Date women from United States / Arizona / Tempe, 28 year old

Date someone special from Tempe, United States. Hey there!
Are you burnt out yet perusing through profile after profile reading the same description filled with positive comments such as, “Laid back”, “classy”, “Love to laugh”, “Love to travel” yadda yadda yadda…?
Well, how about I start with some potential deal breakers for you!
1) I have two young children (Boy-4 & a girl- approaching 2). TheyРІР‚в„ўre with me about 90% of the time
2) I donРІР‚в„ўt like sushi or most seafood. IРІР‚в„ўm adaptable though and will find something on the menu
3) During the school year I bring home a lot of work with me.
4) IРІР‚в„ўm not much of a drinker. I am a camel and love H2O though!
5) I’m an odd mix of “old school” values and independence. For example, I still believe in sending hand- written notes, don't like having the TV or my cell on during dinner, and appreciate having doors opened. Likewise, I will wrestle you for the bill after a yummy dinner, know how to put on a spare tire, and can drive manual.
6) IРІР‚в„ўm stubborn, but can admit when IРІР‚в„ўm wrong and know the value of an apology.
7) I like to sing. Often. IРІР‚в„ўm no Whitney Houston, but can carry a tune just fine.
8) I watch romantic comedies. DonРІР‚в„ўt worry though, action, comedies & Sci-fi rank ahead of this genre.
9) I still like to eat sugary kid cereals. A typical workday breakfast for me, however, consists of a toasted whole grain English muffin with peanut butter.
10) IРІР‚в„ўm sarcastic. NuffРІР‚в„ў said.
Some perks… at least that’s the way I perceive them!
1) Like you, IРІР‚в„ўve had my ups and downs. A favorite quote by Peter Marshall is, "When we long for a life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure."
2) IРІР‚в„ўm a firm believer in treat others the way you want to be treated. For example, I believe it's the way I make my students (&others) feel that truly counts-- when you think back to school don't you remember your teachers for this? I doubt you think, "Man, Mr. Smith sure did a great job teaching the quadratic formula!" I think I have this viewpoint thanks to my mom who is always saying, "It's not what you do or say, it's how you make people feel." I hold onto this belief both in and out of the classroom.
3) IРІР‚в„ўll happily spell check and edit and any paper you need!
4) IРІР‚в„ўm a lifelong learner. I "practice what I preach," and at present, I am working on my Masters, taking salsa lessons, and hoping to start kickboxing and core training courtesy of pole dancing (hear it's awesome for your core!). Variety is the spice of life!
5) Family and friends are extremely important to me. I have a close group of friends... some I've known since infancy!
6) Not a fan of drama. . Dealing with my students' drama is more than enough for me!
If youРІР‚в„ўre still reading this, impressive! Now what am I looking for?
I'm looking for someone who will be a partner in every sense of the word; someone I know I can count on for a laugh, a hug, an ear, a hand, and is willing to drive the getaway car! ;o) It'd be nice to find someone I can share a hobby or two with (car show anyone?), but who can also introduce me to new ones (mountain biking?). If you're someone who doesn't mind road trips, likes exercising, enjoys making a big breakfast on the weekends, and will tolerate my love of Sudoku puzzles and reading that will definitely earn you bonus points! With that being said, while IРІР‚в„ўm seeking something serious, I want to take it a day at a time and see how things unfold.
If you're looking for a lady that...
Isn't afraid to get dirty
Laughs at herself
Will never carry a dog in her purse
Doesn't see the point in owning a Gucci bag
Likes hockey, basketball, and football games
Will splash in puddles with you
Is respectful of others and
Will be supportive and appreciative of you...
If you are:
And willing to experience new things... You should contact me, or I just might contact you!
Good luck in your search!

Meet a soulmate from Tempe, United States. i like to meet a responsible guy, educated, honest, you can by romantic i want him to make me laugh I am a conservative girl i like to cook i love my family i want to have kids with a person who make me feel love for him i want to be the most important thing for him ;p

Date single girl from Tempe, United States. I like to laugh all the time. Most of the time is at myself cause I am the most uncordinated person that you will ever meet. I am always falling over. If i am in a good mood i wake up singing. Which is all the time. I would like someone who has a wonderful out take on life and makes the most of what they have. I would also like someone that can talk to me not at me. And be willing to teach me things i dont know. Be patient with me when I am freaking out about school and what i am doing with my life but most importantly tell me how they feel no matter what the cause may be.

Meet a girl from Tempe, United States. I am fun, outgoing, caring, beautiful, smart, and successful. Originally from San Diego, CA and moved to AZ in 2011 to expand the company I run. I work full time and sometimes more than I should, but I love my job. I attend CGCC as well. I am working on a business degree. I'm very family oriented. My mom is my best friend, I could be considered a daddy's girl and I have the most beautiful sisters, neices, and nephews.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I generally prefer to stay at home/indoors but I do enjoy going out to shows, parks, and other places now and then. I'm looking for a fairly low-key relationship right now with the possibility of becoming more over time. I love my work as a veterinarian, but also love the sciences and teaching. I am a nerd of sorts and would be happy to connect with other nerds! I'm not particularly athletic, though I do attempt low-impact exercise somewhat regularly. My friends would describe me as an honest, reliable, and fun person, though everyone says I am quiet at first until you get to know me. I am currently agnostic, raised as a Protestant, tolerant of other religious views and I expect tolerance for my views. I'm not particularly political. I do not have a lot of drama in my life and I am happy to keep it that way. I may smile randomly if I recall a funny comment or situation. :) I sometimes laugh out loud when watching South Park or some other TV shows even if no one is home, but I do most of my laughing in the company of friends. A recipe for a good time is friends, board games, wine, and some good food - movie.
What I'm looking for in a person is an honest, respectful, patient, low-drama person to chat with and hang out with. I would like to meet someone I can have an educated conversation with. I also appreciate cleanliness, though I know we all have our moments of disorganization and disrepair. I'd like to meet someone who will play games (board games, video games, other), spend some time outdoors (camping, walking around the block, going to the park, etc), try some things he's never done, and encourage me to try things I've never done (though I don't like being pushed too far if it's something I'm really not comfortable with).
Let me know if you would like to meet up and hang out or get a bite to eat.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am very outgoing and a little sarcastic. I take pride in my work but live in a busy area I have yet to explore. I can't wait! I love hot yoga and hiking. And vodka. I read a lot. I am learning Portuguese and Spanish. Workaholic. I am in school part time. I have an adorable pup named Chaucney who is the love of my life! I moved here from Baltimore so I do not know many people outside of my office.
My ideal guy would be witty, intelligent(must), adventurous and kind.

Date single girl from Arizona, United States. Me...
Love making people smile, even if it's because I am at the butt end of the joke.
Love smiling.
Love laughing.
Love being active, being outdoors, and being around good friends.
Love good wine and good food.
Love trying new places and new things.
Love my life.
I am looking for a driven, positive, sarcastic, easy going... good man.
Thought I would give this a whirl =)

Meet a girl from Arizona, United States. I want someone who can laugh and can handle my tendency to be dorky. To understand that my love for football can be a little crazy and I would rather watch the game then go out. I can be low key but high maintenance and I want someone who can handle that.

Date someone special from United States. Im giving this Match thing another go around its been years since I have done it. And the last time I just remember no one looking like their picture when I met them. LOL So that was short lived...
Well my friends and family call me the total package. I am a Pediatric Cardiac Nurse, and I love my job! I like to travel, watch sports (football, baseball, and basketball), enjoy cooking.. I love to go camping and the outdoors. I am very giving, and thoughtful. I can be sarcastic and love to joke around. I've been known to give people a "hard time" ;) Laughing is a must in a relationship.. I really like to have fun! My family is very important to me. I also have a super cool dog named Bruschi (named after Teddy Bruschi). Some days you can find us hiking South Mountain... Other days I love going to Jab Fitness! I better not sum me up too much! I wanna give ya something to ask...
Ideally what I intend to find is a guy who is... Fun, Loyal, Honest, Giving, Thoughtful, Outgoing, likes sports, likes to go out and have a good time but yet can stay home and watch a movie. Is it asking to much for a man to have some chivalry? I think that is one hell of a quality. Example: when a guy opens doors and/or will lead the women through a crowd. Those qualities are so attractive maybe because its rare these days! Someone who also likes to travel and is open to trying new things. Im always up for adventure! I am hoping he is too. I tend to live these days thinking You Only Live Once!
If you think you could be The Total Package then we should talk.. :-)
PS- I'm not into playing games.. I am here hoping and wishing to find a healthy relationship. Im not the sorta person that is looking for a random hook-up.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I'm pretty new to the online dating, or dating in general. I'm not sure what I want because I'm not sure who I am. I different in ever aspect of my life. At work I catch on thing quickly, always willing to help, and decicated to giving 110% everyday. With my friends and coworkers I love to laugh and talk about our hobbies. I have a sarcatic sence of humor that sounds serious to most when I'm only joking. With my family I'm loving, generous and at time harsh because I care so much for them and their well-being. I'm highly emotional and quick to react but I apologize I mean it sincerly. I'm a nice person with a big heart but I am not quick to forgive and forget. I'm stubborn but will admit when I'm wrong. I love learning and trying new things at least once.

Date single girl from United States. I'm a native of Arizona...thanks to my job, I've traveled the U.S. but I definitely think AZ is where I'll end up. If anyone disagrees with me about AZ for life...I'd love to hear your argument (and who knows....maybe I can be convinced otherwise) I'm organized but stressed, type A personality but spontaneous with the right influence, looking to try new things but comfortable with the old.
I've found that being a native of Arizona is almost a curse as much as it's a blessing. My best friends are people I've known for years, but that means I've stuck with a close small group of people so as that small group of people start getting married and settling down, I find myself looking for new ways to meet people. This is the first time I'm trying online dating / socializing, but figured it can't hurt. Look forward to meeting new people, developing friendships, and potentially hitting it off with a man who has similar goals / wants / needs / aspirations. I love hiking, running, movies, reading (love reading)...and love anything that has to do with my puppy Jovi. Excited to see where this whole things goes....

Meet a girl from United States. To start off, I am a total nerd!
I like watching nature shows and reading books. But I also love to watch action movies, go to music concerts, and hike. I like to experience new things, try different foods, check out new places, and just try new fun things to do. I tend to like and do really random things. Currently, I'm training for a 5k zombie run. I'm super excited about that right now!
If you want to know more, just email me :)