Date women from United States / Arizona / Tempe, 62 year old

Date someone special from Tempe, United States. My friends would describe me as caring, honest and love to laugh. The person I am hoping to meet would have a good sense of humor, be honest and love life. Over my life time, I have found that there are just not that many big deals to get upset about. Now if you were to hurt a child or a helpless person, I'd be your worst enemy.

Meet a soulmate from Tempe, United States. I know how to live, love and laugh but would like to meet that special someone to share this life journey. There are so many things out there that I haven't experienced or learned yet - I don't think I'll ever mark everything off of my bucket list - but I know it would be so much more fun with a terrific guy by my side.
Who am I?? I'm a daughter, mother, Omi (grandmother), sister, friend, listener, organizer, learner, care giver, bridge player, gardener, biker, arts lover, laugher, volunteer, reader, movie goer, needlepointer, quilter, traveler, pie baker, yoga lover, mystery reader, coffee drinker, antique buyer, waffle maker, world traveler, card player, and a creative independent woman.
Looking for a man that is charming, kind, caring, generous, interesting, playful, giving, supportive, honest, communitive, and full of integrity - who enjoys traveling and is looking for a companion to share life's experiences.
PS Moved here a year ago from NE. I put everything I own into storage so I could come to Phoenix and help my youngest daughter with her new baby. I have found that not having "things" to anchor me down to be very liberating. It has also allowed me to live my life more in line with my philosophy of living life simply but abundantly. Letting go of the past (while taking the good memories with me) has allowed me to become even more open minded to all the possibilities that are out there. I have definitely started a new adventure and am really excited to see what happens next.

Date a woman from Tempe, United States. OK I've turned on the "searchlight"....I'm looking. I haven't been in a relationship for some time, but now I'm in a place in my life that I want to share my happiness with someone special. I like my life, my career and my close connection with my family. I have two wonderful daughter and son-in-law live in the valley and my son and his lovely wife live in the San Francisco area.
I am comfortable in my own skin and am prone to laugh often and frequently at myself....I don't take things too seriously and want to share my adventuresome spirit with someone like minded. I have always been independent in both my thinking and my actions. I do not like drama or games and will shy away from both. What do I want in my main squeeze? I'm old fashioned in that I like to have doors opened and I love flowers, I like holding hands and snuggling on the couch in front of a blazing fire is a must! I am intrigued by someone who is interested in the world...both past and galleries and the ancient cobblestoned streets of Paris and well as a lively discussion of today's political landscape. I hope to connect with someone who is kind and cares about other people, himself and our planet...I like all kinds of music...80's as well as country because country always tells a story...sometimes unrequited love...broken heart or total happiness...but it "speaks" to me. IРІР‚в„ўm not the best dancer but I do enjoy a twirl around the dance floor. I am a people person...I enjoy interacting with friends and embrace new situations...I am a Chicago transplant....but if asked I still feel my roots are in the "Windy City"...I love to watch all sports and have had season tickets to most of the local teams at one time or football is my favorite and I relish spending a Saturday afternoon taking in all the games...especially Notre Dame. I also enjoy cooking a nice steak on the grill and enjoying it with a glass of fine wine and a movie. I like to bake and gourmet cook and would enjoy company in the kitchen while I do so!
I love to travel and have been all over Europe and a visit to the Greek Isles is on my bucket list. I hope to find that special someone that will share my sense of adventure and want to explore new places with me. There is so much in the US that I want to see...I've always wanted to see New England in the fall. My idea of a perfect weekend can range from CaesarРІР‚в„ўs Palace and the craps table to a walk on the beach at Monterey or curled up on the couch immersed in a great book. Maybe you have some other suggestions? I'm open for ideas!
I am a kind and considerate person and would like to have a special someone that I could pamper and spoil and who would reciprocate in kind. I am interested in finding someone who wants to hold hands and will call me just to hear my voice...could that be YOU?

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. My daughter recently described someone she knows by saying, "She reminds me of you - she's someone who's strong, smart, competent, and self confidant, and someone that everyone likes." It made me very happy to have my duaghter refer to me that way. In this lifetime I'm most proud of my two grown children - I wish they lived closer so I could see them more often.
I like to spend my spare time doing art (clay sculpture, painting, photography, jewelry), going to movies and dining out. I love my guitar but I sure wish I were better at it and knew more about music.
My ideal vacation is on a beach where the water is warm enough to swim in... Walking on the beach at sunrise or sunset is my idea of heaven and if you add a little fresh seafood, well that's perfection.
I'm looking for someone who is strong, gentle, romantic, financially stable, and who loves life and wants to share life with a mutual partner and best friend. A touch of whimsy would be an added bonus.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Well, i've never been good at describing what kind of person I am. Some have called me a Shaman, others a wise old sage, a crone. But whatever the name, here's what I know. I know that I am evolved and live my life from the inside out. My commitment to serving humanity whether one has AIDS, starving, homeless has been evidenced in my work as a Social Worker and a volunteer. I have been a solo traveler all over the world getting involved in helping others along the way and I've also had the pleasure of living in a few countries. I consider myself fearless. Perhaps this fearlessness comes from my deep inner faith in the Universe knowing that all of my needs are met and there is no lack or limitation in my life.
I consider myself evolved. While I enjoy the outdoors, ocean breezes especially, I am not an active outdoor buff. This is because of a few health challenges. However, I counteract that by eating healthy organic foods, daily meditation several times during the day.
I enjoy being with close friends, sharing experiences. I strive for balance in my life and consider myself a Jane of all trades and a master of none. That speaks to the fact that I am adventurous and not afraid to take risks. I have a huge bucket list that includes a crystal dig, learning how to drive a motorcycle, kite boarding and of course a list of countries that few ponder.
I am metaphysical in my approach to life and have used Reiki to bring comfort to those with physical and emotional challenges. People tell me that I have a calm and gentle demeanor, but I can be a fierce competitor when it comes to business. While I adhere to the Buddhist philosophy, my spirituality is comprised of several religious philosophies which makes me who I am. Simplicity is the key in my life and I am committed to living my life with intention from the inside out. So, I love to cook, laugh, travel, try different things. I'm honest, integral, and can't stress enough that I'm driven to live my life by my spirituality (not to be confused with religion).
What am I looking for in a partner? Well, this changes over the years, but this I do know. There are men that I truly admire for different reasons and so I always say "template" when I meet one who fits the mold. I'm trusting the Universe will bring me the "template" guy of my dreams. With this I cease to be confined by defiitions of race, culture, weight,
I'd just like add:
Since I've raised 6 children, 2 biological and 4 step, I am not intersted if you have children at home. I've waited a long time for my life to be my own. Smoking is definately a deal breaker. And oh, because my work is heavy emotionally, I don't allow heavy baggage in my life. If your not sure certain your bags are heavy, I can help you out with that dilemma during out first meeting. No drama, for I've worked on myself through years of therapy, how about you?
Namaste, (simply put, it means the spirit in me honors the spirit in you )

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. First and foremost I put God first. I enjoy listening to gospel music and oldies. I like going to Tyler Perry plays and other live theater. I enjoy going to gospel music concerts, the Ojays, Charlie Wilson, Jeffery Osborne, and other various old school artist. I enjoy going to beaches, Sedona is beautiful, and traveling.
Spending time with family and friends is important to me,
I hope the man I meet has a sense of humor, knows how to appreciate and enjoy a good woman!

Date someone special from United States. I would like to meet a man that excepts me as I am. Does not want to change me. I am sometimes out spoken, I have feelings and I respect your feelings. I am not a hiker, I am a walker. My idea of camping out is Motel 6, I am upfront as you can see about what I like to do. I love to travel Arizona and who knows maybe you can talk me into camping out with the critters. I love to have fun and I love to be able to reach out and touch you or to reach out and kiss you at any given moment public or private. This is very hard to do. You will just have to email me and we can converse and see if you like me. I don't like game playing so be honest. I no longer pay for

Meet a soulmate from United States. Fun, happy girl (woman)....enjoy the simple life. I am the pizza and beer type, don't care for the club scene. Enjoy going to the movies and eating out (nothing fancy). Love the outdoors especially the beach! I am looking for someone to enjoy the simple things in life. See if there is a connection and go from there.
My family is very important to me. I have five grandchildren one on the way....

Date a woman from United States. I find that I spend a great deal of time outside enjoying our great weather. (even in the summer) I moved to Arizona from Chicago and although I will always call Chicago home, I consider myself to a part of the desert now. My children, family and friends are very much a part of who I am. I look forward to spending time with my children who all have lives of their own. I enjoy taking care of my home and making it warm and inviting. The welcome mat is always out. I'm a great cook and an even better person. I am loving and sincere and kind and honest. Someone who is strong physically and mentally. Someone who is dedicated to his family and finds peace in knowing that he can be loved to the fullest by just one woman....ME!

. I'm looking for someone with whom to share a life. I am based in Tempe, Arizona but travel occasionally for work or play. I love escaping to San Diego for a long weekend to walk on the beach and visit friends. I'm hoping to have a second home on a boat or in Baja. I would love to find someone with a sense of adventure, a sense of humor, and a sense of home.
If this sounds like you, if you're educated and financially secure, let's make our good lives even better.
Maybe we could talk over coffee?

. i have been out of the dating field for about ten years. looking for someone to do things with and see if anything else develops. this is easy to do at this point because i am hiding out in the middle east -- should be back in the states in June 2011