Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchor Point, 53 year old

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. hello there i am a large man 6'1 250 and I fish comercialy for a living. so i am pretty buisy during the summer but have winter time wide open i live in anchor point moved here from wasilla for the peace and quiet and the sport fishing in the spring and fall.during the winter i like warmer places with a cool drink with an umbrella in it. when im not on vaca. i spend my days walking and lifting weights to stay in shape for work in the summer. im loking for someone to spend some time with as it does get a little lonely at times if you like to take life a little slower give me a jingle i'll travel with you or just chill.

Meet a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Hithere im a fisherman that is gone most of the summer theres a saying in our industy when fishing you dont lose yourwife/girlfreind just your turn.Sorry I cant go for that.soI GUESS WHAT IM LOOKING FOR IS SOMEONE LOYAL AND HONEST I AM AND DONT LIKE PLAYING BY MYSELF AND IVE GOT ALL WINTER TO TRAVEL AND HAVE FUN WITH SOMEONE. JUST LOOKING FOR THE RIGHT PERSON ARE YOU OUT THERE?