Date men from United States / Alaska / Fairbanks, 26 year old

Date a boy from Fairbanks, United States. My name is Dave. I was born and raised in Alaska. I love to laugh and make others to the same. I am pretty athletic and play a few sports. I am looking for someone who is kind hearted and treats others with respect. I wold like to find someone who enjoys going out and having a good dinner and a few drinks but can also have fun by staying in and whatching a movie. If you want to know more... Ask :)

Meet a soulmate from Fairbanks, United States. Fun moving understanding can travel around or just chill at home an will be ? great friend to text and talk to my number is Always open to text day or night and lil try to get back Asap ? relations could be in the future if you are miss right for me and i have ? big heart and dont want to be hurt but now im just Lookin for friends to do thing with and maybe my soulmate

Date someone special from Fairbanks, United States. I'm a big fan of Lynyrd Skynyrd's song "Simple Man." Hopefully I can be that. I wanted one thing when I was in high school, to achieve wisdom. Sounds corny - I know. But that's what I am searching for. You can get it in a lot of different ways. My path has me in the military right now. Doesn't have to be that way though - could be happy on a fishing boat off the coast of Alaska even. Just don't want to sell out and find myself in a desk job somewhere working for a faceless corporation. I've moved a lot in my life. I don't have enough fingers to count all the cities and towns I've lived in. It's been great - and there is still more to see and learn. Someday though, I hope to just settle down and be content.

Meet single boy from Fairbanks, United States. Im relaxed fun loving and lookin for the same. I have a 3 yr old son that is my life. Love the outdoors love ak. I don't know what else to say. I know I don't have a picture but if you give me a chance I'm a "I think" a pretty good guy.

Date a guy from Fairbanks, United States. Only member of the family born and raised in Alaska. Come from a familiy of farmers who decided to persue better opportunites in AK. Having said that, I am unique combination. I have a great work ethic, strong, and love the outdoors. On the other hand, I have a nerd/geeky side. I love the persuit of knowledge and education. First to graduate college with a B.A. I have dorky hobbies, play video games (not in excess), and love a good story/movie.
As for fun? I'm pretty open-minded, but so for this summer I've biked around town, gone hiking, swimming, boating, camping, and just...well...getting out when I can.
Generally quiet, but far from unsociable. Joker(but not a lot), fun, capable of spontaneous action. I like to listen more than talk unless of course it's something I am passionate about (or talking with an amazing individual) in which case I am a huge fan of intelligent debates and discussions. That is to say, random off-beat talk is also amazing.
I'm here to find someone with common interests with the hope of hitting it off with one of those people. I can honestly say I want to meet someone that could make me feel like I found my best friend. To laugh at the same things, talk about anything, stay up late to watch shows or bad movies, share dreams and thoughts, randomly go and do something, get in trouble with, share affection with, etc. Most people know this. That rare bond. If you agree with this, by all means let's talk!

Meet a boy from Alaska, United States. I was born in Alaska and raised in a small town outside of Anchorage. I grew up in the outdoors and still love to be in out experiencing what Alaska has to offer. Most of all I love to fish. I'm typically easy going, but work hard when I need to. I'm handy with tools engines, etc. Humor is a big part of who I am. I'm constantly cracking jokes and sometimes even come up with some good ones. I'm a student with both KPC and UAF with a little more than a semester left the Process Technology A.A.S and Power Generation Certificate programs. I'm looking forward eagerly to be done with school and on to the next goals in life. If you want to know more, just ask, I won't bite. I'm getting ready to head out into the Alaska Range to do some mining before heading back to Fairbanks for the fall semester!
I'm looking to meet someone I can share life and laughter with. Adventuring alone isn't much fun.

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Note: I dont update this too often, so the pictures are getting older and older.
I'm sarcastic at times, witty, and love to laugh. I love making people happy, and I'd love someone to do the same. If we all only looked out for ourselves, we'd get nowhere. I respect intelligence, and that is something that I strongly desire, along with someone who appreciates my smarts. I want an open minded person, and someone who's willing to fight for what they want, especially a friend. I've been burned one too many times by someone who loses track of what a friendship is, and wont fight to get it back when it's on the rocks. Communication is #1 to any relatioship, and trust is right on its heels. But with communication and friendship as the basis of any relationship, its hard to break trust. I need a friend before anything else can happen. I need someone who after a long day of work, I can come to, and get a hug and a helping hand, and I will give the same back without a blink of an eye.
That's the most basic part of my relationship side. But as for who I am, like I said, i'm spontaneous, witty, random, sensitive, intelligent, and... well... I think that describing yourself sort of puts you in a awkward position. I can talk myself up all I want, but what matters is if someone else sees it. If someone sees what I am, and what I have to offer, and how I act, then they will know more about me than words could ever describe, especially when told through a keyboard by myself. Not trying to get out of here the easy way, but I shine my brightest when someone can see me or feel me. Pretty much that if a tree falls in the forest thing, in a very convoluted sort of analogy, but you get the point. And after all, I dont want to write an essay about myself, just learn who I am by getting to know me. I promise, I'm worth the time, no matter what comes of anything.
Adding on to this, Im getting into photography. I've taken a ton of pictures with just a point and shoot and did pretty well, so I figured, well, whats the risk in taking some pictures!
I just bought land and am starting to clear, preparing for the build next summer. It is something my father did, and its just kind of in my blood. Its always been my dream. Alaska's my home... after being out of it for a year, I learned that, and I'm getting settled to stay.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. I'm a laid back person who believes it is important to enjoy every day of your life cause you only got one...I'm adventurous and energentic when needed (camping, excercising, skijoring with the dogs, mushing (in the near future), etc.) but I love just sitting back and watching a movie on a sunday.
I'm into women that are educated and someone that I can have an educational chat with. I hope to find some one that isn't looking into changing who I am. I really want someone that doesn't mind just stayin' inside for dates and leting me cook a little for them.
I hope there is someone that is out there for me...

Date single boy from Alaska, United States. I am outgoing, like to have fun, and self driven. I enjoy hanging out. I am looking for a women that is self driven and is independent. I hope to meet someone that can take me to new places. I like to watch sports and have your occasional drinks.

Meet a guy from Alaska, United States. I am the kind of guy that does not have many girlfriends and i have had every relationship end because there was never a connection, im looking for someone that i can make a good emotional connection with

Date a boy from United States. I'm not very good at this kind of stuff. I'm a bit of a goof and a big nerd. As for what I'm looking for in a woman? Its all about personality. Something I can't get a sense of with out talking to you.