Date women from United States / Arizona / Anthem, 44 year old

Date a woman from United States. I am grounded and fun loving
Laughing keeps me sane :)
I am very close with my family and spent most of my life in Texas ...yes, I even went to A&M
I am casual by nature but love to dress up every once in awhile.
I am very close to my family ... they mean the world to me. I am lucky enough to have them live in Sedona so not only do I get great family time, I get a great view too :)
I love all kinds of music ... my ipod is filled with everything from Ella Fitzgerald to Marilyn Manson (the only thing you will not find on it is jazz)
I am loving and very loyal.
Things I love to do ...
Eat cereal straight out of the box
Laugh til my sides hurt
Watch a good lightening storm
Eat dinner for breakfast
Listen to the waves crashing onto the shore
Cook a great dinner
BBQ with friends and/or family
I love almost all sports .... and no. .. that is not a line .... I really do :)
Loving on my dog
Walk out of the office at 4:01pm on Friday afternoon
I am not interested in dating anyone that smokes (no offense to those that do .... just not my thing) nor am I interested in playing games