Date men from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 60 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Older and wiser,most of the time. Don't let anybody or anything run my life. Laid back but still very active outdoors yearound. I would like to find an active partner who enjoys motorized activities,scuba diving,traveling, and being together doing things.

Meet a man from Alaska, United States. Are you a happy, upbeat, playful and positive, can-do woman with style and substance and a mischievious twinkle in your eyes who wants to live and love life with an intelligent, creative, multi-talented, down-to-earth, affectionate, educated, sensual, and easy-going but hard-working guy who is equally comfortable in jeans or tuxedo (yes, I own one), relaxing at home or going out on the town to fancy soirees, and writes short sentences? And do ya wanna dance? If so, I may be the man for you. I'm interested in someone with whom I can joke and laugh and be totally relaxed and comfortable. We should be interested in each other's career and share some common intellectual and political ground. I'm attracted to women with intelligence, wit, and confidence who are affectionate, compassionate, optimistic, secure, physically attractive, fun-loving, gentle, feminine, and fashionable (classy and/or sexy, depending on the situation). I've never had kids, but I come from a family-oriented family, and I'm a waste of great father material. I hold out hope to be an official or unofficial stepfather before all is said and done--but that's not a deal breaker one way or the other. I'd like to be there to enrich someone's life, as she will mine, and live happily ever after (well, you know what I mean). I'll show you my sockeye salmon chowder if you show me your cobb salad. And, of course, shall we dance?
I'm a picture guy, as evidenced by the full photo quota, a serious interest dating at least as far back as my stint as the high school yearbook photographer. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, you've got 26,000 words to contemplate here! And divorced, yes, but that was way back in 1994!
And please note, you don't see any pictures of me holding dead fish (although I have a long history of fishing) or dead animals (although I hunted small game when young), wielding a gun (although I own some) or sitting on a snow machine—"snowmobile" where I come from (although I once rode on one for about 300 yards in the early 1970s.) Which makes me a truly unique "Alaska Man."

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. Im a guy who enjoys life and is looking for some one to enjoy it with me. I am looking for a lady whoe enjoys the out doors, doesnt let the little things in life that go wrong bother her and wants to have some fun in life

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. Sixteen year resident of Alaska. Moved here from Northwestern Montana where my favorite things were hunting, fishing and hiking the Mission Mountains. Own 3.65 Acres four miles out of North Pole where I have slowly, as I have the money, been building a house. Pretty much a bacholer pad up to this point and could use a womans touch, as could I. Collect old military rifles and have an old Harley which I plan on getting out of the mothballs this summer.
I like women of all shapes and sizes but prefer the slender type and a good easy going attitude is a real plus.
I'm not someone a gold digger would be interested in as I had to retire early from the Teamsters because of the loss of most of the sight in one eye to Glaucoma and any extra money I have goes into finishing the house.

Date a soulmate from Fairbanks, United States. Who am I--Well I’ve lived Outside Fairbanks, Alaska for about 30 years so my grasp of reality must be a bit off center. Spent a few winters in a wall tent 7 dog sled miles from an open road. I’m been a student and lover of music. I’m a woodworker, carpenter, all around handyman that seems to support a simple life in the woods and yearly trips to America, to see family and lifelong friends.
Okay I’m lonely--Would like to find bright, energetic, young at heart, free spirit to keep me on my toes and warm my heart. Some one to help secure a small homestead and be free to travel while we can still hike up a mountain.
Someone who can add a little artistic flair (of any kind), and put up with my eccentricities.
Thank you for your time

Meet a man from Fairbanks, United States. The best thing in my life is my three girls, they all have good lives,the things that make me smile are the pepole around me it`s nice to show them something new.I like going out for dinner n drinks movies, dancing or watching the tube with that special lady.

Date someone special from Fairbanks, United States. I live in Alaska & love this part of the world. It would be hard for me to leave Alaska I've been here for 30 years. I live at the very top of a downhill ski aera & it's so beautiful. The biking and hiking trail's are also great, what a back yard.I also play music and love to cook.I'am always busy doing fun things. My family lives in California so ispend alot of my free time there & in Mexico

Meet single man from Fairbanks, United States. I'm a semi-retired father of 2 teenage boys. I keep busy working part-time, coaching youth sports, volunteering at school, and keeping fit. Enjoy sports of all kinds, especially watching kids!! I also enjoy getting outdoors for some hunting, fishing, and camping. My favorite quote is "if you need help getting something done, ask a busy person".

Date a soulmate from United States. I am fun loving and goal oriented. I really enjoy nature and meeting people. I am not a hermit who stays in and locks out the outside world. I enjoy some sports but am more interested in doing things with someone that both of us can enjoy. I love to travel, go to shows, movies and pretty much anything that involves enjoyment. (Clean wholesome fun!) I drink socially but realy don't need it to have a good time.

Meet a man from United States. I'm a outdoor person, like to walk and cycle every were I go. like being off the grid. servivalist. She should like to be out door and not be afraid to get dirty hard worker and like to cuddle to keep warm.