Date a girl from Walnut, United States. hey friends. i'm hajera.
i'm usually pretty chill about things. i'm also sometimes shy, yet can be scathingly sarcastic. but i'm mostly always nice. i like to be creative and paint and take photographs. and though i'm nowhere near great at any of that, it's fun to mess around with.
i like to think i'm a pretty optimistic person and that i'm a glass half full kind of person, but deep down. i'm pretty sure i'm actually a pessimist. is there a way to be both?
i'm pretty low key. i could spend hours at the beach staring at the ocean. or in a bookstore perusing the shelves. i like to speed walk through museums unless something catches my eye. i love going to concerts. i've crowd surfed once and though that experience will last a lifetime, i'm nowhere near done enjoying watching my favorite musicians do what they do best. traveling is kind of a big deal. i like it. like. a lot. :P
i'm a pretty loyal person. i will stand by you so long as you deserve to be stood by.
i love my family and friends. i could not live without them. they are what keep me anchored.
i also tend to use the word 'pretty' as an adjective. a lot.
if you want to know more. just ask. :)
as for who I'm looking for. well. heres my wish list. :)
i'm looking for someone i can be myself with. someone who's honest, generous, compassionate, level headed, has a sense of family values and morals, has an awesome sense of humor, is laid back and chill about things. but can be serious when need be. basically someone who has a good head on his shoulders and enjoys the little things in life.
hopefully, he's someone who likes to check out shows whether they are of the theatrical or musical variety. enjoys reading for the sake of reading. is intellectual. but isn't arrogant about it. likes to go out and socialize while at the same time can just chill at home. loves to travel and is a bit adventurous. is driven and has a sense of purpose. loves what he does. gets along with everybody. is honest and kind. has a hint of an edge. and just has an awesome personality that meshes well with mine. something like that anyway ;)