Date women from United States / Arizona / Sedona, 62 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. single, still working, love my business,
would enjoy someone to spend a little quality time with to explore new places, cuisine, art, music, books and each others company. I love traveling, gardening, great food, estate sales, galleries, natural beauty of any kind, a variety of music and my home. Would enjoy someone with similar interests...?

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Hi, thanks for looking at my profile. The basics: I'm attractive, fit, healthy, intelligent, financially and emotionally secure, honest, hard-working, trust-worthy. I'm looking for those same things in a partner. But it's the other, harder to define things, that make a spark between two people. I begin every day with a smile. I live with an open heart and mind. That openness has taken me from coast to coast and around the world. I've travelled to exotic places, and I still want to travel some more, but I'm very happy sitting on my deck watching the sun rise or set or watching mist collect and dissipate around the red rocks of Sedona. I like to hike, and I'm working seriously on my tennis game. I do some volunteer work, and I am practicing Tai Chi and QiGong. I love to dress up and go out, I like dancing and opera. My best time is in jeans with a glass of wine, the blues playing and my best friend by my side.
I'm happy, strong and independent. But I think life is best shared, whether it's old interests we share or new things we can introduce each other to. I don't need someone to 'complete' me. I am complete. And I'd like to meet someone who doesn't NEED someone to complete him. I would love to meet someone who wants to share a life and has things to share and teach me, as likewise, I can share with him. I'm flexible about age, location and interests. Who knows what will click. But, I do want to meet someone who is taller than me. I know I'm passing up some wonderful men, but that's the way my brain is wired.

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. Thanks for stopping by. Life is short - and it seems to be getting shorter by the moment. Let's enjoy what time we have left - together. The main photo was taken in June 2012.
I'm relatively new to the area and have yet to explore all the amenities of my retirement in Arizona. I love to take photos, I usually have at least one or two cameras with me for red rocks, sunsets, rainbows, and just about anything else that catches my lens. My other interests are varied, but they include writing, yoga, taichi/qigong, Reiki, meditation, dancing (ballroom, disco, swing), philosophy, finance, and economics.
I'm at a time in my life when I want to enjoy traveling and having fun. I am ready to add some new adventures to my life, and it would be wonderful to have someone else with similar interests to share the journey.
I enjoy trying ethnic foods and new recipes (health-conscious), comedy (especially Britcoms), and exploring new areas. Photography is an addiction, especially around sunsets. I am a vegetarian. I am half German, and I am interested in improving my language skills so that I can communicate with my relatives a little better. I have at least one river cruise through Europe on my bucket list, depending upon how the economy shapes up over the next year or two. Other interests include trying to get my computer to work the way I want it too. While I would love to find "Mr. Right", my focus is more on having fun, being happy, and possibly having a travel companion. There are so many things to do and places to go, but the experiences are much better when they are shared.
My match is very spiritually oriented, intelligent, economically savvy, and environmentally conscious. He is also happy, healthy, sensitive, affectionate, open-minded, and monogamous. He doesn't smoke or engage in illegal drugs. He supports the Constitution.
I appreciate common sense, wit, and the ability to laugh. So, don't be shy! Email me if you want to learn more or wink so that I can email you.

Meet a soulmate from Sedona, United States. I am not looking for a match. I am just simply looking, that's all...I just want to meet people.
I am in the area for about two weeks out of the month and it would be great to just meet some people.

Date someone special from Sedona, United States. Biking, Hiking, Nature, Health minded, spiritual, honorable, integrity, serious yet playful. Communication and 'disclosure' of one's intent is tantamount for a quality friendship. Life is here....being present in the moment is one of the positive traits which nurtures a relationship ...give the gift of yourself with confidence.

Meet a woman from Sedona, United States. Bright, witty, fun to be with, eager to learn, OPEN to new ideas, Love Life, enjoy being with friends, Honest, direct, NON-judgmental, compassion for others, love to try new things, don't hold grudges, like stepping out of the box, free-spirited, monogynous, positive, enjoy nature, walks, like to go new places and see new sights, very open to travel, always looking for new ways to expand my world, . . . . . far from perfect and not looking for perfection; that wouldn't be any fun. . .
Anything there catch your eye?
Finding someone with similar interest might be a good thing, but I hear opposites attract too, that might expand one's views/ world.
I get on my soap box when I see or hear of abuse of any kind, people or animals! Just not tolerable.
The man who will catch my attention will be confident in himself and looking for a partner he can grow old with.
When I find the man who will accept me as I am, inspire me to be my best, and allow me to just be me and happy with that; I could consider
I've lived on a farm in IN, moved to the big city of Indianapolis, moved to my retirement dream: Sedona, and now I could possibly be happy living with the love of my life; where ever that might be.

Date a soulmate from United States. I'm usually very outgoing; but once in awhile, I like my alone time.
I love to meet new people, go to new places, and
do things I've never done.
There is so much to see, here and other countries.
I'm looking for someone who walks his talk,
knows how to have honest deep and meaningful conversations and in touch with his inner emotions.
I'll be looking into his heart, to see what's there.
Shallowness just doesn't appeal to me.
My late husband had a cabin in Cholla Bay, I used to love to go there and spend time on the water. HEAVEN!!

Meet someone special from United States. I am looking for someone to grow together with spiritually, I mean. I am very sensitive to others and need to be in a loving caring relationship...someone very slow to get upset and who doesn't take things persanally