Date women from United States / Arizona / Tempe, 67 year old

Date someone special from Tempe, United States. I am a very creative woman, always looking to learn, visit and being better in any way.
I am a painter and writter and I love to enjoy the sky, the eres of children and share smiles, I love to live and let live, I love MySpace and respect otros spaces. I value my family very much and love to share with them. I love good people, good food, good windsurf and good places. You live just one's in a life.

Meet a soulmate from Tempe, United States. "These are truly the best years of my life. I'm happy, healthy and comfortable with where I am. I do look younger then my years, While I do take care of my self, I have to admit that it's probably due to "good genes" My Dad's 97 and still well and going strong.. I'm also lucky enough to be able to go wherever I'd like whether that be a drive to Sedona or a cruise to Italy. I've been divorced since 1993, have a close circle of friends and a large Italian family including a son, daughter and four grandsons. I'm a native New Yorker (Westchester), but have lived in Arizona for many years. I've travelled all over the US and have a soft spot for the Carolinas. The people there are so layed back, "bless their hearts". You'll find me to be happy either staying at home or being spontaneous enough to enjoy a last minute "adventure". I love being near the water be it a lake or the ocean. Just take my hand and walk along the beach with me and I'm content.
What am I looking for? Certainly, not "Mr. Perfect". Be yourself, be honest, someone who cares about his family, enjoys getting out once in a while, a glass of wine with dinner. More often enjoys dinner at home, reading together, gardening, taking care of projects around the house. When the sun's gone down, a nice walk around the neighborhood. Sometimes getting all dressed up and seeing a play or a concert. More than anything I'm looking for that spark in your eye when I enter the room, a hug when I least expect it. Someone tolerant of others and compassionate. And yes, someone who gets along reasonably well with his family. You don't have to be Fred Astaire either. These days I'm just as happy slow dancing in my stocking feet in the kitchen. In fact, the kitchen is one of my favorite places. Whether meeting with friends or preparing a dinner for just the two of us, it can be a very "inspiring" place.
I'll look forward to your email and learning more about you.

Date a woman from Tempe, United States. i am passionate about learning and engage in activities that provide that experience......i look for people with good social skills who enjoy interesting discussions about life, issues,psychology ( what makes people tick ), literature, nasa, neuroscience, living in other countries and to attend "meetups", lectures and live theater........laughter is very important to me... i look and act like someone much younger than my age ( never get offered the senior discount, darn )

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I was married for a little over 30 years, to my college boyfriend. Have two grown children and one grandson. I am retired and looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with. I am easy going and do not need someone to make me complete, but it would be nice to have someone. I
am affectionate, love to go places. Like to kayak and camp out and hike. Would enjoy a camper and see some of the great parks in the usa.