Date men from United States / Alaska / Ketchikan, 53 year old

Date a soulmate from Ketchikan, United States. I live in alaska and have raised my daughter hear we moved from calif 10 years ago she is almost 18 and I find myself vary alone in a place with a 4 to 1 man woman ratio I dont like to drink alot and so I dont go out the cops will have ya I am a equipment operator and drive trucks sometimes it is a good living and I have everything I need expect a good woman to share it with

Meet a man from Ketchikan, United States. I came to Ketchikan on vacation in the summer of 2004, fell in love with the place and immediately started looking for a home. I purchased a home near Mud Bight before the end of 2004. I origionally planned to spend the summer in Ketchikan and the rest of the year in the San Diego area of California. I am a real estate appraiser and thought why not work some while I am here during the summer. Little did I know at the time that I would get more work here than in California as there are so few appraisers in Southeast Alaska. I enjoy being an appraiser and have had many interesting appraisal assignments in; Ketchikan, Prince of Wales, Sitka, Juneau and Skagway. Well I started to spend more and more time here as the years went by and recently became a full time resident. I enjoy fishing out on the ocean more than anything else on the planet. You never know what wildlife you will see or what may bite your hook. I love going out fishing with my friends and then grilling a fresh salmon or halibut that night for dinner. I have made many, many friends in Ketchikan some of them women, however I have not meet the right women. I am starting to realize that I probably will not meet her at the Totem, Potlatch or First City Bar, tough I certainly have tried. I am looking for someone who loves life, makes me laugh, likes to go out with friends, and will curl up on the coach with me at the end of the day and watch a movie. I enoy the simple things in life like making coffee and breakfeast in the morning with someone special, to start the day.

Date someone special from Ketchikan, United States. Just got to Alaska. i work hard and like to play hard. I am a printer and work at the daily news. been single two years now. Realy like to meet a nice girl and just have some fun. I have a nice boat i brought up with me. Now all i need is a first mate. Is it you?
ttyl Hank