Date someone special from United States. I came to the U.S as a young man from Western Europe many years ago in pursuit of happiness and a rewarding life. Other than a few bumps in the road, I can say that life has been great so far, and I expect it to continue that way. I have lived in the Bay Area for the past forty-some years and loved every day of it. I spent two years in the Army, completed my schooling at U.C. Berkeley, got married, raised three children, and pursued a career in information technology.
I am very close to my children and grandchildren. My family is a very important part of my life.
A day without a good laugh is a sad day for me. “Live and let live,” pretty much describes my life philosophy. Along with Keats, I see truth in beauty and beauty in truth, be it natural or the work of man. Through studies and plenty of reading I am somewhat conversant in the humanities. The fine arts, architecture, music, history, philosophy, and such, have always been a source of inspiration for me, and an escape from the mundane. I like any kind of music, from jazz to western, but classical, including opera, is what you will hear in my home most of the time.
I am a political moderate with some strong beliefs that straddle the left and right of the ideological spectrum. I read history and like to stay informed about current events around the globe. I closely follow geopolitics and global economics by reading the WSJ, Financial Times, and NYT whenever I can. All in all, I get along with everyone who has an open mind, is willing to listen and consider alternative views. I am always eager to learn new things from meaningful conversations and discussions.
As to the proverbial half-full glass, I see it as being full except for occasional spills that are unavoidable in life. I am also a pragmatist who sees the world as it is not as it ought to be. How else could we bring about changes for the better?
Like others, I enjoy to travel both abroad and at home, especially with a female companion. After all, what is sight seeing without sharing it with someone. My preferred way to see other lands is at a leisurely pace. I rather stay in one locale for a week or more than do six countries in two weeks. At home, I like to explore the natural beauty of this country. Drawn to the outdoors, I favor the back-roads as well as far away places, especially in the fall after summer vacationers have found their way home and the roads are clear of traffic.
I would like to meet an open minded and intellectually curious woman who is physically fit and active. A friend and companion with whom to share travel and all the other experiences that would make life exciting and worthwhile for both of us. Please let me know if you feel we may have a few things in common that hold some promise for a satisfying relationship, Keep in mind that this brief description of myself is just that. In the end, the only way to really get to know someone is by meeting face-to-face.