Date women from United States / Arizona / Tempe, 59 year old

Date someone special from Tempe, United States. I am tired of working and going places and doing things alone. I am looking for someone who likes to see new places or will show someone someplace you like and see it through new eyes. Would be great if they had week nights and weekends free. I work a lot and mostly have those times free. Someone who is not a workaholic either.
I enjoy being around someone with a good sense of humor. Who is positive and considerate. I find the best way to judge someone is to meet them in a public place and see how they treat the wait staff. They must be trustworthy and honest. I don't date a lot and I don't date more than 1 person at a time. I am not a player. I am also definitely not a cougar so more than 10 years my junior is probably not going to get a response from me.
I love to got to movies, try new types of food either cooking or eating out. Spent way to much time at the casinos the last year or so and trying to find other things to do with my time. I volunteer quite a bit though my companies resource group. I like card games (Hearts or Spades anyone?), board games (backgammon or Ace/Duece, scrabble?), use to bowl but have not done that in years. I enjoy concerts and plays (going to South Pacific and Gypsy performances this year). Still looking to see the Grand Canyon and other natural and historical sites in the area. My job gives me great discounts of travel, resorts and cruises and would be wonderful to have someone to go with me.
I don't have any family here is AZ (all are back home in TX) and I don't get to see them very often so having someone who is local and interested in seeing if this would turn into something would be perfect. I understand if you have family and commitments with them but am told I am a likeable person and have not scared off any little children or animals lately. (OK so maybe I ran off a stray cat or pesky critter occasionally).
I have never smoked and don't like being around others who do. I only drink socially or enjoy a nice wine with dinner.
There is a lot more about myself but just can't think what to say right now. May 2012 bring us all someone to share life's ups and downs with.

Meet a soulmate from Tempe, United States. Welcome to a little bit of me..... Of course, I believe I'm no different than most in regard to finding the last love of my life, so I 'm giving cyber space a shot. Remember when you first meet someone and you feel that first initial spark, you know the one that brings that little chill and smile to your face...the shiver...Where is that please?? I've seemed to have misplaced it, and that's what I'm hoping to find here and if we both feel a touch of it, then we should be in for a wonderful day or evening... the perfect first meeting, and then who knows, maybe the beginning of the end of internet dating!!.
There's so much in life to do and see, I just don't want it passing me by any faster than it already has. I'm just that sweet happy girl that's really well adjusted in life and absolutely baggage free! Hopefully you'll ride my coat tails on that. We don't have to have everything in common, you can turn me on to things you dig and vice a versa...
So here's what I do to keep me busy and out of trouble...., I'm a catering manager and plan all kinds of events, especially weddings. It's a pretty cool little job but when I'm not doing that, I'm trying, trying at writing a children's book and started taking piano lessons in January and loving making the music..! Before I moved here to the desert I traded on Wall Street for 17 years, and that, no doubt was quite the ride of a about stories to tell,.......I have a few..........................
So here I am at this stage of my life and I know what I want and what I don't want and since we're all out here in on this roller coaster we just gotta put the honesty out there. I want what I want, not what I can get. I'm truly just an old fashioned girl who loves to kick back, loves her music, dining in, dining out, movies, theater, loving my dog, and all the other goodness in life and just sitting back and making the best of of everything I can......I love going out, and hangin in at home for that is where my heart lives. Just miss some of the simple things like, going to the movies with my my man, playing in the garden, jumping in the car and just going...then settling in together for whatever.. I'm thinking that I'm just a serial monogamist at heart! When it comes to loving animals, nobody does it like me, My dog is some lucky little girl!
So lets talk about the almighty chemistry, the stuff life is made out of. For me I think it happens in just moments. Gotta have it, no getting around it...amazing how hard it is to find! But here I'll be looking for it till it smacks me hard in the face. I want to find my guy and get off this ride.
Life all around is pretty wonderful for me. I'm just looking for someone to compliment what I already have. I like big personalities, and a great sense of humor. Be an honest guy and please be game free. I hope you love to laugh till you cry and like to be silly, but it's also so nice to just sit back and have some in depth conversations, or let's just hang together with a glass of wine and don't say anything.... and still be in a comfort zone. You have to love dogs, young, cute, old or ugly, you just love them. For me I would never live without their love.
Hopefully through the years, you've strived for the big things in life but also appreciated all the smaller ones that got you there. I know I certainly have. There's a hell of a lot more to me and it's a little nuts to try and get it all in this tiny space, So for now, I'm done. The ball is in your court and it's up to you. You've read a little about me so now it's your turn to take a peek at my pictures and take your shot, if you think I might be right for you...... then go for it, I look at it like this, we all have nothing to loose and everything to gain...................... and then lets see if we both feel it.....Let Chemistry class begin!

Date a woman from Tempe, United States. Single, divorcee, black, female love the arts, beach, museums, like various music except Rap.
Favorite vacation spot during childhood was Yosemite National Park and Disneyland.
Favorite places to visit is San Francisco and New York. Would love to travel to see the world.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am currently spending the fall and winter in Tempe, AZ. I am outgoing, communicative, and love to laugh, thriving on playful interaction. I have a great love for learning new and different things from physical activities to emotional intelligence to spiritual practices. I have been a licensed cosmetologist for 26 years with a passion for educating people on taking care of their health through nutrition and lifestyle. I continue to nurture and grow that part of my career which is non-location specific, so I can travel. Whether it be in this great country at a slow and relaxing pace observing local color, or to all the unique and interesting places around the globe. I have chosen to participate (and sometimes it was not a choice) in a life that promotes self discovery and emotional growth. I would love to mentor with, or be mentored by (or preferably a combination) by someone who finds this aspect of life as fascinating as I do. I have two great children, 26 year old daughter in California and 23 year old son in Arizona. I have enjoyed every moment of being a mother, but now it is time to re-create the next chapter of my life. I am looking for an honest and intimate relationship with someone who could be my best friend, confidante, lover and partner in life. Being open minded, flexible and adventurous with a great sense of humor that allows us to remember laughter is always the best medicine. I believe ethics, morals and willingness to communicate openly and honestly are a very integral piece to a thriving relationship.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I have a few pounds I could loose. I am tall so that does help people thinking I am slimmer than I really am. I am an active Catholic Lady who likes doing the things I do in my faith. I would like someone I could trust.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. Kindness begets kindness, enjoy the simpler things in life, a sunrise, a sunset, my friends, good conversation, good movie, fine foods from a burger to a lobster. Love music, concerts, plays, hiking and a morning walk. Sunday morning on the patio, a good book and learning something new everyday. Would enjoy sharing these and many more experiences with a respectful, caring individual.