Date men from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 51 year old

Date a soulmate from Fairbanks, United States. I am grateful for my 3 kids I have just got back to Fairbanks I was in AZ for 6 years. whats makes me smile my kids a good funny movie and a good looking woman smileing at me.Ilike to play games work on computers. I hope to meet someone to share time and laughter with................

Meet a man from Fairbanks, United States. I don't talk much and need the same. I love to be happy and smile. Come back home from work. we should smile together and happy with dinner, watch TV, listen to soft music or reading the books before go to bed . Wake up in the morning, enjoy breakfast and smile before going to work and never bring problem from outside back home . Free time should get together for picnic or relax , make us happy such as... movie , beach , park etc. Don't like animal ( love to see it but not to have ) , talk nice for last longer relation ship .


Meet single man from Fairbanks, United States. I'm a nice guy, young at heart, happy with the small things in life. I'm decent looking, a "catch" for the right person, but have lately wondered if I can find that special connection that's both thrilling and secure. I'm looking for an attractive, intelligent, and most definitely sensual woman who is stable and happy and yet has a little wild streak and a few surprises. Maybe our connection will be casual companionship, or a steamy erotic connection, or lifelong love--it all comes down to chemistry. An enduring connection would be great. I'm open to starting or becoming "family" with the right woman, or just counting our pets as "kids" and calling it good. I'm also open to just finding a great friend to share a movie or dinner or outdoor activities, with or without the "benefits." I have a strong independent streak and like that in others, being close without smothering, keeping that spark alive with room for each of us to grow and thrive.

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. My career is highly technical, as are some of my hobbies, such as ham radio. Geeky, Nerdy, Intellectual - Yes I am all of those things, but so much more.
Been in Alaska for 22 years now. During that time, I've been able to do such things as: work on radio towers, fly my own bush plane, camp on several active volcanoes, climb mountains, work as NASA rocket engineer and underground mining.
Most of my free time is decidedly non-geeky. I like to be outdoors most of the time taking long walks, barbecuing, and chatting with friends. Working on my little house in the woods. Occasional volunteer work for church or Yukon Quest. I like to travel and have been to Asia and Europe.
Ideal dates for me usually involve conversation. Dinner and a play, or dinner and dancing are fun. Going for long walks - sometimes we talk, sometimes we don't. Picking blueberries or counting stars and watching the aurora. Sometimes we just sit in the living room and read books or watch old movies.
You are someone with whom I can have stimulating conversation. You know how to enjoy life and also how to relax. You are your own person with your own immutable values and beliefs.
Both of us are perfectly fine on our own, but life can be better when we share the time with someone special

Meet a man from Alaska, United States. First of all, thank you for stopping by. I’ll try to describe myself without sounding like a used car salesman. I enjoy the outdoors and staying active, probably a bit more in the summer, it seems like the winter is just getting good. Winter activities include XC skiing, snowmachining, and hikes with the dog. Summer brings with it, bicycling, hiking, walks, motorcycle rides, and canoeing or boating. I would like to get out and try kayaking this summer. I enjoy meeting people and trying new things. While I do enjoy a nice glass of wine, I probably gravitate more towards a beer in the course of a meal or celebration.

If you’re still with me, let’s take a quick look at what I’m looking for. Beyond the criteria noted below, I’m drawn to an up-beat woman with a positive attitude and a great sense of humor. Anyone can laugh on a good day; I’m looking for that someone who appreciates the value of humor on the bad days. I consider myself fairly objective regarding age and appearance; she needn’t be a model and I have no problems at all with Carharts. I am attracted to a woman who takes a little pride in her appearance and enjoys a healthy lifestyle. Please consider the age criteria noted below as a more of a guideline than a hard number. An enthusiastic, attractive woman above or below the ages noted would never be discounted based solely on age. I hope you’ll drop me a line if you find any of this intriguing. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. I work in education with handicap children. I stay fit, love cars, car rides, oh, that's the dog and love to travel when time permits. My ideal match would have a great sense of humor, be family oriented and love to spend time with one another. I look for honesty, being yourself and must love dogs. I enjoy holding hands, walks and quiet time alone with someone special. PS I love CarTalk on Saturday's, you have to admit they are funny. PSS Friends first, then see where it takes us.

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. ive never tried this before iam interested to see what will happen fairbanks is a great town for doing a variety of things for anyone.a nice girl in my eyes is one who is kind and honest well not sure what else

Date a soulmate from United States. First of all I'm a dad who loves being a dad. I enjoy Alaskan life style and teaching my boys to ski and snow board.
I stay very busy traveling around Alaska and exploring new places , fishing ,camping , boating and 4 wheeling
Like the time at home watching a good movie or having dinner on the deck

Meet a man from United States. I love the night sky, and find myself gazing out at the Milky Way
and still every time it still moves me,..
I already know the best things in life are free, and yet I wouldn't
trade them in 4 anything,....
watching the sunset on Ester Dome, home hanging out with
my 5yrold son with him jumping all over me,...chasing my son
around Pioneer park while he tries to hide from me, and just watching
him have the best time just having fun,...
writing our names in the snow,..
Music is also a big part of my life , matter how crazy a day can
get, the right tune , on the moment always brings a smile 2 my
face, I even watch my son in the back seat, do the same thing,
when he doesn't even know I,m watching him in the rear view mirror,...
OK, as far as who I,m looking 4,...
Part of a poem I once wrote, goes kinda like this,...
she's like wild horse running free,.. she's not out bar hopping
but maybe at home painting her barn,..
She likes little kids and old people too,..
and she looks like an angel outside with snow flakes
falling down around her,..

Date someone special from United States. I'm a simple man who loves to live life.I love the outdoors,and hope to find a person to join me on adventures around the world.I love to cook and have my partner helping me in the kitchen wether it be danceing ,or helping in cutting up veggies. I want to find that special person to walk down the beach holding hands watching the sunset together.

Meet single man from United States. Im a fun guy no matter what time of day or evening. Hope to find some one that like to talk and kiss. She must havd a lovd for life and animals. Love all kind of music . Always looking for fun and excitement. My ideal person must be able to keep me laughing and willing to try new things. She must have passion and be very romantic . Must love to be touch all over