Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 29 year old

Date a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. I am a big goofball, I love to laugh and have a good time. I am rarely serious and have a sarcastic sense of humor. I love to be outside and enjoy all that Alaska has to offer.
I am looking for someone to spend time with and show me all the great things there are to do around here. Someone that's not afraid to be a goofball, doesn't mind hanging out with a complete dork and isn't taken aback by fart jokes.
I am definitely looking for someone adventurous, lets go kayaking, climbing, lets learn new things together, salsa dancing? I would really appreciate being around someone that could teach me new things and expand my knowledge of my unknown.
I am really a shorts, t-shirt and flip flops guy, I do however like playing dress up and going to to see a show. It would be awesome to find a girl that would be interested in going to the opera house or seeing a play.
I am working on the Kenai Peninsula for the summer as a Manager of a Luxury fishing lodge and will be back in Anchorage this fall to return to school to become a nurse. Feel free to insert whatever Gaylord Faulker jokes or Murse comments suit your fancy.

Meet a boy from Anchorage, United States. I enjoy making people laugh when I go out but at the same time know when to be reserved. I like exploring the outdoors of alaska and would like to find someone that finds some pleasure being outdoors. I have recently taken up mountain biking and enjoy checking out a new trail or biking around Eklutna lake or finding a single track around town.
I'm very passionate about skiing and would like to find someone that I can at least ski with on the weekends or maybe even calling in on a deep powder day :)
I currently own seasons 1,2 and 6 of Seinfeld so finding someone with the other season seasons would be great haha.

Date someone special from Anchorage, United States. The perfect woman does not exist; this I know and understand. However, I'd like to find someone who I enjoy spending time with and who enjoys spending time with me. I have a busy work schedule and enjoy using my personal time on activities where I can relax (swimming, running the gym, friends, WoW, and whatever else can help me unwind and relax). I recently returned from a deployment to Afghanistan last summer and have had more then enough excitement for one lifetime - this is to say, I'm not a thrill-seeker. I've had 'real' adrenaline rushes in some of the worst areas on the planet. I'd love to go skydiving one day (I hate heights, but would do it all the same), I just don't have it as my #1 priority right now.
I'll be up front about my future residential plans - I don't want to permanently live in Alaska. Alaska is great and all, but I prefer warmer weather, sports, and activities in general. I'm going through a career change currently and I don't see Alaska in it (unless of course the job relocates me here for a time).
My ideal woman would be someone who enjoys their free time and time spent with me. I'm a big fan of going out, doing movies, or simply staying in with girlfriend. Having fun while truly enjoying each others' company will make for the best combo. I have a severe weakness for baked goods; great/good/aspiring bakers earn automatic extra credit points.

Meet single boy from Anchorage, United States. I'm just a down to earth guy who enjoys life and likes to joke around. I love to have fun with friends, hangout with my family, go do outdoors stuff like hiking, walks, camp, fish, motorcycle riding, and snowboarding. I also like kicking back and relaxing and watching a movie. I love my job and I am a very motivated guy. I'm looking for a down to earth girl who kinda has the same interests as me. Who likes to have fun, has a sence of humor, and likes a guy who is old school in treating a girl.

Date a guy from Anchorage, United States. I am pretty laid back, and enjoy going out and doing stuff, If it be seeing a movie,dinner, or a bike ride, I am honest and work hard for a living. I am a assistant manager for environmental company, and there might be days that I work late or even weekends. So that must not be a issue. I am looking for a laid back girl that enjoys doing fun Alaskan activities as well as going out for the drink on some weekends or just doing something fun in general. I enjoy playing guitar and listening to music and like checking out live bands. Music taste ? Everything from Hard Rock,Some Metal, and Acoustic. I am not really digging the new metal bands these days :) I do enjoy working out at least four times a week and I do like to go on nice little long bike rides, so i keep in pretty good shape ;) Lets see here what else about me ? I was not born here I was raised in Nebraska and have been here for 9 years and never looked back :) I come from a big family total of 9 Half of my brothers and sisters live spread out in the states, and I have 3 brothers that live up here.

Meet a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I work a lot, mostly up on the North Slope, and don't have much of a schedule. I am Australian, and have lived in AK for a little over 2yrs, although have spent a lot of that time out of state on various work assignments. I feel I lack connections outside of work so it would be nice to have a few... Looking for someone to go hiking, camping, exploring or dinner and drinks with, so figured I'd give this a try. Why not eh?
I like to stay fit, so whenever I am on days off I try to pack in as much as possible. In winter I try to get in as many days either at Alyeska or backcountry snowboarding in Turnagain Pass. Last winter I also did a heli-ski trip in Valdez which changed my life! Maybe that's a bit dramatic but the point is it was brilliant. I just did a week over in Katmai watching bears and hiking in the Valley of 10,000 smokes - highly recommend it. I'm really starting to enjoy this hiking around in absolute wilderness trying to find your way with a map and a compass. The scenery is unbelievable and it's so cool to be able to look around 360degrees and there is not a sign of human development in sight.
I love traveling and have seen a decent amount of the world, but there's much more to come for sure... I'm heading to Russia at the end of July for a couple of weeks if anyone has any recommendations..
I enjoy cooking and rate myself a reasonable chef - I often seem to wind up cooking pasta - I'm a pesto fanatic! Probably one of the things I miss the most when working on the slope is cooking for myself.

Date a boy from Alaska, United States. I like adventure and I love Alaska! I've lived most of my life in Oregon and camped and Hiked all over Washington, Oregon, and California. Now I'm in Alaska and it dwarfs everything that I've done in those three states. I don't know many people here and I want to make some friends and find the one friend that makes me smile and look forward to talk to everyday.
I continuously consider myself very fortunate to have a job, friends and most of all a supportive family. Trust me when I told my parents I was moving to Alaska they were not excited but after a year and a half they know I made the right decision for myself.
If you want to know more about me just shoot me an email.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. Good heart good person, respectful honest, loyal sense of humor, hard working don't take life too very serious. It's not a problem to judge but will try hard o avoid judging others, can cook is willing to spend as much time with each other as possible.

Date single boy from Alaska, United States. After moving back to Alaska from Austin, I'm looking to make new friends and adventure buddies. I'm usually found working or racing cars, computers, anything tech or nerdy. Enjoy going to the beach a few times a year. I heart good food and good beer. Camping, hiking, fishing, anything outdoors makes me smile. My friends consider me laid back happy go lucky optimistic person.
I'm looking for someone who likes finding new adventures, either close by or over yonder. Someone who enjoys the outdoors, family, going to concerts, a night out, and an evening in.

Meet a guy from Alaska, United States. I'm a super judgmental guy who is going to evaluate you based on what you order for dinner when i take you out for our first date.
Salad? Obviously you're obsessed with your weight and will be a high maintenance pain.
Chicken? You're obviously incredibly dull and predictable.
Lobster? Whoa? Really? Slow down a minute. You think you're worth the LOBSTER?!?! Ok then. Lets see you dance, then we will decide. I'm serious, if you can't at least level up in Dance Dance Revolution, you only get the calamari appetizer toots. (being able to play a mean game of Zelda, WOW, Scrabble or the ability to answer my questions about Star Wars will also be permissible substitutions for the ability to dance and earn you a lobster dinner or the equivalent.)
Now, IF you make it past the first date dinner test I will be allowed to call you demeaning names like, "toots," "broad," "babe" and "sweet cheeks" for the duration of our relationship.
Upon the third, cause lets face it baby, you're gonna want a third date. You will meet my family and they will decide if you have the proper proportions for birthing babies worthy to carry on our family name.
Our fourth date will be hot yoga, where you will wear the replica Princess Leia bikini I have waiting for you and then a trip to the grocery store (because you'll need to practice for when you're my wife and in the kitchen) where we will randomly put items into other peoples carts when they aren't looking.
At this point, since we will be about two weeks into our relationship (obviously all our dates will be on consecutive evenings as you have nothing better to do then to please and entertain me) you are going to be begging to marry me, and I WILL MARRY YOU based on the following conditions (which you will eagerly meet, as all women have only the goal of gaining a "Mrs" in front of their name to feel fulfilled):
1) We can only get married someplace that has the word "Moose Knuckle" in the location
2) Our cake will be Lemon Grass Cake with Hops flavored icing
3) Our family will get matching skull and crossbone tattoos when our kids turn 18
4) I'm allowed to bedazzle the right ass pocket of every pair of pants you own
5)we will teach our pets to bark every time someone says the word "Lamp"
6) we will decorate our house with weird lamps so people come over and say the word "Lamp" all the time
7) all candles must be made from bacon grease
8) and you will allow me to spend all the money I want on sunglasses.
Obviously I'm looking for a woman with a sense of humor, so if you're still me I'll be in Michigan July 16-22 exploring and looking at houses!

Date a soulmate from United States. I see myself as an active, outgoing, down to earth type of guy. I'm typically always up to something. During the summer I like to take advantage of the nice weather and long days so I spend as much time outside as possible. During the winter I try to stay active and spend a lot of time at the gym and like to snowboard or occasionally snowshoe. I enjoy checking out new restaurants and love to eat out a lot. I'm always down for a good movie or concert. I would expect my partner to share a lot of common interests and just be a cool, chill, down to earth girl. If there's anything else feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer.

Meet a boy from United States. Im a fairly easy going guy who works hard and plays hard. I look up to my peers and believe that I can learn something from anything. I go through life honestly and understand that you get what you put in. I grew up in AK and feel very attached to it. I value my family most. Im looking for a best friend / companion to share the world with. Someone who takes life seriously but knows how to escape it. Im also interested in meeting people in Anchorage because lately thats where all my time is spent.