Date a soulmate from Berkeley, United States. Having some difficulty adjusting to a less active existence after living a very exciting life teaching, climbing, hiking, traveling etc.. I miss teaching physics and hiking with students so much I can hardly stand it.
I was never made for the city, the cars, the vacant spaces. As a boy, on our Michigan farm, I could walk for at least a mile and not see another house or person. Its not that I don't like people, I always felt terribly lonely, but the noises and smells of the city don't feel good to me. I dreamed of finding a girl friend who loved the outdoors and would walk with me. As I walked I would talk with her.
Every evening when there was a sunset, I walked over a mile to a canyon spanned by a railroad trestle. Trains didn't run in the evening so I could walk the track to the middle where I had a perfect view, through the forest, of the sunset. I rarely missed a sunset. But I always longed for a girl beside me to make the sunset beautiful.
I am very aware of other peoples feelings. This was an advantage for teaching physics. I could sense where every student was as far as interest, boredom, confusion or understanding.
My classroom was exceptionally interactive. We did experiments on every topic. I walked among my students. I was approachable and they let me know what they were thinking. When I sensed confusion I would often ask if anyone understood. If someone volunteered I would have them explain a topic as they saw it. A student, who understands a concept, can often explain it to another student better than a teacher can.
For me, teaching was the most, perhaps the only, challenging occupation. I find great beauty in the physical universe and I feel delighted in helping someone else see that beauty.
I think that my temperament allows me to see the world, and myself, through other peoples eyes. That can be a disadvantage sometimes. For example, traveling to exotic places means nothing to me unless there is someone with me who appreciates that place. If that someone finds me attractive, I feel attractive. I could find anyplace a place of beauty, if the right person was there with me and also found it beautiful. People are like mirrors to me, especially those I love.
When I am with someone I love, I experience “timelessness”. In my mind there is no tomorrow or yesterday. Heaven is now. I can endure hardships or pain and be unafraid.