Date men from United States / Alaska / Juneau, 53 year old

Date someone special from United States. loking for a woman, that is caring,loving, that is not afraid to express them, i smile most all times, enjoy watching others enjoy them selves, i like to take walks on the beach looking at the wonders that life has to giveits hard to say what i am, looking for in a woman because i believe that ther is wonders in each of us some times you have to look deeper

Meet a soulmate from United States. I like to explore and can be as much fun indoors as outdoors. You hopefully have a good sense of humor,because I like to have fun. I would like to meet someone who lives everyday to the best like myself . I would like to meet a lady who looks good in a t-shirt and jeans, as well in a dress. I am pretty laid back kind of guy always willing to try something once within reason.
After working for two differnt airlines and taking early retirements from them. I have decided to come back and work for the State of Alaska. It is nice to have your feet back on the ground. I would just like to explore it with someone. We can get to know each other better when we meet.
So drop a line, and Let's get together.

Date single man from United States. Hmm, who I am in 4,000 characters? Well, I'm an honest person and very hard working. I have strong character -- my parents imparted strong values in me. I have a good career and I really like what I do -- I've always been gainfully employed. I'm very even tempered, but also quite stubborn. If I think I'm in the right, I will fight to the bitter end to defend my views. Having said that, I think I'm very fair minded; I don't just argue for the sake of it. I listen to those close to me and don't just disregard their ideas because I think I'm right. I am very confident in myself. Sometimes I believe people think I'm easy, or a pushover, because I come across in a very easy-going and relaxed kind of way. That's my nature. But pushed into a corner, I will fight relentlessly -- to a point where it scares me. I am so devoted to my idea of what's right and to those I love, that I sometimes feel I'm part bulldog. I try my very best not to judge others. I have only a few very close friends, but I love them dearly and really enjoy their company. I like playing sports (even at my advanced age) and I really love working out. I go to the gym almost daily; it's really something I need to balance myself. I take pride in my body and work hard to remain physically fit. Despite my gray head of hair, I am very energetic and very child-like in my approach to life. I'm not immature, but I am very enthusiastic -- almost naive in many ways. Like, I'll befriend the serial killer because I don't know any better. In the summer I enjoy hiking in Juneau, which has some spectacular trails woven throughout the local mountain range. I have a 13-year-old daughter who splits her time between my house and her mom's house (mom also lives in Juneau and is re-married). I love my daughter very much and she is very important to me, but she and I are both very independent. I have plenty of room for a woman in my life. However, because I am committed to raising my daughter, I am not able to move away from Juneau at this time. This has certainly presented a problem in meeting someone, as Juneau is far away from just about every place in the United States (I feel like Seattle is a close neighbor!). However, I would really like to move on from Juneau when my daughter grows up and heads to college -- I need sunshine and the ocean! How I ended up in a rainforest, I can't tell you. Having said all that, Juneau is a wonderful place with really good people and there are many, many worse places where I could have ended up. On a sunny day, it is as spectacular a place as I've ever seen. For that matter, on a rainy day it is as spectacular a place as I have ever seen. What else? I am spiritual, but I don't want that to scare people. I'm not a zealot. I don't go to church. I do read lots of books regarding who God might be. I do not judge others and their beliefs in God or some other benevolent leader. I honor others' beliefs just as much as my own. And if you have no real beliefs? That's fine with me as well ...
What do I want in a partner? Someone who's honest, who respects others. Someone who is trustworthy, as I am. I would like to meet someone who feels like fitness is important to them, but they certainly don't need to be a gym rat like me or some kind of a skinny model. I love kids, so if you have kids I see that as an asset. I would love to meet someone who is very independent, yet likes spending time with me ... does that make sense?

Meet a man from United States. here i am starting a new chapter in my life . i am a virgin to this online dating . so be gentle with me . i guess i will start by telling you about me . i am 6'2" tall . i have all my hair and it's dark brown .my eye color is blue . i look a lot younger then i am . my weight is 210 plan to lose five more pounds to my ideal weight of 205 . i have been trying to live and eat healthy . i was the mayor of a small comunity in alaska , i own a fishing boat and am a licensed captain . i enjoy exercising . i love to travel and explore new things . i was a general contractor and can build most anything . i know parts of alaska better then just about anyone . i have run boats from the mexico boarder to the russian boarder . enough about me . the big question is what am i looking for and i guess it would be a connection . someone to share life adventures with . i can't realy say until i find it . i can't decribe it until i see it .

Date someone special from Juneau, United States. Hmm very few friends, but the friends I have are loyal. I love dinner, movies, occasionally going out on the town, love to dance ocassionaly. Really into computers & Playstation 3 ganes like MW3! Tend to want to spend my time with the woman I love after work.

Meet a soulmate from Juneau, United States. fun helpful respectful loving likes to fish like water sports goes to church clean clean habbits has to be some what funny whitty will go xtra mle to help someone must be happy in family life likes to be siscere

Date single man from Juneau, United States. honest, big heart. every day is a blessing despite what the day might had been. i do not go to bas so drinkig is something i really don't do much of. spiiritual accomplishments are the ones I strive for.

Meet a man from Juneau, United States. It's kind of difficult to write about one's self but let see how this one goes: I am a simple, easy going guy with a great sense of humor. I’m an optimist and always looking towards the bright side of life. I am adventurous and love to get out and enjoy life. I am a very active person and I enjoy various activities such as Hiking, cycling, swimming, beach walk, dining out, comedy clubs, live theater and musicals. I am comfortable in my own skin, and where I am in life...just looking for someone to share it with. I am okay with dating and spending time with a quality person, but I am at a point where building something more meaningful is the ideal and so I hope to find that woman with whom I would share the rest of my happy life. I am a romantic at heart call me old fashioned or whatever but I really do love to make my woman feel very special, for example opening doors, holding hands, picking her up from work, gifts and I am comfortable expressing my feelings to you anytime anywhere. I'm not in a hurry to jump in the sack, I am definitely interested in friendship first but once we feel its right for both of us then I want to hold your hand and feel our hearts set sail together.
I wish to find that caring, easygoing, down to earth and loving partner. I'm not perfect and i don't expect you to be, I think our imperfections makes us unique. She would be best friend and soul mate. Someone who understands what life, relationship and true love really means. I seek my true companion, someone to share life and its experiences with. Trust, honesty, openness, affection are all very important to me. Spontaneity and willingness to try new things, a good sense of humor are things I look for. I wish for that partner who understands that every successful relationship takes a lot of work from both partners this is because it is not just about finding the right person, but creating the right relationship. Life is a beautiful and wonderful journey and it would be nice to find someone to share it with. I would be happy if I am lucky to find that woman who believes that Love is in our heart not to stay, but to be shared so together we would build that true relationship we have always wanted.