Date women from United States / Arizona / Tempe, 33 year old

Date someone special from Tempe, United States. I am passionate and goal oriented. I like to stay busy and am up for new challenges. I've always been super close with my family. I enjoy laughing, but am only funny two times a year :) I found my calling in traveling!! I've been to Europe and Costa Rica in the past 6 months and I plan to travel to Australia and Spain in the next year. I would like to meet a good looking man with a good heart (aged 25-35 ideally). Someone who has goals and can support himself. Being funny is an added bonus!

Meet a soulmate from Tempe, United States. I recently received my masters and now want to meet people outside of the ASU art sphere. I'm looking for someone who's fun, easy going and up for anything. I am an artist who loves travel, music and animals...

Date a woman from Tempe, United States. I am a single mom looking for someone to be with that loves children. I have 2 boys who are 9 and 5. Someone that is outgoing and has a good personality. I'm also looking for someone to do different activities with and loves to be around people. Originally from Chicago moved to az be with family and to go to beauty school. Also looking for someone who is stable an has a decent job.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am relocating to Tempe in mid August from Kansas City, MO, and I am hopeful to meet new people, explore the desert, and get to know the local spots. My career has taken a big leap forward, and I am ready to start thinking about laying down some roots.
I know lots of people claim to be eclectic, but I like to think that's true with me. I am an independent, hard working academic who wants a night at the ballpark and the occasional ballet. I would like a man whose educated enough to engage in intellectual debates, particularly about history and the arts, but doesn't turn up his nose at a good greasy spoon.
I'm passionate, outgoing, funny, charming,incorrigible, loyal, smart, fun, onery, affectionate, and generous. I tend to over think things, so I would like someone who can ground me; perhaps be a little introverted. I am looking for something serious, so casual hookups need not apply. Must be willing to watch romantic comedies and I will cook you dinner. ;) I would really like to meet someone who values relationships and is thoughtful and detail-oriented.
Turn ons: Romance without formula, education without pretense, charm without sleaze, affection with respect. I hope you like a well-educated, fashionable woman who still possesses some of her tomboy charm.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Hi. My name is Jaime and i used to make fun of my mom when I was a kid for going on dating sites...yet here I am. Funny how life works out.
A little about me:
I have a very strong personality and solid values I would call myself a passionate person, whether its regarding my personal or professional life,
I am very career oriented, and have been for a long time. I moved to AZ in 2008 from Chicago and have been so focused on building my career that I have not had time to have a normal social life.. I'm not sure what I'm looking for really, a friend, maybe more..who knows?
I'm all about personality, sense of humor, and the ability to see someone for who they are, flaws and all, and love them anyway. Until I find that person, then it's not worth my time I guess.
Working out is really important to me so if you don't go to the gym or are not active, we probably won't get along.
I also need someone who is not needy. Someone who realizes that I have a sales job during the day and I don't have time to sit and text back and forth or go out late at night during the week. My job is very hard, and sales is a roller coaster ride, so if you have a 9-5 job, you kind of have to adjust to the fact that I have to do sometimes what I have to do to get my job done...even if its work on weekends.
I have a really random personality, I'm funny (or at least I think I am), and have a true and genuine interest in helping people in anyway that I can. I am looking for someone who is settled in their life, someone who has a solid career and stability in knowing what they want with a desire to achieve it. And I'm not talking money, I'm talking ambition. I have worked really hard to get to where I am in my life personally and professionally so I guess I would say I am looking for someone with that same drive..
I know from experience that if I want something bad enough, sitting there and complaining doesn't help my cause. So I'm the person that goes out and makes it happen. Somehow, someway, I always make it happen. That's why I believe in the fact that it's mind over matter. You tell yourself you cannot do it, then you will never achieve it. But go the opposite way, and you can do more than you would ever imagine. I am living proof that you can achieve your goals even in the worst possible circumstances.
That's all about me, what about you?

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I've been trying to write something like this in my head for a while; and now that I get the nerve up to do it, all I can think is that I probably instantly decided if I wanted to meet you by reading a blurb about you, and now my judgement is going to bite me in the ass because I have no idea what to say.
Who am I? I'm funny but mostly by accident. I love to learn, and if I love something, I feel like I have to know everything about it. I have a lot of respect for people who can genuinely discuss or debate a topic with depth, regardless of whether I agree with you or not. I'm a kind person. I try to be the best friend, sister, and aunt I can. I like music that affects me deeply. I love my dog in a way that only other dog lovers can understand.
I'm a nerd but not a I'm-a-hipster-look-how-nerdy-I-am nerd. I'm just a smart kid who reads a lot and knows a ton of useless trivia. I won a game show once with my useless trivia. Which, I guess, made it useful. I host trivia nights now, for fun. I really like laughter, it's healing and wonderful and cleansing. I am clumsy, so I trip a lot, and thereby give others the chance to cleanse themselves with laughter.
I am not a daywalker. Recent conversation with a 9 year old and me: (9 year old): "You're like, the palest person I ever saw. Are you one of those people who are really pale?" (Me): "You mean... an Irish person?" (9): " albino". So basically, Arizona is a tough place, but I am proud of my pale. I love rainy places, mountains, trees, clouds, and naps under trees. I really am a pretty low-key woman, I don't care about what my feet look like or if I remembered to cut my hair recently. But not low-key in the sense that I forget to shower. I'm just not going to be the type of girl who spends her days at the gym or the nail salon. Ever. Let's go on a random day trip instead and make a perfect mix tape for the road. I have lots of other things that make me who I am, but doesn't everyone? That's the scary-cool part about meeting people. I like who I am and I want someone who also likes me for exactly who I am right now, and I want to find someone who is happy with who they are, not what they "do" or "have". I am sober and have been for a while. Yes, like "in recovery" sober. It doesn't matter to me if the person I am with drinks or not, it doesn't bother or concern me. I am a fan of dogs and kids, so it's cool if you have them. Please do not, however, have the following: A person-sized freezer, a pit with a lotion bucket on a string, or a pre-dug hole in the desert. I think those guys are on craigslist, anyway.
So as far as what I am looking for – someone who wants something good, and sweet, and wonderful and passionate and wants a best friend and partner; someone who has gotten this far and is still reading and likes what they read, and thinks maybe we would get along. I’m excited for whatever the Universe puts in my path, unless you’re Alex P. Keaton, or have a gun rack in your truck, or say “nuke-you-lar” instead of nuclear. If you know what a fenian is, you will know how important that word is to me and my interests. Let’s talk about that. And also, whatever it is you came on here looking for, I genuinely hope you find it.

Date someone special from United States. I am 1/2 Japanese 1/2 German. I Love To workout, Do anything outdoors and travel . I Love to ride motorcycles from Harley's to dirt bikes. Gemini here!.So I'm a good girl with a wild but classy side. Best of both worlds;) I'm a pretty open person who tells it like it is and appreciates everything in Life and takes nothing for granted! I get along with anyone ,From the CEO of a company down to the janitor and would have an equally interesting conversation! I am very social. I am also pretty handy: I love to cook homemade meals to fix things around the home.. I pretty much can do it all;) I have a huge heart and will will treat others the way I want to be treated:) ps I'M A HUGE SPORTS FAN! I LOVE ABOUT EVERYTHING..HAVE NEVER BEEN INTO HOCKEY THOUGH..Cowboys and Yankees have been my teams since I was 5 ... So please don't judge me! Lol... I'm not into drama or jealousy by any means, first sight of it will make me run for cover!
What I Look for: Someone who is Kind, Handesome,Fun ,Humble ,OutGoing,Loves to travel,Will try anything once,Loves to laugh and Most important make me laugh,Doesn't take themselves to serious,Loves the beach/water, Gentlemen......Someone who will go to Sporting Events wih me! He would be enjoy himself and be comfortable at City Hall Steak House to your local watering hole Jolie's and It wouldn't matter! I believe no matter where you are, as long as you have the right company any place can be a good time;) Someone who will treat me like a princess! Any questions please ask! I must say I have always been attracted to guys who are TALL,Who WORKOUT and are BUILT. Let's give this website thing a whirl.. Lol who even says that anymore;)

Meet a soulmate from United States. Why is everyone's about me and who I'm looking for looks so similar?
I guess everyone loves to spend time with friends and family..... And tired of the bar scene....
Just thought it's funny ,
Me - Fun loving, very active, and warm! I am the person everyone turns to when they need someone to talk to. I am the cheerleader with a New Yorker spirit.
Here is what my friends think of me: very driven, can be really serious if we are on some important topics, yet nice and sweet. Not sure what they are not telling me about me .. but maybe you can ask them when you meet with my friends!
It would be nice if I can find someone who is also my best friend. We can talk to each other and we can support each other. We can also explore the world together, from trying a new coffee spot to traveling somewhere.. It sounds quite simple, but it is actually super difficult!

Date a woman from United States. I love to cook and have fun w/ friend watching movies or just relaxing with a glass of wine. I'm a graduate student at ASU finishing my PhD in applied Mathematics so I work a lot on front of my computer. My ideal match should be a very fun, caring and loving guy that will love me as I am and would not push me to be something else. A guy that cares about his family and is not shy to demonstrate that love.

. I am from a minuscule Iowa town. I grew up with manners, morals, and overall kindness and empathy for the human race. If you are confused by these words, please read no further.
I seek someone who is unpretentious, and low maintenance. I am an active person. I have two dogs that I love taking hiking, sightseeing, etc. I'm looking for someone who can match me in physicality, humor, and warmth. I am not, however, looking for a guy who likes to take pictures of himself with his shirt off. Silly.
I can find just about anything funny. When there is nothing else to laugh at, I turn to myself. Self-deprecation is flaggrant, but I mean myself no harm. I am social, but prefer the quiet.

. My closests friends would describe me as selfless and loyal. I find value in working hard but I also prioritizing spending time with quality people. I have a great sense of humor and I am looking for someone who can laugh with me. I am passionate about being active in my community and aware of what is happening with current events. I am hoping to attract a man that can share my enthusiasm for life but also teach me something new!

. IРІР‚в„ўm laid back, easygoing, and enjoy a variety of activities. I just thought I would post a profile and see what happens. Im just interested in meeting someone I can hang out with. I donРІР‚в„ўt get a chance to meet a lot of new people as I would like. My ideal match would have to be Christian (faithful and active where he attends service). Patient, kind, and gentle...