Date men from United States / Alaska / Kotzebue, 56 year old

Date single man from Kotzebue, United States. I've been Blessed and am very Thankful for each and every one of those Blessings. I have a great and loving family and friend support system and have enjoyed a couple careers that i've taken through retirement. I am working on a third career because i love what i do and we do what we love longer than we do what we get paid for. I am happy with my life and think meeting someone meaningful at this phase of it all would bring joy to accompany that happiness.

Meet a soulmate from Kotzebue, United States. I love the open mind of a person. Would like to wake up every morning with life new face. Would like someone to share it with and have fun doing it.
I just would like for that person to be you. So gear up to have a fun time for the rest of our life. Walking hand and hand facing all that is thrown at us with a single goal in life. That is to get back to our Father