real people on here anyways.
29 yr old just looking for chatting. whatever happens happens. If your interested in knowing more then send me a message.

Meet a guy from Alaska, United States. Here I am showing my cards. I'm single, I'm looking, and I'm happy where my life is leading me to success. I am driven, know what I want, and creative about how it will get done. Honestly, I am a nerd and proud of it!!! I enjoy science fiction/DC and Marvel comic movies, tv shows, and comics I enjoy reading. I am very independent, a good listener, a natural counselor, know when and how to have fun, and I work hard for what I earn. I have lived in Arizona most of my life, and stationed all over the country for me being military. I describe myself as genuine and conservative, and expect to be treated like a man when around his woman. I will treat every woman with care as though as I loved them with all my heart. I know I am not the athletic/muscualar type most women would go for, but I do make it up with being clever and witty with whom I choose to love. I am kind of old-fashioned when it comes to dating, the first to call, and prefer women initiate when advancing the relationship; although, I don't mind having to take the initiate of advancing the relationship too. I will treat women the same way as equals the same way I want to be treated. I enjoy and take my job seriously. I enjoy spending time with friends and value my family very much. I surround myself with good people, good food, and good entertainment.
That's it about me! I would love to find someone who has similar interests as I do, mature for her age, knows to have fun inside and outside of the bedroom, and to explore what the world has to offer. Someone with ambition and determination, who knows that living a healthy lifestyle will help you get more out of life. Could her be you?

Date single boy from Alaska, United States. Well, since I'm not subscribed to all I can do is wink. In my free time, most of the time since I don't have much more to do, one can find me at Planet Fitness. I'm looking for a woman who likes to have fun, smile, joke around, and doesn't mind getting a little dirty. One who enjoys the same activities as I do, and I'm not opposed to trying new and interesting things as well.

Meet a boy from Alaska, United States. Hello Alaska! I moved here about a year ago for a new job, and I'm happy to be exploring the interior of Alaska. I'm always up for something different and interesting. If you're looking for an adventure, I'm ready.
I'm a fairly ambitious guy, and would like my date to have big goals for their life. I tend to get along with people who know what they want, and who are driven to go after it.

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. ask me or hit me u i am not rally sure what to put on this i know iam kind funny and a loving person don cheat or treat women bad i respect for them not like other pervs around here who just want to get into there pants when they first meet.. yes some of the women do that but that is upto then to tell a guy weather theycan or cant so wanna know more just as m its not hard lol

Meet a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I'm looking for someone who is funny, smart and fun. i just want someone who i can laugh with and go out and have a fun time with maybe see a few hockey games. or sometime just lay around the house and watch TV/ movies or go on walks/hikes or something active. And I love to travel. I'm a pretty easy going guy, i don't worry about little things. I'm a glass half full kind of guy.

Date a guy from United States. I'm opened minded and like to have fun. I am also laid back. I have a good sense of humor and i love to make people laugh. My perfect match should be the same, but sometimes opposites attract so I just want to see if there is something out there other then traditional dating. because sometimes you life gets to hectic to find someone.

Meet single boy from United States. I'm a single father of a wonderful seven year old boy, and I'm interested in getting to know some new people... eventually enjoy some casual activities together, and perhaps more someday. ,. My friends would describe me as fun-loving, silly, kind, funny, ! lol...
I would like to meet someone who is funny, intelligent, honest, hard working, attractive, and family oriented. I need someone who is responsible, but still knows how to let loose & have fun... someone that knows the difference between going out for a couple drinks every now & then vs. someone who drinks "socially" every night... I love to laugh,