Date single man from California, United States. I don't really have a cast-iron image of my "ideal someone". I try to keep an open mind and leave the rest up to the powers that be. But she'll probably be a runner- or bicyclist-type that enjoys exercise, fitness and the outdoors as much as me; She'll be curious about the world and have an open, active mind. And she'll care about family.
Myself, I love to exercise: Run, hike, bike, and ski. A long day of skiing is one of my favorites - it seems like I've been skiing since about the time I learned to walk. I play every now and then at lots of other things such as wind-surfing and surfing. On the more leisurely side, I love to read. I'm always running out of books. And I've been flying small airplanes since I was 18.
I mix in my share of dreaming. Some major outings on my to-do list include bicycle touring the Czech Republic, Austria, and France, and sailing the Greek Isles or the South Pacific. But always, at the end of the voyage it's nice to have a familiar place to come home to.
I'm happy with my professional life. I get paid paid to think and use my imagination, and I enjoy the satisfaction of hard work and accomplishing things. I am just starting to put together a business on the side.