Date men from United States / Alaska / Sitka, 56 year old

Date someone special from Sitka, United States. HWP & ESFP - Quest is adjust life to capture more freedom to drift, dance, play, read, music, harvest, hobby, walk, solace. -
A perfect waltz is the meltdown ...
"masters" is in navigation, has nothing to do with sanctified ed-u-ma-fa-ca-tion. "autodidact" describes me well,
.... rest is perplexing - Not prone to follow -, nada ride the tourist bus or touristy package routes (enjoy hostels), will change with every new day and adapt to the seasons... cosmopolitan yet seek renaissance - don't mind the rain nor need a tan... swill with the strangers on the street and play proper with the snooty... prefer relaxed and casual... bluegrass over opera... have never been to a major league sports game but love live concerts... a natural early morning riser and don't own an alarm clock (or wristwatch)... communicate with animals just fine... understand science and enjoy challenging unknowns... don't fit normality on religion or politics... am adept with mechanical gadgets of any sort... ideals of good health &; how to achieve it... adore(d) by kids and have 2 great references as a single parent .. (they are fully weaned now) ... fear for humanity and the ills of civilization but dwelling upon it is reserved for coffee hour with friends in the morning as we solve everything there... can easily wear a smile for all to see... prefer hugs over handshakes, am on here as casual, curious and cautious - not enough room in my world to play a multiple(s) dating game. (rather not "date" at all) - My match won't be the common woman, your hair will usually be messy and no bother by a broken nail... we can waltz on ANY dancefloor (driveway/lawn/beach/etc), know a motorcycle, boat, horse or fiddle, - (is difficult to compete with a horse though DO encourage the fiddler) ! - understand the animal world and not fear it. you know you're beautiful and won't be in competition to the TV or magazines... or be insecure of the woman we pass on the street. You'll be active and love to move... have your own hobbies that probably set you apart from others ... strive to stay in great health, know the value of eating organic but not fret over an occasional brew or chocolate inspiration... etcetera, communication is an easy natural thing ...
anguish or stress is NOT on the menu, entertainment IS -

Meet a soulmate from Sitka, United States. Hard to explain really...I grew up in a small town in the Midwest and slowly migrated West and North. I love the outdoors - photography and hiking and fishing and kayaking - Have i used up my 200 characters yet?

Date single man from Sitka, United States. I am fun, easy-going and laid back. Would like to travel in a motor home around the country and take several years to do it. I love to play golf and want to get much better at it. I very much enjoy spending time with family and friends.