Date men from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 53 year old

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. I have reised 2 children who live away from home, I am now starting to see what life has to offer ,post children,I have roots in alaska and always will, looking for someone who shares some of my core values, friendship first thensee what happens.

Meet a man from Alaska, United States. Hello
I'm a easy going but motivated guy. I like the normal outdoor activities, hiking, biking, boating, kayaking and, of course, skiing. An occasional symphony or theater is nice, maybe some rock or most other music. I'm well traveled and want to experience more of the Rockies and Europe.
I can also be a real home body, enjoy building projects, healthy food, conversation, reading. Dogs are fun and kids are great, especially my nephew and nieces! I'm successful in my profession, secure in that regard, although some winters I like to ski patrol full time. Gets me out early in all kinds of interesting weather, and the sunrises and sunsets are often soul stirring.
I'd love to meet a lady who is positive, active, and fun, wants to travel a bit and shares similar interests. Hopefully this computer dating is a good way to meet people, share some life and adventures. Love to find the one. You have to meet to see, lets meet and check it out eh?

Date single man from Alaska, United States. Here's to enjoying the present moment...forever
Looking for that warm smile that would make the world around me vanish for a moment...while I catch my balance :) You are warm hearted, kind, and look to care about others as you care about yourself. Your natural beauty and joy has its source deep inside're relaxed, spontaneous and love to laugh (I help you:) and would so much like a secure and comforting place to land at the end of the day...comfort and contentment a heartbeat away...falling asleep in your lovers arms by the dancing flames and warmth of a fireplace.
Like me you have a longing to connect on a deeper level... two hearts that find their greatest joys in special moments...listening to one anothers hearts, enjoying deep and meaningful conversation, or the beauty of silence.. alone on a beach at sunset... watching the stars come out with only the sound of the gentle surf serenading us. Add a bottle of wine if you like... whatever fills your recipe ... true love finds its greatest joy in bringing joy to the object of its affection, and we love bringing each other joy. Yes, my imagination is very much alive and so am I.
You enjoy intelligent conversation... and good times with great friends, and have learned how to respect the thoughts and feelings of others. You do your best to be compassionate and understanding of whoever may cross your path. You somehow sense a deep connection with the One who holds Eternity and you in His loving hands, though understanding may elude you and words not be found to describe such Mystery and Majesty. You prefer nature for your cathedral as the illusions of religion fade in the breathtaking beauty and grandeur of Creation. What we beleive is pure and simple... God is Love...and so... we live our lives for the pure and beautiful joy of loving and being loved, with the innocence of a paradise once lost.
While you may enjoy the "finer things" you really love the simple things and the special times you share with family, friends and hopefully soon, that special someone... and while the city lights may have their dazzle, you prefer to fill your days in the presence of astounding beauty…where the incredible touch and fingerprint of God can calm the mind, soothe the soul and awaken your heart to the sweetest song on the wing...
A little about me... I have 3 married sons and have also been blessed with 9 beautiful grandchildren. For the last 6 years I've spent summers in Alaska and winters in Hawaii...about 6 months here and there, but am looking to spend this winter somewhere between Texas and Georgia and find a new winter home... and a special someone to spend summers with me in Alaska. Was married once for 25 years and been alone now for 8. Not so easy finding that special and unique connection.
On the practial side I know how to work hard and still do, and can play hard as well. I place high value on the peace that I have deep inside...and enjoy a peaceful environment. I definitly have a deeper side which I've been told I convey in my writing and poetry, though you may not pick that up in my everyday as I love humor and enjoy the lighter side of life :)
I am health conscious, eat healthy and get plenty of exercize between work and to play tennis or swim at the beach, snorkel, scuba...enjoy being active outdoors. Have never smoked, done drugs and rarely drink alchohol though I enjoy a beer now and then with a pizza or mexican food....or a little wine. I am truly grateful to God with all Ive been blessed with both naturally and spiritually and have never lost the wonder of being His child.

Meet a soulmate from Alaska, United States. A lot has been said in the matter of students turning to pre-written essay and become a fail in the class. But despite this fact, an increasing number of students are turning to writing services over writing themselves. When students tend to opt for cheap pre-written essay students end up paying a larger price in terms of losing out on grades which also cost you your academic excellence, your achievements and at large your reputation. Students caught in carrying out such malpractices and frauds need to assure everyone and work extremely hard towards their rehabilitation and that too if given a choice.

Date someone special from United States. Looking for the same .. I am hones ..caring , responcive ..can not spell ...master of much profecient in little. Looking for somone who is bit more out going then me ..For I am very auward at this .. Need some one to help me get started . .. have had many life changes of recent ... I am now retired and on a fixed buget. That stinks ..but learning how to live with it .. Love any thought feeling emotion from the hart. Always try to give back and fail a lot. People let people down and i know in my hart i will ..let others down .. i know my intentions ..and am free wit alwys trying to do beeter.. lovve somone with the same concluesion . So this is a atempet at seeking .. peace

Meet a man from United States. Well I like to think I'm open minded , fun loving , I wear my heart on my sleeve, love to smile , i'm optimistic, little sarcastic at times , lol , I'm truthful... Let's see , perfect match , Boy Howdy ! Someone that doesn't play games with my heart , dependable , communication is a must , loves to laugh , spontaneous at times , a good Kisser for sure , lol , got to be affectionate , lord knows I am , lol , That's quite a bit , wouldn't you say , oyeah , I'm diffinatlly not afraid to exspress my emotions . Still I'm little shy at times

Date single man from United States. I like beautiful woment that knows what they want. I am a no non sense kind of guy that just want to have some fun in Alaska. I have a degree in communications and I have 6 years before I can retire from the military.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I hope you can relate; This is not our first time around the block. We have had our successes and attempts that failed, but through it all we stayed positive and knew eventually patients and perseverance would pay off. So here I am, unattached, healthy,and willing and able to share my life and all it has with someone. However, settling is not an option.
So here is a bit about me...
I'm a professional, but enjoy working with my hands.
Don't mind dressing up, but prefer jeans.
I love all live music, but jazz is the best.
I'm driven but far from obsessive.
I enjoy a large social circle, but treasure quite as well.
I identify with a woman who is confident, successful, and is comfortable in her own skin. Someone who values conversation, learning, and always evolving.
So if you're free on weekends, fit my parameters, and are active and around my age, I hope to hear from you.

Date someone special from Fairbanks, United States. I am a guy that likes to have fun!! I have agreat sense of humor , ride harleys and hotrods, own many of both and love workin on them to! I like to go out to eat or bbQ love the winter as well as summer! I`m honest as the day is long, and always ready to give someone a hand! I`ve lived in Alaska 40 years but still want to do some travelin down south. I would like to get out of here and travel down south when it gets really cold the work I do is out in the weather be it 80 above or 40 below. Love lookin for antiques and music too! Would like to find someone who is honest andhas a good attitude towards life!

Meet a man from Fairbanks, United States. I am passionate, dedicated, and caring with a great sense of humor!
Looking for someone who is honest, commited, passionate, caring, emotionally stable and mature. Also, with a great sense of humor. Laughter is an essential quality in all relationships!
Must enjoy quite times at home with occasional evenings out for entertainment and fine dining. I also enjoy spending time at my remote cabin reading, fishing, sitting by the woodstove and enjoying the beauty of Alaska. I still like to go for walks and the occasional day hike, but my days of carrying a 40 lb. pack thru the mountains for a week ( I've hiked the Chikoot twice and many other trails in Alaska) are past. I feel that a solid relationship requires trust, honesty, good communication, laughter, and working together as a couple. Looking for someone to enjoy the rest of this journey with.

Date single man from Fairbanks, United States. I am a hard working, hard playing type of person. I love the outdoors, love to fish, hunt, go camping, hiking, just about anything that involves the outdoors. I am a honest person that expects the same in return. I am a little shy at first but I seem to open up nicely, I enjoy going up to my families property up in Central to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet. I also like to spend time with my daughter, son-in-law, and grand children down in Georgia. I usually go down there durring the winter time when my business slows down.

Meet a soulmate from Fairbanks, United States. easy going almost to the point of being called some what of a lazy butt sometimes.......but then again i have built my own house, go for long bike rides ,long hikes ,still ski as if i were maybe i am more tired then lazy. seeing good things happen to people is what makes me smile most. i am grateful for simple things looking for someone to share what i have learned and absorbed though life. tired of being alone while skiing,hiking,biking also respect someone may not be as interested in these sort of things as i lets see if we can find new stuff together ,