Date men from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 36 year old

Date a soulmate from Fairbanks, United States. not really sure what to say im a single father of two awesome boys, i love life and everything that goes along with it. if your into drugs don't even bother. i work out as often as i can and spend as much time with my friends and family as i can. OK so i know this sucks lol but its kinda hard to explain oneself i promise i am a cool person that is smart and don't let life kick him down, i always get back up and keep moving forward to achieve my goals in life.

Meet single man from Fairbanks, United States. How does one summarize them selves in 200 words?
I like people, spending time talking over a good cup of coffee or a beer, but also comfortable spending time alone. Reading or working on a project. Family and friends come first and formost!!!!! Love to travel ( two wheels or four) and try to get outside twice a year.

Date a man from Fairbanks, United States. Honest, respect, open minded, trustworthy, and a good communicator. Yes, there are guys out there who are all of these. These are the qualities I posses and also need in others I associate with on any level. I enjoy conversation with others and getting to know people. I usually like to make people laugh, but can be serious when the moment calls for it. I am really looking to find others that just want to expand their social network to start. People that are willing to step outside their comfort zone and experience the different. Being able to create and maintain a real friendship with others is the first step in a lasting relationship that will stand the test of time. I don’t believe in love at first sight. You could be the best looking girl on match, but you have to have a great personality. It is what is inside you, makes you think, that I am most interested in. This may come as a shocker to most reading this, but there are guys out there who are not self centered, who do care about your feelings and want to make you feel good about yourself. There is so much to do in life and why do it alone when you can share those times and memories with others and eventually that one special person. So don’t be afraid to email or chat with me. Remember, you are here to meet new people.

Meet someone special from Fairbanks, United States. I am adventurous, love meeting new people, tackling new challenges, and travelling. I enjoy just about any physical activity, especially if it gets me out outside and exploring new places. I'm an avid photographer and am rarely seen without my camera, always striving to capture that moment or scene that people wouldn't get to see otherwise. When I'm not off on some adventure I'm pretty low key, just hanging out with friends, relaxing with a good book, or enjoying a movie. I do like to go out and let loose on occasion, but am equally happy around the house, cooking a good meal and enjoying a nice evening over a beer or glass of wine.
My friends consider me to be a lot of fun to be around, honest, kind, generous, affectionate, and hard working...always available with a helping hand. I try to make the most out of life, and really appreciate what I have. I do my best to learn from the past, plan for the future, but live in the moment. I'm almost always up for trying something new...I can't think of many things I've regretting doing, but I can think of a lot of things I regret not doing. I believe that if you don't put yourself out there and step outside your comfort zone, you'll never really know what you're truly capable of.
I've done a lot of traveling in my life and would like to do more. I backpacked through Europe after college, lived in Switzerland for 6 months, and have been to Indonesia, Borneo, Singapore, and the Philippines. If I get the opportunity I would really like to spend some time in South America, or maybe exploring Africa.
I've moved around a lot in my life so I have a hard time answering the "where are you from?" question so the easy answer is: I moved up here from Georgia about 3 years ago to check out the great untamed landscape of Alaska. So far I have not been disappointed and think I'm going to stay, at least for a while longer.
I'm looking for someone that is warm and affectionate. Someone I can share some new experience with or enjoy a conversation over a cup of coffee or a beer. She should like getting outside but also enjoy a nice quiet evening snuggled up on the couch, talking, laughing, or just watching a movie.

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I'm looking for someone who has an amazing smile and a great sense of humor. I love to cook and experiment with eating different foods and am looking for someone who has goals in life and is willing to work hard for them.

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. Some see the glass half full. Some see the glass half empty. I say the glass is the wrong size.
I'm looking for a lighthearted woman for hanging out/possibly dating who enjoys the humorous side of life. I'm not looking for anything serious at the moment. If things lead to something more, then it does. I'm simple, laid back, intelligent, and have a good sense of humor.
I am fairly easy to get along with and I have the tendency to drop cultural references or come up with cerebral witticisms. I've been told I am intimidating until you get to know me and realize that I am very personable. I have been spending most of my free time gardening and biking. I love working out, reading, biking, and hockey. I'm not a health nut, but I take care of myself. I don't consume alcohol, drugs or smoke. I love coffee though! I don't fit into any type of preconceived mold and I actually have a personality - "gasp"!. I have found that life is too short to be unhappy and happiness can be found in many unexpected places.
Finally, I really hate talking about myself, so if you have questions, ask away!

Date a man from Alaska, United States. Me in a nut shell, I was born in the late 70's been to too many school when I was younger because of my parents being in the military. So I am a military "brat" and guess what i ended up in the military after all. The things I really like to do is working out side, looking at the star's when I can see them. I like going out with friends to bar's and having fun love playing beer pong with friends.
I am looking for somebody to make me laugh and doesn't mind staying on a friday night to watch a movie.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. Like I said I love my job. If you cant have fun at work then whats the point? I cant wait til summer. I wont have to plug in my frikkin car. Bars are kinda played out so im lookin for something else to do. Or at least someone to do nothing with.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am a single dad with two girls, 10 and 13. I am currently in the Army. Looking at going back into law enforcement full time when I get done with the Army around Sep of 2013. I'll be moving back to Texas. I like to ride my Harley and find new places and people to visit. Looking to find some friends to ride and hang out with. Like most music. Play a little guitar. So if your looking for someone to hang out with, just have some fun and see where it goes from there drop me a line.

Meet single man from United States. I'm a fun energitic guy who just wants to enjoy life and, be around good people who want the same. I love my job as a mechanic and I like to work hard. I want to find a gal who enjoy's life someone who is easy going and wants children.

Date a man from United States. Please pass me by if you have children, an ex who won't leave you alone, drama or special situations.
UP-FRONT: not a very good looker (been told I look like Ben Stiller) but I'm an educated man with his act together who's rode this bucking world on a saddle and ain't never been thrown. I've got a few dollars and common sense to endure what life's thrown at me and what's yet to come, in this big round world I've been around. A country boy can survive. (Most of my Youtube videos show my adventures -- type in the search field "DancesWithBikers")
NO COMPROMISE: Must be at least at tall as me with a heavy southern accent, above all else. Ideally, with long horse-mane, rooster-tail hair that I can play with; a REDNECK Girl--a proud HICK; a "baby built for blue jeans." It's a tall order but great people come to those who dream and wait (which I've been doing for 14 years and can keep waiting).
INTERESTS: ALL-AMERICAN FUN! -- Western/English/trail riding, Horsemanship/Showmanship, cowboy mounted shooting, rodeos, my Harley, outdoor runnin, hiking, weightlifting, fast line dancing, 2-steppin, travel, middle-of-nowhere places, 70s-80s soft/hard rock, country, computers, helping others. Laughing/sarcasm 24x7.
NON-INTERESTS: couch potato, dirty house/kitchen, politics, political correctness, reality TV shows about people full of themselves and/or whining about their life. Also not a big fan of people obsessed with taking pics of themselves in the mirror while making dumb, kissyface poses and/or flashing their middle finger. Also not turned on by piercings beyond the ears--if I touch more metal than that, I better be workin on my Ford or Harley.
I wear my cowboy hat, Wrangers, and boots everywhere and all the time: it's my formal, business and casual attire, all-in-one! Don't care if no one else in a crowd does cuz I've got a habit of goin' against the grain. I don't have tattoos, piercings or chew--I'm not a walking billboard and I want to keep my teeth.
Drinkin personality: relax and laugh at everything -- never, never angry or out of control. Property of the U.S. Air Force--including deployments; been in 13 years and goin at least to 20.
I want the simple life away from the bright lights and big city: country music, listening to night crickets and cows mooing while in a log cabin. While not from the south or have a southern accent, I've been riding/barn-tending and winning blue ribbons long enough where I earned my hats 'n boots, along the way. (It's not so much where you're from but what you've done that defines you.)
Jeff Foxworthy said the definition of "Redneck" is "the glorious absence of sophistication"--and that's why, to me, Redneck is the life to live. It's not about being poor or stupid (because I'm neither)--it's about living simple, happy and not ever worried about being caught up in the things in the world that can make you go plain crazy. So I reckon I'm an "executive redneck."

Meet someone special from United States. I am a good hearted man with a great sense of humor and you might say kind of a country boy. I am past the immature stage of my life and I just wanna meet someone that I can be real with and travel and pretty much just have great time with the rest of my life.