Date men from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 66 year old

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. I am a man who was faithfully married for 17 and a half years. Because of the betrayal of my wife I am now a divorced man now I am starting over. I am looking for a compatable partner who would enjoy a rugged life style and yet still enjoy all of the comforts of the modern world too. I love to do fun things together. I want someone capable of taking on a challenge and completing the challenge, also has a sharing heart that believes in Jesus.

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. I an looking for a young at heart individual. Someone who enjoys country life and financial security. A woman who enjoys to be treated with respect and is enjoyed for her charm, wit and warm personality. A passionate woman who enjoys life an one who wants to be supported in her ambitions and dreams. A woman who enjoys to travel, dine and shine.

Date a man from Alaska, United States. Will I like to bowl, play cards, watch football on TV, watch bowling on TV, dine out once or twice a month, and go out on a charter boats for halibut/salmon.
Maybe take in a movie.
Someone with the same interest.