Date men from United States / Alaska / Kodiak, 53 year old

Date single man from Alaska, United States. what i need in my life is a person that does not want to change me accept me the way that i am.I am a concervative person yet have enjoyed my life as much as i truly could have. have been in construction for many years traveled around Europe Iceland Greenland.Have been to most of states in United states. Have worked around exotic animals such as tigers elephants

Meet a soulmate from Alaska, United States. AS awelder fabricator I am an artist. I was taught that my field of work is an art, not a trade. I have treated it as such for 35 yrs. I love to hunt, fish, the outdoors, photoghaphy, travel watching movies, fine dinning&night life, when can.Im,looking for a,woman who is fun loving, attractive,faithfull, down to earth,and will view me with an openous as a potentual mate.