Date women from United States / Arizona / Tempe, 25 year old

Date someone special from United States. I am a fun and a bubbly girl who is looking for friends and people to hang out with and hope it ends with a relationship. I am looking for a fun and easy going guy. I have my BAS in Psychology and am an admissions counselor in Tempe. I just moved back to Arizona after six years. In those six years I have traveled and enjoyed my life while going to school. I lived in Missouri, Minnesota and England. I enjoy watching Soccer and Hockey but trying to get me to actually play a sport would be....entertaining, to say the least. I do enjoy kickboxing and working out when I am able. I am excited for summer to be over so that I can get out and enjoy the hiking trails and outdoor activities.
I am usually attracted to guys who are outgoing and fun. I enjoy someone who will be spontaneous, such as randomly going skydiving one afternoon or driving to San Diego or Vegas for the weekend. I am looking for a guy who will go and do crazy things me but be okay with hanging out at home doing nothing. I like to go out on the weekends but not the clubbing type. I enjoy finding those small pubs that have horrible food and great beer. I also would like a guy who wants to travel and explore the world with me. I have been to 13 European countries and plan on seeing much more in the years to come. I am looking for a guy who is employed and stable. I do not need to be taken care of 24/7 and I would like a guy who can take care of himself. I would love a guy who can cook because it is definitely not one of my strong points.

Meet single girl from United States. I was born and raised in Arizona and I absolutely love it. I graduated from Arizona State 2 years ago with a Bachelor's in Psychology. I work as a behavior coach for children ages 4-17 with severe behavior problems. It is challenging work but I love what I do. I'm in the process of going back to school to get my Master's in Social Work.
In my spare time I enjoy hanging out with friends and family. I have 2 young nephews that are the light of my life. I have a fairly large family that I wouldn't change for anything. I'm very close with them and even though most don't live in Arizona I try to see them as often as I can. I recently bought my first house so that has been taking up a lot of my time (and money) but I'm loving it. I do enjoying going out to the bars but usually only on the weekends. I can have just as much fun going out as I can sitting at home watching a movie. I am religious and I go to church every Sunday but I don't try to push it on others and it doesn't matter to me if you believe in God or not.
I'm looking for someone who can make me laugh. Someone I can talk to for hours about absolutely nothing and still have fun. Someone who is comfortable going out occasionally but can also spend a night in watching a movie.

Date a soulmate from United States. Hi! I am a 25 and looking for a great guy to connect with. I am passionate about my community and love working with and inspiring people. I enjoy life and everything it can offer. I believe in working hard and being humble. I like the luxuries of life but appreciate the simple life more. I love hiking, going to dinner, movies, going to the lake, traveling, and wine nights at home with my friends. I am independent and appreciate my freedom but love someone who wants to come home to me and love the time we have together. I appreciate the space my man needs but love having someone to love on at the end of the day. I am a sweet, simple hearted, traditional, kind of woman who wants to be appreciated, wanted, valued, and loved. I am extremely close to my family and friends. I value honesty, loyalty, and good communication. I'd rather connect with someone on a deeper level than know everyone in the room. On the other hand I can be very light hearted and have a great sense of humor. I love to laugh and I look at the bright side of everything :)

Meet a girl from United States. I'm a very curious and engaged person who wants to live wholeheartedly--I want to maintain a strong heart, strong soul, strong mind and strong body.
I look forward to meeting a Christian man who wants to live wholeheartedly and have a family.

Date someone special from Tempe, United States. I work hard, listen to rock, and am completely faithful. Recently I have realized that people put themselves on pedestals when it comes to describing their attributes. Funny because when they go to meet someone, well, let's just say the expectation is extremely high.
I'm socially awkward. I prefer netflix over a bar, but a concert over anything. I love hiking but never go since I know noone.
Anything else just ask.

Meet single girl from Tempe, United States. I have dabbled in online dating for a few months because I work with all women and all my friends seem to have found relationships in real life (lol) It makes for lonely dinners and nights in that could be fun dinners and nights out with someone special! I am going to take this time to ooze awesomeness and you can decide if you think our awesomeness could be compatible! So....
As far as I'm concerned... I'm a loyal friend, fun seeker, and daydream believer. I'm the peace keeper and comic relief in most situations. I'm crafty like Martha Stewart and karaoke gangsta rap. I drive fast and listen to my music loud. I speak sarcasm fluently and need someone to occasionally dish it back. I'm stubborn as hell but I promise it's a front and you just have to break down a few layers to get to the best I have to offer :) I need to work on being more affectionate and communicating my feelings better (see the stubborn part) with my partner, so hopefully whoever I find can challenge me in these aspects. I have the most awesome family a girl could ask for. You're in for a real treat if you ever get the chance to have a Coors Light with my Dad.
I'm looking for a partner who is honest, smart, career driven, handy around the house, good with money, can make me laugh, has midwest values and will treat me with respect. It's not that I have too high of standards, my dad just set an amazing example of how a man should treat me. Physically, I like white boys with blue eyes, over 6' that are built like linebackers. Sooo not specific, right? :)
I want to be with someone who loves to do fun things. I want someone who won't turn their nose up at going to a BYOB art class I found on groupon. I want someone to go Suns games with... Or wine tastings, new restaurants, movies, concerts, golfing, happy hours, bingo, bowling, or whatever equally awesome thing that comes up. I want someone who can teach me new things... Tell me were going shooting, camping, fishing, hiking, whatever... I might kick and scream the whole way there but I swear I'll have a great time! :) Do you have a passport? I want to travel the world. Greece and Australia are next on my list. Let's go!
If you're truly using this site for it's intended purpose, don't ask me to come to your house for a first "date" or message me asking for a hook up... it's not a good first impression of you. I have some good friends who are engaged to the loves of their lives they met on match. I believe!
To be perfectly honest, I have no idea why I'm single. I'm probably one of coolest, funniest, sweetest girls you'll ever meet. (That's a fact, not my opinion, haha) I have a lot to offer to someone who deserves it. If you make an effort I promise you won't be disappointed. :)

Date a soulmate from Tempe, United States. IРІР‚в„ўm 25, educated, and have a job! I am sarcastic and joke around a lot but can be serious too. I am a manager for a nonprofit and I love my job because I get to help people every day! My family has gotten alot closer in the last year and hope my partner enjoys family because I truly believe family is important.
I love to travel and was blessed not once, but twice in college to study abroad. I have so many stories and love to share them with people. I canРІР‚в„ўt wait to travel more in the next few years even if it is just throughout the U.S.
For fun I play softball a few nights a week and plan on getting back into boxing. I love sporting events-especially the AZ Cardinals and UFC. DonРІР‚в„ўtРІР‚в„ў get me wrong, just because I like sports doesnРІР‚в„ўt mean I canРІР‚в„ўt get all glammed up too. I donРІР‚в„ўt go out drinking very often, but when I do you can plan on it being a good time.
I am looking for someone who knows how to have a good time whether it is at home or out on the town. I like sports, going to them, watching them, and playing them so someone who is athletic is a plus. Education is important to me, but not a deal breaker. I am ready to share my life with someone who can make me as happy and I make them. Message me if I peak your interest.

Meet a girl from Tempe, United States. I recently moved to Arizona from Colorado for a Marketing job at a nonprofit organization. I'm so excited to be working at a company with a great mission and that works towards making the world a better place! I am so happy I made the move and am looking for someone who loves to be active and wants to explore with me - someone who wants to go camping and hiking, go to shows.. just willing to have fun and try new things and take advantage of where we live!
I am laid-back and love to laugh! I tend to have a sarcastic sense of humor, and need to have someone who can keep up :) I am goofy, not shy and love meeting new people.
Being able to laugh together really is a must :) I also really enjoy live music, and am always willing to listen to a new band. An ideal night "out" would be at a local hole-in-the-wall, drinking good beer, listening to live music and just hanging out.
My two dogs are very important to me, so I definitely need someone who has dogs or really likes dogs :)
I have never tried anything like this before so I don't know what to expect at all - but there is a first time for everything, right? :) Let me know if you are interested in getting to know more about me.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I was born in Mexico and grew up in Arizona. Work and school keep me pretty busy so I thought I would give this a try to meet new people. I am looking for someone who is genuine and has a good sense of humor. Someone who is smart, respectful, and driven. Most importantly, someone who is honest because with honesty comes trust. I surround myself with good-hearted people and dislike mean people! I love to travel and would like to travel a lot more in the future. Brazil, Italy, and Greece are a few places I would like to visit. I am independent, loyal, and honest. I don't have any expectations from this site but it would be nice to meet a great guy too.

Meet single girl from Arizona, United States. After graduation, about 3 years ago, I left my friends and family in North Carolina and headed west to Phoenix. I had never been west of the Mississippi when I accepted the job offer, and I didn't know a soul in Phoenix. Since living here I've grown to love running, hiking, snowboarding and rock climbing. I love trying new things, being active, and spending time with friends and family, even better when I can combine all three!

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Hello my name is Candice. I just graduated from ASU with my degree in Exercise and Wellness for health promotion. I am going to continue my education to get my doctorate in Physical Therapy. I love to play sports and exercise regularly. I have been playing softball for 17 yrs now, and I don't plan on ever stopping. I am a very positive person and I like to stay clear of drama, I like to have fun and make the most of any situation. I am looking for someone that shares my love for being physically active, and who's not afraid to be themselves. I am very big on respect, honesty,and loyalty. Im not looking to be someones mother or jail keeper! Meaning, I don't need to know where you are 24/7, you don't have to answer to me, and I will never hold you back from guys night out! I don't want to change anyone, and I don't want someone to change me. Im confident in who I am and if I'm with someone they will know that I will never cheat or do them wrong. Just someone that can be a friend and a companion. I'm also a very big dork and love to joke around and have fun! I play ruff so if you don't like to ruff house then it probably won't work out. I like to think of myself as the best of both worlds, I love to get dolled up in dresses and heals and accessories, but I also can put my hair up and get under my car or play a mean game of football or softball, and I will win ;-) ( competitive nature is a big plus in my book)
P.S. I feel I should add this comment in here twice due to some confusion.... (sorry to have to be so blunt) I DO NOT like smokers of any sort! I get sick to the smell of cigarettes, I hate being around it and smelling like an ash tray. Also FYI, if you say "I don't smoke, but on occasion I do when I'm drinking" HELLO word to the wise THAT MEANS YOU SMOKE! We are all on here to weed through the BS and find what we want well I have tried to look past this in past dates/relationships and it has always been an issue. I'm sick of it, I don't want it so I'm finally putting my feet down! I'm sorry but I love my lungs and want to live a long healthy life. Also my hair always smells really good and smoke sticks to it and then I just want to chop off my head! I have never done a drug in my life, I don't mind people that have grown up trying things but as long as that part of your life is past and won't rear it's head again we are all good. However current users sorry not interested.

Meet a girl from Arizona, United States. I am not the most social person in the world, but I have come to the realization that nothing would make me happier than to have a companion in my life. I'm looking for a man who can treat a lady like a lady, but who understands that sometimes he should let me drive, let me fix the plumbing, and let me take care of him. I want a man who is confident in himself, no matter the stage of life he is in, who respects himself no matter how others around him treat him, and who keeps moving forward, day after day, no matter what life throws at him.
I am a lifelong student. I have been in school all my life, and it is all I have ever wanted. I'm in grad school, and will be for the next few years. I spend my days doing lab work, reading research papers, and teaching. It's hard work, long hours, and it's hard to meet people. I've finally decided that I can't wait to meet someone "organically"; I have to grab the bull by the horns and use every available resource to meet new guys. Thus, I've turned to online dating, and I'm excited to see where it will lead me.
I enjoy conversation in coffee shops, going on long walks, and watching movies. I'm on the shy side, and it can be hard for me to open up, but once I do you'll find that I am a hopeless romantic, I love to love, am very kind, faithful, and internally strong. I'm ready for new experiences; where will getting to know you take me?