Date men from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 69 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I am patient and tolerant. I have been around for a little bit and have discovered that few things are worth getting upset friends describe me as being there , alwaysin the right place. [emotionally] i am the stable person during the situation. I think i let down when the crisis is over. I am protective of my own. I was in the helping profession for 30 or so years,i stil meet people i dealt with back then. they all seem tofeel good about our encounter. I am gratful that I am in relatively good health with no pain. my children and granchildren are around me.I am looking for someonewhom i can takecareof and who will take care of me.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. Personable and humorous, love to laugh. I am grateful for all I have. Just looking for a companion/partner to share life with. I enjoy the spontaneous get togethers with friends and family. fishing/travel and visiting wherever the road leads.

Date a man from Alaska, United States. Moved to Alaska from Arizona, I love it up here and have a great place I renting out of town with view of a pond.... nice have the ducks back and send time watching them. Like the have all the daylight in the summer season, and have place set up outside to enjoy the days.

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. I am recently out of an eleven-year relationship, and think I am at my end of being in a normally defined, committed relationship. I don’t mean to imply that I disapprove of commitments—I do, but like everything, it needs to be within the context of the life it’s being experienced in. I like who I am, like being single, like seeing whom I wish, and like seeing life as an ever-unfolding adventure.
I have been married twice, once for 16 years and then after a 20-year hiatus, again for 11 years. Neither marriages were mistakes, but were right for that part of my journey. Then we separated and have remained friends. No matter how we try to pretend it is, we are all on our own journeys, and that is okay, and the way it should be. The reality is that we are always alone, and the preferable is that we are never alone. This may seem like double talk, but with reflection and contemplation, it is a truth inherent in life’s adventure. I recently came across a quote that “life should be lived as an adventure, and not as a series of problems to solve”. This really resonates with me, and results in a keen anticipation for the next realization of my own efforts…or for the next surprise.
Like a lot of progressive folks these days, I am not religious and shy away from the rigidity of that sort of endeavor. I am however profoundly spiritual. I don’t know what I believe in, but I profoundly believe in it. It’s about the mystery, and about being able to hold the edge of paradox. Again, if you can see past the double talk to the kernel of truth I'm trying to embrace, then we are relating. I don’t know what I love, but I sure know when I’m loving it. Things that resonate with me are gardens, birds, the smell of damp earth, flowers, the ambient power of a southern thunderstorm, the peace of gently falling leaves or snowflakes, the sound of waves breaking on a beach, and the free, unbridled laughter of children playing. Anything of the earth and the lovely images of the cosmos, all are manifestations of love experienced, but not understood.
Several years ago there was a movie called The Bucket List, about two men in life, who made a list of things they wanted to experience before they �kicked the bucket’. Everyone should make a Bucket List. You may not do them all, but you’re going to do fewer of them if you don’t put them all in one place for contemplation. I will not list mine here, but suffice it to say I have a list to share.
This should be enough to let you see what direction I'm facing, how I want to go about life, and whether you think I might have something worth exploring. While I am not a fanatical pacifist, I am a practical one. You might say, I believe in peace, as opposed to merely giving lip service to it.
What I like in female relationships, are interests that complement my own. What I am interested in is the freedom to go about my own adventure, whatever that is, and to share some aspects of it with others, either directly by experience, or indirectly by sharing.
I have a broad range of personality and physical attributes that I find attractive in women. I hesitate to list them, because I don’t want to inject limitations or the perception of limitations. If you are someone who might describe herself as an aging hippie, I think that is a good thing. But when you’re looking for a companion to share some of the journey, and not for a life-long, committed partner, there are a lot of things that are fun to experience. I want to choose from the full menu.
One last thing that provides a strong sense of who I am and in what direction I want to move: I am powerfully drawn to the concept of polyamory. It is the idea of it being natural and desirable for us all to embrace multiple loves. Most of us who do this, do it sequentially, or one at a time. I am increasingly of the opinion that it is okay to do embrace multiple relationships simultaneously, and that one relationship should only bring depth to others.