Date men from United States / Alaska / Wasilla, 56 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. I'm a caring honest loving person looking for the same. I'm grateful for the life that God has given me and the experiences He has allowed me to have. I love working outdoors and doing things for other people, especially the elderly. I don't party or go out to bars but a good movie or play is fun. I like comedy as long as it doesn't get raunchy. I'm looking for that speccial person that wants to be friends and have fun. Then we'll see where that takes us. I'm a firm believer that where God guides He provides. I'm new @ this so I hope I don't seem too awkward. I look forward to getting out and doing things this summer (as much as work allows) And I never have a bad hair day. : ) O'kay ladies, here's the shocker. For relaxation I enjoy crocheting. No, I have not been to prison. : )
Most I give away to friends and charity. Just trying to be honest. Sheesh! there goes my odds of finding that special someone. lol I will PROMISE this, whomever finds that I am someone they would like to know and perhaps form a relationship with, above all else I will be truthful, honest and faithful. .
I currently live in Wasilla, If you catch me looking at your profile and I don't comment please don't be offended. Most likely I see something in there that I feel puts me out of your league or I'm probably not who you are looking for. One thing for sure is that you must be a born again child of God. If you are not sure what that means i'd be more than happy to explain it to you.
And as a fair warning, I'm coming with 4 Springer Spaniels. LOL I'm taking a break right now so all I can do is wink. But if you're interested, wink back. :)

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. I just like to enjoy life as it comes by, I wake up with a smile and carry it hopefully around all day long. I enjoy my job the people that I call my freinds so Life is good!!! thats it in a nut shell. It is nice to have somebody around that ienjoys the samething that you do, also has other interest that you can grow to ienjoy together. Honesty,integratey and knowing who you are and being comfortable with that and vis a versa. I have just recently more to the portland area from Alaska. Have a new job and career and enjoying the change of weather alot. That being said, life is good have to wonderful boys out on there own, so that only leaves one thing that is missing from my life. Someone to get old(or younger) with.

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. I love working outside in the yard. Enjoy wood working and other crafty things. Like to do things for other people just because. Not afraid to do domestic chores as long as I'm not the only one doing them. :) Enjoy movies if there's anything decent on. I like to go to the gym but I'm not obsessive. Try to keep fit but not to the point of depriving myself of junk food. :)
Looking for someone with moral integrity. Values trust and honesty. Willing to take it slow and not jump into things. Active but not obsessive about it. Likes the outdoors but is comfortable siitng at home watching a movie or just TV.
I have quite the family of pets, 3 cats and 4 Springer Spaniels. Right now they are my life. They seem to be a better judge of character than I am. lol. I can only take no for an answer so many times before I quit asking., go for a walk-no, go biking-no. I don't only claim Christianity as my faith of choice but also try to live it the best I can. Friendship built on trust and honesty is a must. Not looking for game players or someone looking for a free ride.

Meet a man from Alaska, United States. Happy, loving, giving,caring, silly. Happy people make me smile. I am grateful having be blessed with a happylife. My social life is active and I love to go do almost anything. I am very passionate about my kids and the people with in my circle and give myself in full. I seek to find someone that I have to go meet and establish a relationship built upon my actions and her actions not just our words. I have retired from one job already and do not have financial needs as I have a great job now that I love doing. My intent is to find a life partner, that wants to share a dream and build it. I am not afraid to go have fun and seek the good things in life as I have fulfilled most of my commitments and now want to have a time with myself and a companion. My children will always be a part of me and must be accepted, however they are grown and need lives of their own. I will know when I meet the right one and she won't regret getting to know me. Oh no, I found out something with this dating thing, please no heartless players need respond as I am all used up in that department.

Date a soulmate from United States. just wanting to be an ear, a shoulder, a helping hand. i dont have all the answers but i may have a different perspective. i try to bring a little sunshine to any cloudy day. i love to be helpful. my friends think im a genius just because i dont say any thing stupid. i think im just quiet sometimes. its been said "it often shows a fine command of language to say nothing " . its amazing what impact the right words or silence can have when offered at just the right time. '

Meet single man from United States. Yes I'm a widower who is restarting life's journey. I've endured life's joy's and challenges with energy and faith. I read and enjoy study of the scriptures, even studying some Biblical Hebrew.
I enjoy my work which started out a teenage hobby and became life profession. Though I spend many hours inside as a self-employed furrier, I also like to get out and experience the outdoors.
Scrabble or card games are fun things that I enjoy with friends and family especially during our long winters.
If one has a strong foundation for an outlook to grow, May that one be blessed to find it.

Date someone special from United States. Divorced Dad, raising 12yr old Daughter,. Hard worker, family oriented, seeking new Partner in Life & Love..... Have been in Wasilla 2 &; 1/2 yrs, celebate, giving my Daughter the time to realize &; understand things, &; be happy... It is now time to try to see if Dad can find a new Partner....

Meet a man from United States. good person that enjoys themselves, life and the Lord, the outdoors, the night skys, the dawns and sunsets, fishing, shooting, hunting, ocean crusing, snowmachining,camping, eating good food cooking good food,ect

Date a soulmate from Wasilla, United States. Raised in Upstate New York in dairy country, graduated from Albany High School in 1974 and came to Alaska working in the construction industry. My recreations are many, my "first love" is the mountains, second the water. I climb local peaks two to three times per week in the summer and sometimes spend the night just to do it. One of my favorite thing is sitting on a mountain ridge watching the sun go down. Some other passions are photograghy, playing guitar/writing songs and being outdoors in the wilderness. I tend to lean in my thoughts toward being as self sufficient as possible. I love being in the woods sharing nature. I enjoy travelling rivers in a jetboat and camping along the way. Cross country skiing and down hill are enjoyable with someone, when going out alone I prefer snow shoeing as I tend to take a heavier backpack. I've got the snowboard gear but just haven't taken the time to learn to use it. Animal wise I like dogs and horses. After feeding I'd often share a beer with my Palomino mare, she appreciated good hops every bit as much as I. One thing Ladies- I promised myself I would not marry another smoker. I admire a virtuous woman and intend to take my time to find the right lady, getting to know each other casually, developing a friendship to build on is well spent time. I think long hair on a woman is very complimentary. I'm looking for a woman that I find very attractive that enjoys being outside as much as I do and is capable of loving from the heart. I'm proud of my five children, I wanted a dozen...Wow, I was obviously clueless but still contemplate round two?

Meet single man from Wasilla, United States. I like a good movie, a warm fire, spend time in the kitchen, holding hands, fishing, camping, hunting.
A woman with a great sence of humor, likes to spend time in the kitchen and is finicially independent. There are poeple in this world who have to have drama and conflict in thier life. Thats not for me. Life is to short, traveling through life should be full of fun and adventure.

Date someone special from Wasilla, United States. I am a perfectionist, intelligent, very well educated, self-dependent, charming, warm-hearted, very romantic and sensual when properly inspired. Honest, responsible, sincere and sensitive when I can read the cards. Otherwise, I am sometimes clueless... a persistent male trait?
I relish exotic travel to distant lands, scuba diving (PADI MASTER DIVER), 12-years of Great Lakes sailing, hunting, snowmobiling, concerts and art exhibitions, Music preferences are: classical, new age, romantic piano, light jazz to easy listening. Several years ago, I spent sometime in Nashville, TN at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and became hooked on musical recitals, symphony concerts and a little Country music throw in for additional seasoning. Since my time in Anchorage, I have attended seven symphonic presentations and would like to meet someone with similar interest. I enjoy candle-light dinners by a roaring fire, indoors or in the greater outdoors. I use to be a fantastic skier, but a knee injury curtailed my interest 10 years ago. I have since acquired a knee brace and would be willing to try this sport once again.
What I am seeking:
Looking for a modern, day woman of multiple layers; an individual who is emotionally, intellectually, romantically and spiritually intact. One who still clings to old fashion values like: fidelity, honesty and sincerity. A woman who is confident in herself, not over bearing and is willing to equally share in a relationship! Is this too much to ask for?
What I truly believe…
There is absolutely no room for any kind of games or for insincerity what so ever here! So, I am looking for someone with intentions that are pure and coming from a clear, open heart? I am very pragmatic in my approach to life and fully realize that Love is a two-way street! As a Piscean, I can only see the logic in not judging the other party. As such, I fully realized that one must look towards their counterpart's true self-worth and value as an individual, a continually evolving human being. So, I live by the motto: If you don't get what you want from the relationship, then you simply tell me what you expect and desire in return for your �unconditional love’. Be honest and frank with your reply and I will do my best to comply with your wishes. In this vein, I would expect that you would take a similar course of action; for both parties involved ultimate happiness should be our only concern. It has been a long time since I once peered into someone’s beautiful eyes, the windows into their mind, and caught a glimpse of their true essence. Somehow, along the way I have lost sight of this vision and ran aground in the mystic fog that surrounds Life; lost to the complexities of modern day living. Now, I realize that it is time to once again reflect at the true self-worth of oneself, as an individual, without the benefit of a soul mate. They say that you never fully realize what you once had until it is gone from your life! How true and haunting these words will forever echo within the confines of my complex, but sometimes warped mind! So, is it time to once again poetically wear one’s heart upon their sleeve? I do not know for sure…but the option is intriguing enough to try once again.
…a Tarnished Knight’s tale
Recently, I have fallen in love with four beautiful dogs...they took me out for a stroll around Willow Lake and then it was time for a snow bath...what a life! Very shortly, I am about to embark on a 120-mile dog sled run encompassing the first three checkpoints of the 2008 Iditarod Dog Sled Race. Taking a team of six dogs and about 80 lbs of fresh ground beef and whitefish...boy can these boys and girls chow down...Hope that I can keep up the pace with these beauties!

Meet a man from Wasilla, United States. hello,im a 52 yr. old truck currently driving localy at nite,5 days a week when work is looking for someone that likes the outdoors,camping ,fishing,walks on the beach or the mtns.someone that can cook a meal and i dont have to ask ????????someone that i can talk to about all the places and things I have seen and done,and may like to try to do again,god willing..