Date women from United States / California / La Verne, 28 year old

Date single girl from California, United States. I love to run around all of SoCal (beach, museums, wine bars, sporting events, boat/car show, festivals, etc.) and I love experiencing anything new. I still feel like such a tourist sometimes (as I'm not a SoCal native). I almost always prefer going/eating somewhere I've never been over the norm.
I annoyingly like to believe that I can do it all. That I can run to the beach for some sun during the day, catch a baseball game or pop into a museum in the afternoon and swing by the pub with friends or get all dolled up for a nice evening - in the same day. I like to believe that I can do everything I want. It doesn't always work and yet I try.
I'm passionate about living each day to the fullest. There are so many beautiful places to visit, wonderful people to meet, great books to read, etc. that I'm not sure I'll ever feel fulfilled with being done. I'm passionate about constantly searching and experiencing new things i.e. travel. I've always said that I'd live in a tent if I could do all of the traveling I want to do. I don't *want* to live in a tent it's just that I'd much rather live a modest life and experience more elsewhere than have a palatial home.
I relish my Southern charm. I go home to Texas 3-4 times a year and love spending time with my family. They are amazing and different from people out here. They're refreshing and really humbling.
I'm looking for an honest, hard working, funny guy. I want to work hard to live life to the fullest and want someone that shares that perspective. I'm a pretty dominant personality and while I'm not exactly looking for my equal, I do want someone to compliment me. Like an equally dominant personality that feeds mine or a more shy one that allows me to be. I don't want to be overwhelming or be overwhelmed by anyone. And, it'd be nice if you can appreciate all of the tiniest blessings around you. Driving through the mountains, dinner at the beach, a quick weekend away that we just have to drive to (whereas most have to make serious plans to do)... SoCal amazes me still.
I'm very chill and yet my job demands an uber professional daytime. I really love going to a friend's for dinner or hitting up a local dive (especially after a long day). I'm crazy ambitious and am so relaxed in my off time. I believe in something I heard once "Be where you are" so I make an effort to be at work when I'm there and not bring it home when I'm not... it's a bit of a double-life and yet I like my two separate worlds. Since I grew up in Texas, my value lies a bit differently than the average SoCal girl. I love it out here (don't get me wrong) and feel I bring my favorite pieces of Texas and my favorite aspects of SoCal together.
And, yes, I say "ya'll" though the accent has waned a bit... a couple of drinks or the accompaniment of a fellow Southerner and it comes back in full force. Weird, huh?