Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchorage, 56 year old - page 3

Date a soulmate from Anchorage, United States. I'm doing this to find that spark.......the one where we see each other, and everything goes silent for that split second.....
This time I'll smile at you, and hope that you'll smile back. I really want to shed my armor. I want to stop walking away wishing I had
at least tried....and then wondering.
Me......I'm real solid.....I'm honest and can be trusted....I don't cheat....and the same is absolutely games, being comitted to a true partner is the gold standard...I work in the Arctic 2 weeks on...2 off. I'm a pipeline inspector. My job allows me to travel....but have drawn a line in the sand and said no more sunrises and burning sunsets alone.
I'm into road trips and am drawn to the sun....did I say I work in the arctic? so cold and dark are not on my list of must do's....
.I look for the hidden little spots with the funky diner all the locals eat at......the sleepy antique shops that always look closed
I'm not looking for the Sunset Magazines top 10 so I can be the coolest guy at the party dropping names at a blinding pace....
I"m kinda quite, but I used to talk alot.....I think I've just been alone to much.....but I like to think I can hold my end up when it comes to a good conversation....and I tell great stories about my adventures....I never learned anything from talking, so I enjoy listening to a good story.....I enjoy that very much. I like movies that tell a great story. (Forest Gump, lonsome dove. Green Mile
Castaway Kings Speech.....
I have led an extraordinary life....have explored many amazing places...Austrailia New Zealand Fiji Hawaii Alaska
the Rockies . At this stage of my life I want to see alot more....I still suffer from extreme wanderlust....and have an opening for a good navigator.
YOU.....You Must be able to read and fold a paper map......No GPS for our crew.."how can you call it an adventure if you are linked to a global satilite?" We'll use our wits and stay's better that way. Heres a news flash....I GET LOST!!!! (most men can't face that truth) its a pretty rare an eclipse, or a bigfoot siting....rare!
You should be able to shoot from the hip.....make it up as we go....fluent in sarcasem and free to speak what you feel.
You should have a favorite hoody and jeans......know their effect...and the best times to wear them.....A tucked away cabin piled high with blankets and pillows in front of a glowing fire should sound as good as a 4 star hotel.....'re romantic and being seduced slowly....understands that a man needs to feel like a man.....and you love to feel like a woman.
Being taken at midnight without so much as a whisper would be a good thing.....You love to be pampered.....and never burnout on flowers and little private notes......
You....Candle light and soft music in the background......thats like a drug...not looking to mold anybody into my life.....want you to stay true to yourself...comfortable being yourself.....
From Coral Reefs to desert skies.....Northern lightes to Southern Cross.....Snow covered hills to white sand beaches....if you are into these things.....and want a solid man free of a'll be cherished...protected...and respected

Meet someone special from Anchorage, United States. I am luv-da-fall because this is the greatest time of the year. To go out and smell the smells, and enjoy the colors and the Northern lights,etc. Love family
and sharing these types of outdoor acitivities with the right person that loves to go fishing/hunting and or camping
In style,of course/ I also enjoy cooking and am a clean-aholic to a point.
If you enjoy outdoors activities and indoors too, we might hook up ...Also ..I am a bit shy and don't do the bar scene.
I'm pretty much a home body and a 1 lady guy!
But ready to go and share together what we might have in common. Very flexible..for you wants and needs too....
What else can I say ?? just ask !

Date single man from Anchorage, United States. Here are some things I’ve done in life: Helped birth calves, babies, puppies; Helped save a wounded orangutan on a plantation in Borneo; Worked for the UN in Africa (briefly); Been happy, been sad, despaired persevered, had dog teams, built a boat, commercial fished, practiced law, loved, lost, loved, , . I snatched a raven chick from its nest for a pet, felt guilty and put it back a weel later. I’ve read books, written books, watched kids, watched sunsets, watched mating millipedes (Africa again).
I’m a father, a commercial fisherman, a writer, a dog lover, a physically fit, politically liberal, introspective, witty, intelligent, gentle, easy-to-get-along-with guy…and not bad looking they say (young for my years.) I have two graduate degrees, fewer clean shirts than I ought to, many more books than I need, and the two best kids in the world. I have a truck that’s too big and a boat that’s too old, and a nice bike that’s just right. I still believe in love.
I am generous and selfish, outgoing and shy. I write fiction which gives me (or maybe it results from) a kind of dreamy-ness that is harmless but maybe occasionally annoying. I’ve lived in Fairbanks and rural Alaska both of which I’ve loved, and I live in Anchorage now because my kids are here, now that life has settled down a bit I’d like to spend half my time away. I’m small town and rural by nature.
As for who I'm looking for--well I guess someone who reads about me and thinks, 'yeah, that might work." I imagine an intelligent, witty, liberal, gentle, outdoorsy, adventurous, fun loving, educated woman. But life is strange and who knows?

Meet a man from Anchorage, United States. I have been "blessed with great hands" that's what my Teacher Dr. Grove said while attending massage therapy school in Encino, California, so help people feel better is my lot in life if you can understand. I do enjoy getting out in to nature like camping, fishing, hunting or playing cards or watching good movies, and if I should be bless with Ms. right for me then I would like reading her a bed time story even if I have to make it up ( I just love reading, people say I have a very calm deep voice. Ms. right would simply just be like me only a little bit better (LO) because behind every good man is an awsome woman who knows her "MAN" simple put.

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I am the man that I am, thanks to a caring mother and father... and my mentor Popeye, the fictional sailor guy.
"I yam what I yam.", and...
"I am strong to the finish because I eats me Spinach.."


Date single man from Alaska, United States. Easy going person looking to share time with a person who likes comfortable. Would like to hike China and travel a bit with someone who enjoys doing something unusual and interesting daily. I work hard and enjoy every day at a time. It is the journey not the destination.

Meet a man from Alaska, United States. a quiet but honest person who is looking for the same must be faithfulprefere a person that does not play head games or has to be the center of attention all the time a person that is independant but also enjoyes being with the person she has chosen to be with. someone that likes to be home when she has time off not running around a person that likes to snuggle in front of a fire listen to music watch tv or just sit and read a good book.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am about to retire and would like to meet someone to travel with, see the world, different cultures, eat local food maybe settle down some place tropical, please be open for different lifestyles, different languages

Meet someone special from United States. Looking around to see what is available. Look for someone who enjoys adventure, fishing,hunting and being outside. Enjoy quite times at home, good movie or play, dining out or BBQing with friends.

Date single man from United States. "Ladies", first and foremost we all can remember when each of us have given our heart and soul to the person we first loved. Also remember when that person no longer wanted us, and how crushed and devastated we felt. Remember the feeling in your heart at that moment, we always will. But time heals all wounds, even of the heart. Then imagine this terrible thing happening two more times. Each time a piece of our heart and soul is tarnished, and you asking what happened? Did I cause all this hurt, which I am feeling now? We now must protect ourselves from that ever happening again. I still feel love, compassion and the longing for that special someone who I can tell my secrets, wants and desires...! I still have fire in my soul and this longing for my special beloved. When our paths shall cross, I will gaze into her eyes and I will know deep in my protected heart I have found my one and only soul-mate. Remember, the eyes are our windows to our souls and her eyes are bright and shiny...only for me!! Her touch, her silky smooth skin, her caress, her bright smile and soft spoken words. Only lover's breathe and speak too each other. I want the sound of little babies and children all over our house. One that we together have built. This is the music of life....God tells us so. I want as many children as we both decide on and can support. I long too brush and braid my beloved’s soft hair in the evening and tell her how beautiful she is, and how I missed her all day...and ask how were the children? I want to whisper into my love's ear as I nibble on it, "I love you and only you my love". I also seek the sweet, alluring, exciting fragrance of the woman. Her fragrant scent-"Ah, the scent of the woman", this is what I seek. But everytime in our heart's breaking, a small piece is lost... I search for the one woman who will find these missing pieces and make it whole once more. To this woman, mother of our children, teacher, and lover I pledge my honor, my undying trust, my love and support as we grow old together. I will be her protector and our family's provider to the best of my means. This is my search, my dreams and wants in life. Secrets of the heart & soul are what I seek. Are you the one who will answer and teach me your desires also? A noble heart awaits the answer for life's calling. Do you feel the calling also?

Meet a man from United States. I am a man of few words when it comes writing about myself. I now live a very active and healthy lifestyle and I’m looking to meet some one to share that with. I enjoy mostly outdoor activities winter, spring, summer or fall. Most of these recreational activities envolve "big boys toys". Although I am always open to new opportunities and adventures. I really enjoy travel be it local or abroad. I have been to a few South American countries and would love to visit more foreign countries. It is always more of a pleasure to share good times and travel with someone who enjoys adventures.