Date women from United States / Arizona / Surprise, 62 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I retired early and have lots of time on my hands for fun things to do and explore. I like to laugh, and I like to take short vacations to interesting places. Looking for a companion who also likes to laugh and have fun and might be interested in exploring together. I have two doggies, so hopefully you like pets, and maybe have one of your own:)

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am truthful, responsible and considerate. I enjoy sporting events, movies, dinner, concerts, sighseeing, walks by the beach (hand in hand of course). I also love long conversations (by the pool would be nice with a favorite drink or cup of coffee). I also enjoy long walks, and since I just got a new bike, bike rides would be fun. Board games, cards, puzzles and gardening are also some of my favorite activities. My ideal match should be considerate, trustworthy and down to earth. Someone who loves animals. Someone I can laugh with and spend many hours just talking the night away. One who enjoys the simple things in life.

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. My greatest talent is creating an environment, atmosphere, or moment that is warm, inviting, unforgettable, and full of love. I am a true romantic with endless romantic ideas and notions. When possible I love making those ideas come to pass. My home is warm, welcoming, and a place my friends say they hate leaving and want to return to soon. I pick restaurants not just for the food but also the ambiance. I can create just the right setting for any occasion or ceremony for any amount of people, and do it within a tight budget while making it memorable. My best work though is for more intimate and smaller gatherings. I also have a great sense of humor. I love to laugh and have fun in all the things I do, even the most mundane. A friend once said that I go through life making love to it. I embrace simple things and simple pleasures. I am looking for someone who will see the special gifts and talents that I have to offer and appreciate them. He will be true, faithful, and kind. He will be loving, playful, sharing, and generous with love, time, and all that life has to offer. He will want to be by my side as we discover the rest of what life brings our way. We will grow, learn, play, embrace, and look towards each other to appreciate, help, respect, and trust that life will be good no matter what comes. My perfect match must be a positive individual, forgiving, and open with his love. He will share my love of movies as an art form, my love of music and not mind having music playing while in the car, during dinner, or while sitting on the patio watching the stars. He will not be strict in a daily regimen, but rather rest when needed, work when needed, play when needed, regardless of time of day. He will laugh with me, love with me, share with me, hold my hand, hug me, defend me, admire me, help me, stand by me, believe in me, and forgive me when I am all too human.