Date single man from California, United States. I’ve been on Match now for a bit and am truly amazed by the oxymoronic statements made by women about wanting to find Mr. Right, BUT placing limitations such as “must make 6 figures” or “have a college degree” or “live within 15 miles of their location”. I completely understand the fear of meeting a “leach” that will suck you dry. But seriously, how do you expect to find what you “say” you are looking for by placing those kind of limitations. It seems to me that if you are a very successful woman who has worked hard for what they have and what they have accomplished, shouldn’t you have the ability to spot that idiot from a distance? We are all here (or most of us at least) for one reason and that’s to find true unconditional love. But correct me if I’m wrong ladies, but the message I’m receiving is that you want CONDITIONAL LOVE. If that’s you, then all I can say is have fun with that because you are only hindering yourself and what you are claiming to be desiring.
I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. I have the cognitive ability to know how a real lady should and needs to be treated. Many years of trial and error have attributed to this. I have made more than my share of mistakes and own up to every one of them. I am NOT without fault and am always striving to better myself. I am completely transparent so if you have a question, ask!
I am an avid sports fan. Mostly baseball and football (Cardinals/Angels and Rams), but I will watch just about any kind of sport. I really enjoy attending sporting events. I enjoy the outdoors as well. I'll leave the rest of "me" to a future encounter if you're interested enough.
What I am looking for is a woman who is caring and compassionate, who is drama free. a woman who is understanding and not judgemental, who will want to take care of me as much as I will want to take care of her. I want my input to matter, even if she doesnt always agree with me because that is what she will get. I want a buddy as much as i do a friend and lover.
If any of this seems to make sense, hollar at me. If not, good luck and God bless.