Date women from United States / Arizona / Bonita, 62 year old

Date a woman from United States. "Life is an adventure to be had, not a problem to be solved"--this quote is a good description of who I am.
I have a positive attitude, have an easy going personality and have life long friends.
My life experiences have taught me to be true to things I am passionate about, and let trivialities go past me. I believe that you should listen to your heart and never settle for less that what you truly desire. My family is very important to me. I have found such a profound sense of what is really important from raising my two daughters. The times we are together are the best!
I desire a committed relationship with someone that I can share my life with and theirs with me, with neither of us losing our identities.
Honesty, communication and expressions of affection are essential elements in a relationship for me. As far as romance goes... gotta have it!

Meet someone special from United States. What accomplishments are you most proud of?How would you describe your social life? Who or what makes you smile? My approach here are different,
because I am different....I am me..I am myself all the time I don't put out anything that's not real..
"A true man does not need to romance a different
girl every night, a true man romances the same girl
for the rest of her life" "Never make someone a
priority when they ONLY make you an OPTION.