Date women from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 53 year old

Date someone special from Fairbanks, United States. I often try to be silly or say something to help others laugh. I spend alot of time listening to music. I would like to find someone who would like to spend at least part of the weekend going out for dinner and dancing.
When vacation or retirement comes...I'd like to travel, both by air and by motorhome.
I may add more later.

Meet a woman from Fairbanks, United States. I could be your best friend or worst enemy depending on how honest you are. i love life and live it to the fullest. Looking for a honest, no game player person. I do not lie and expect the same from you.

Date a soulmate from Fairbanks, United States. I am an optimistic person who likes to travel and explore the world. I am very energetic. I like gardening and making my house beautiful. I would like to find an honest faithful man who would understand me and be part of my life.
I am from Russia. Just came to America and like it here.

Meet someone special from United States. I'm a morning person and enjoy a quiet cup of coffee first thing. Just my coffee and my Bible. It starts the day out right. I hope to find someone who wants to share his life. Your smile will say it all. I like to laugh, but I'm responsible. I may be 53 years old, but my eye can still twinkle, my heart is healthy and I can love deeply. I'm inexperienced in a lot of things, but I'm willing to try new things (well, not sushi though!). I work everyday and enjoy my evenings at home. I have responsibilities. I'm not looking for you to take care of me, I can do that (and have successfully done it for 10 years now). I love dancing, but I can't keep a beat, I love to sing, but can barely carry a tune. I am very much alive and waiting...I am only looking for my "special someone" right here in Fairbanks or the surrounding area. If you live outside of Alaska, we are not likely to connect. I live in Alaska, my life is in Alaska, this is the next best place to heaven, and I never want to leave.
I also wanted to add: While I am a smoker, I do not smoke inside (EVER--not even when it is 49 below!) I really do want to quit, but for me, losing weight is more important right now than smoking.

Date a woman from United States. I'm energetic, smart and in great health. I have a good sense of humor (at least I think so) and a big heart. I love business, fashion and am a bit of a news junky. I'm a very grateful mom and have a fabulous relationship with my young adult kids, all of whom I'm very proud of. I'm looking for something simple and easy, but would love to make a connection with someone special. Things are a little complicated now, but are working themselves out. If that doesn't scare you off, please get in touch. I am looking for someone who is smart, thoughtful, has a great sense of humor, is positive, healthy and stable financially. I like to spend time with people who are happy, confident, and who love to laugh. I like touch. Do you?

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am just looking for someone who would like to hang out sometimes. I thing a nice sunset makes me smile and my granddaughter. I am a recovering alcoholic and occasionally attend AA. I am a funny person I laugh alot I have a great sense of humor.

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. I hope to meet someone that is sincere, honest, loyal who is understanding and have compassionate for others. Someone that is kind and will not play games. Someone who likes to travel and is family oriented, enjoy spending quality family time together, hardworking,

Meet a woman from Alaska, United States. Social to start with and then we can see where we go from there. Not sure what I am looking for just looking. Someone to stay warm with on cold fridged nights may be in the future. Have to wait and see.

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Someone who has a hobby or interests and they are comfortable doing by themselves or with someone. Enjoys sitting at home and watching movies or putting together a puzzle. Taking road trips to see what the rest of the world looks like.

. NEEDS EDITED...Get up. Get dressed. Play with puppy and have breakfast. Possible errands. Then off to two different jobs. When I get home, I will check for email and other messages. Maybe chat some. Usually I listen to music. Play with puppy some more. Sometimes I watch a movie. I've been going out to dance on Friday or Saturday night. Sometimes I attend church Sundays. I have a variety of interests including crocheting, books and cd collection. In the summer I would love to go fishing and boating. I once was more active than now. I miss having a roller rink in town. I wouldn't mind bowling more than I have. But I would like to meet a caring man. Hopefully someone who considers themself at least an okay dancer. I would love to hear more about you.

. I have a hard time describing myself. I'm definitely a "70's" child, kinda a hippi type. I'm young at heart, and told I don't look my age. Have never done this online dating or "looking" before. I know what I want and what I don't want. I'm single and looking for companionship, someone to share life with. I'm finding myself again as a person and what I mean by that is-- kids are grown and out on their own. I lived with and took care of my mother for the past several years and now that she has passed I'm saying to myself "who am I". Where have life's obligations gone?
I like alot of different things, am very spontaneous though making plans are good too.
I'm a native of Alaska. Family and friends are very important. I adore simple things, like a beautiful sunrise/sunset. I work hard and love what I do... the majority of the time!
Looking for someone thoughtful, honest and kind who likes to have fun but can be serious too.

. I am looking for a guy that takes good care of himself, he must be a good family type guy. I love the water so he must like to fish, boat, and be ready for a nice swim in the ocean. He must like to travel, and love to spend time cooking together.