Date women from United States / Arkansas / Bentonville, 59 year old

Date someone special from Bentonville, United States. I think life is good & enjoy people who feel the same. I love GOD but don't thump the Bible. I like going to church but hate going alone. Confrontation is not my thing and I really don't care to be around others who are. I prefer life to be as simple & uncomplicated as possible. I don't need a lot of excitement or Razzle Dazzle to be happy in life. I would like to meet someone to make a life with and be happy and "still in love".

Meet a woman from Bentonville, United States. I've been told that I am strong, observant, caring, generous, loving, patient, kind, quiet, good listener, thoughtful. I've also been told I have low self-esteem, but I'm working on that.
Family is very important to me. I would like to meet someone who would be a good friend first and then who knows?

Date a soulmate from Bentonville, United States. I'm looking for an honest,caring person. If you are not honest and play games please do not contact me. I would love to find somebody who cares about the Lord and wants a caring,sincere person who likes to have fun. I work a full time job due to circumstances beyond my control. I love country music and I love to go to Branson. I have dogs so you have to be a animal lover. If you love to laugh and have fun. Please contact me.

Meet someone special from United States. If you have a great sense of humor, like good coffee, like kicking back, some socializing, like cooking together or at least hanging out in the kitchen while I cook, if you have a good head on your shoulders, if you are not a compulsive liar or nag, like traveling, music, holding hands, not loud or abrasive, and if you have twinkley eyes and a nice smile, then I would be interested in hearing from you. I am down to earth and I have a whimsical side and find humor in many more things than alot of people do. I don't have alot of baggage and hope you don't either. I'm new at this online thing and I will be honest in saying that I am curious to see who's out there. Hoping for a real cutie with a big heart and nice eyes. This is all I'm going to say about myself online for now, but would be willing and ready to share more about myself if we make a connection.

Date a woman from United States. I'm a hardworking, independent woman who is looking for someone that shares the same interest that I have, but also someone that can bring new interest into my life. I'm looking for a man that is warm, gentle, honest and has a sense of humor. Someone that can simply enjoy sitting and watching a sunset or taking pleasure in the simple things in life. I would like to find someone that would fill the empty spaces in my life now that I have raised a child who has a family of their own.