Date single girl from California, United States. Im just curious to see whats out there, that I have yet to discover. Im not quite sure how to sum up what Im looking for in text, but great sense of humor, cares about health and likes to go out to nice dinners and have fun. I also appreciate a little old fashioned spirit in men.
Meet a girl from California, United States. I'm a happy person. I love my life. I'm looking for someone to do fun things things with, and hopefully build something great.
Some additional information:
Things I am passionate about:
Trying new restaurants; Soccer; Running; TV; My family
The most important thing I am looking for in a person is:
For however cliche, trust is the foundation of any relationship. Without trust none of the other important elements of a successful relationship can be built. Trust allows a comfort level needed to be open and fully share who you are.
The most influential person in my life has been:
Growing up my older brother allowed me to tag along everywhere he went, and because of that to this day we share a special bond. His out of the box viewpoint on life taught me there are always multiple ways to look at a given situation and none necessarily more right than the other.
The first thing people notice about me:
My ability to find humor in everyday life and fondness of sarcasm.
The three things which I am most thankful for:
•I'm happy to have a close family that I can depend on to be there when I need them.
•I'm thankful to have a job I enjoy that is fulfilling.
•I'm thankful to have good friends who share common interests.
The things I can't live without are:
I love playing competitive sports, especially soccer.
My phone!!!
I drive in morning traffic a lot, so KEVIN AND BEAN on KROQ!
For as long as I can remember, I've eaten a banana a day.