Date men from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 21 year old

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. Fun hard working man who has no time for games. I love the out doors and having my spare time I love to work out And stay active. I am extremely easy going and down for anything and I'm very spontaneous and adventurous. I wanna learn how to snowboard and I love to play sports. Music is a huge part of my life it relaxes me.I am looking for someone honest faithful and no games! I am a huge family man my little brother is my life he is currently 16 and has down syndrome and he is my rock and without him I would not be where I am today I love my job and would not change it for anything the military has taught me how to be the man I am today and only makes me better!
I'm looking or someone who can make me laugh, someone to go on adventures with someone who will be my best friend through thick and thin. I need a woman who can keep me on my toes someone faithful, honest, ad supportive I have absolutly no time for games! I want someone who takes care of themselves someone who is active and out going, someone who has a career or working towards one and someone who is squared away!

Meet a boy from Alaska, United States. a pretty girl that love the outdoors and loves to smile and laugh a girl that can put up with all my goofyness and wants to travel the world a girl that is not afraid to try new things and a girl that jus is looking to lead a life of fun

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I would like someone I can be comfortable around and be myself! Someone that supportive and faithful that I can relate to! I am a shy guy at first but when you get to know me i am very fun but humble. I like to please people and do my best to make everyone happy!

Meet a guy from Alaska, United States. I'm 21 years old, Stationed in Fort. Wainwright, Alaska. My longest relationship was 4 years. I'm a very laid back funny guy that just likes to have fun and live life! I'm looking for a sweet, beautiful girl that is faithful! In good shape and is just as laid back as me. Just looking for that girl that I can have someone special with!

Date single boy from Alaska, United States. My name is randy i am 21 years old and i love life im in the military and cant seem to find a woman who can fit my life style i play guitar and sing i love cooking and doin anything outdoors im not looking for a relationship yet but a friend first and if it goes past a friendship im ready for the commitment im goofy tall and like to have a good time

Meet someone special from Fairbanks, United States. I am a person who is positive about every aspect of life. There are many things I like to do, to see, and to experience. I like to read, I like to write; I like to think, I like to dream; I like to talk, I like to listen. I like to see the sunrise in the morning, I like to see the moonlight at night; I like to feel the music flowing on my face, I like to smell the wind coming from the ocean. I like to look at the clouds in the sky with a blank mind, I like to do thought experiment when I cannot sleep in the middle of the night. I like flowers in spring, rain in summer, leaves in autumn, and snow in winter. I like to sleep early, I like to get up late; I like to be alone, I like to be surrounded by people. I like country’s peace, I like metropolis’ noise; I like the beautiful west lake in Hangzhou, I like the flat cornfield in Champaign. I like delicious food and comfortable shoes; I like good books and romantic movies. I like the land and the nature, I like people. And, I like to laugh.

Date a boy from Fairbanks, United States. im 21 looking for a good time thats about it want more ask. Well im 5'10'' dark brown hair and brown eyes that turn gold if im turned on hint hint if you want me to prove it let hook up if not its your loss there not much to tell im an ok guy that likes to party and have a great time i drink and sometimes smoke if pissed off that about it

Meet a soulmate from Fairbanks, United States. I am a semi intelligent person who loves to socialize. I am heavily invested in a few friends and I take family seriously. Loyalty is the one quality I like to surround myself with, be it friends family, or relationships. I like to drink with friends but tend to stay away from bars because I don't like to waste more money than needed. I like to go out and watch movies or stay in and watch them as well. I am a good listener and am generally outspoken about my opinions. I am obstinate when it comes to many of them though but usually willing to concede to better logic. I want a girl that can understand me for who I am and who is looking for a connection that lasts longer than your average teenage fling. I enjoy prodding fun at things and pointing out ironies that seem to have been placed in the world purely for my comedic enjoyment.

Date a guy from Fairbanks, United States. i dunno what to say im in the army i play video games n hang with friends to kill bordom i try not to judge people because i know im not perfect the only kind of music i dont like is country and i know thats weird because im from texas but not all stereotypes are true

Meet single boy from Fairbanks, United States. Im a very decent and open hearted guy. I work hard for what i have. I have never cheated or lied to the person i was with and dont ever plan to. I have been hurt before and all i want from a good woman is loyalty and honesty as thats what id give every day. Im a sweet person and would die for the woman i love. Im old fashiond and belive in original family values. I like learning and reading anything benificial to my knowlage. I love my family. My truck is my baby. I do love kids but im not sure if i plan on having any yet if i do it will be quite a while away. I very funny and can turn just about anything into a joke for a good laugh My idea of a perfect relationship is when we talk to each other about anything and everything, never lie or cheat to eachother, do everything togeather and we are bestfriends too. I try to respect everybody even if i dont like them i just simply wont talk to them.

Date someone special from United States. I'm looking for someone to spend time with day after day who likes to just sit around at night watching movies or having a conversation but who also likes to go outdoors and camp and hike or any other outdoor activity.

Meet a boy from United States. A little bit about me... I'm intelligent, hardworking, and I like to go against the grain. I'm finishing my undergrad and about halfway through my master's degree. I'm 21 but looking for someone more mature than most girls my age. My favorite things to do all revolve around the outdoors. I love hiking, fishing, climbing mountains, and just exploring wild places. One of the biggest things I look for in girls is that they are tough and always ready to go on a wild adventure, if you are the type that needs all the comforts of home in the outdoors then you will have to step it up a notch to keep up with me. I have always been the type to dream big and work hard to make sure my dreams come true. I've done a lot of things people said I shouldn't to achieve some of my dreams and goals and it usually involves sacrifices in another aspect of life, I need a girl who is driven, dreams big, and is willing to make sacrifices to reach her dreams or help me reach mine. I am a no nonsense person when it comes to relationships and I wont put up with a girl who beats around the bush and can't speak her mind. I'm looking for something long term but if things don't work out another friend wouldn't hurt either.